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Everything posted by cozza

  1. cozza

    Invasion 1944 ???

    Umm Gollum...Never mind. I thought it was Medal of Houner Rising sun story line. [ontopic] Fields for Invasion 44 look fucking brillent. Cant wait to ambush some one on them. [/ontopic]
  2. cozza

    Sir william gates

    Everytime i think of Bill gates i think of him smashing Homer Simpsons internet company
  3. cozza

    Ofpanim starter tut!

    Thxs for the tut Hunter. Good work
  4. cozza

    VIP awards

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh WTF Guba in tights and acting like a girl. Remindeds me of all the VIPS and mods here. I like it
  5. cozza

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    heres my try at OFP photography Destroyed Iraqi tank
  6. cozza

    VIP awards

    Round it up to $0.05 AUD cents. I'll go ban myself now for 2 day for being offtopic:p
  7. cozza

    Conflict zone mindanao

    Sounds like a good mod. Once u need a Cutscene maker. Drop me a line.
  8. cozza

    Ofp community history project

    @Kegety. One song togo with your Flying Trabent "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang we love, Hi ho Chitty Chitty Bang Bang we love you too."
  9. cozza

    Next time you think sci-fi, think again

    hey yehh it does Why we need to go to mars when we can play flashpoint which we do
  10. cozza

    Ofp community history project

    Dont want to be a beach bum but wat was OFPN. I bangged my head alot.........yes..........thats a good excuse
  11. cozza

    Australia - world's largest island

    Lookin good. Remenber My house and Lake Elden. Both place hold Value to Victoria.
  12. Hey guys. For the Delta force will you be doing the hunt for Pablo Escubar as a seprate option or is it just fighting the Farc and ELN Also will there be AUC. They have been fightin the FARC for awile ? Batdog
  13. cozza

    Troublemakers mc malden

    Girls hey Drunk hey Bikes hey Sounds cool. Finally a chance to get a girl drunk. Just like Australian pubs
  14. cozza

    For those of you

    And remember, mud spelled backwards is dum! And dum spelled baskwards is Mud. I know. Looking throught my past life I played Naked in the mud when the guy woth water came
  15. cozza

    Marine assault pack

    Dont know if anyone noticed but does it say Suchey on the goggle of some marines Batdog
  16. cozza

    Troublemakers mc malden

    OFP villege people AGHHHHHHH Wonderin wen this was gonna come out but i thought the Klinkster had Life proplems and wasnt makin addon anymore as I read in the Embassy Topic on OFPEC
  17. cozza

    Vietnam island progress

    Wat we like to see. k 1) Rope bridge 2) VC shelter for Weapons and Food There. Just to get the ball rolling
  18. cozza

    Vietnam island progress

    Could be Nice Island, Canadian Europian Anyway OT This and Thru's Vietnam island r wat I'm relly lookin foward too. Keep it up Unsunf team
  19. cozza

    The sims 2

    Maybe i will buy. Just for the Leso
  20. cozza

    Aa:sf (sfas) is here!

    this SUX. dO HAVE TO BUY IT!!! Screw it if u have to.
  21. cozza

    The sims 2

    SAD!!! sims player
  22. cozza

    The sims 2

    isnt this off-topic for off-topic forum
  23. SEB name hueys r gr8 but the defualt anim suck. At the moment I'm downloadin OFPanim and seein if i could then the cargo anin a more Vietnam feel like the legs out the door and guns in the hand. Just wonderin if anythought if it was a good idea Batdog
  24. cozza

    Armed robbery at nogovan regional bank

    Man. No one will make fun of you. If they do tell them to go make a better than mine (Mine as in your not Mine ) Still sound cool. Not editor driven cutsceane are they batdog