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Everything posted by cozza

  1. bahhh. Bad as Top gun. They were using F-5s and callings them Migs
  2. cozza

    Iraqi islands

    lookin nice. Lettle lag means more stuff on the island. Anyway will this be just part of Iraw or The whole of Iraq Anyway. Lookin forward to mod and island
  3. cozza

    New mapfact.net buildings!

    Ahhhh. what ever that means when i try and download them
  4. cozza

    Ive jus realised

    anyone else hear Ralphie comin with his *Topic Locked* stamp
  5. After watching a couple of Doco's about Central Europe would be my idea of Flashpoint 2. Grey clouds. Seeing the mist from a cold soldier's mouth and then a Russian T-72 comes rolling down a street of Concreate buildings and blown cars. Chech soldier try to blow it away with a RPG and die. U Running away from the tank which is unstopable. Sorry but I just dont get this filling in Flashpoint 1. I just cant wait 1 more year. Anticipation is on the border of killing me and making me wait But thats wat i just thought of when Central Europe jumped to my mind
  6. Allready done it. They also gave a demo with it. And a review i thinks. I'll find and scan in.
  7. cozza

    Moscow attack kills 40

    Safe in Australia. condolences for the Russian familys that lost loved ones. Once I think about. Noone is safe. No one shall die from going home. Makes me sick
  8. cozza


    WOHOO!!! My list i got to do 1. Raid Cuban cigar factrory 2. Goto Havana and get a *Censerd* 3.Leave before she comes and finds me for getting her Pregnat
  9. cozza

    Bang bang your dead

    Well tuanting in a stealth mission is wrong. *silenced-bang* EAT LEAD IVAN!!!! Even in heavy combat. With all the shooting I dont think they will hear. I like the idea for yelling orders like the radio.
  10. cozza

    Ofp2 available for preorder

    BAH!!!!!!! I'll never buy it on the internet. Buy it first day at EB and go straght home. Sides. If it over the internet I have to walk 20km to get da post office since the postie come were i live.
  11. cozza

    The "community"

    Sorry i forget them. yes All mission makers. U make all addons very fun to see in combat. Also after trying O2 for a while i decide to find a tut I think I'll get my mission done first.
  12. cozza

    Bridge fight - tonal

    No but i will now USE MOD FOLDERS Theres thats outta the way. Just wait for my voice to break and i'll be a hunk
  13. cozza

    The "community"

    all i goto say is DM and all addon makers in the OFP community is with out your help the community will have been dead a long time ago and nobody would care about flashpoint 2. So in return. NOW I'M GONNA LEARN O2. Cos after reading this. I've ust downloaded 100 houndreds of addons. With out returning a thing. i owe the flashpoint community a lot of Missions and Addons and anims. *edit*- adding a word
  14. cozza


    yeah like rappaing gear. As u go down a cliff half way down a sneaky russian comes and cuts the rope and down the cliff u go.
  15. cozza

    Gone fishing

    Now we need a Huge wave addons and Perfect storms MP. Ohhh I chose Geogre Clooney
  16. cozza

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Soviet Kamakzies attacking USS Nimitz *edit* Cartoon version
  17. cozza


    Lot of my friends are CS fans. Never heard of OFP. I fell alone BIS or CM bring out to many expansions were going to Sims Towns. People will loose intrest and it will be a dusty history of peoples life Why would they make an expasions this close to OFP 2 11 mounths away.
  18. cozza

    Is your inbox filling up with mydoom virus emails?

    Skynet is talking over Commications. BRING ON ARNIE
  19. cozza

    Csla 2

    I know the campaign cheat. All I had to do was watch 67 mins again.
  20. cozza

    Csla 2

    Truley outstanding. FFJ guys. Loved the intro ontill my comp crash cose the power went out and had to watch the intro gain Love the units only thing wrong is the Sa 58 sounds kinda weak dosnt it. never mind. FFJ
  21. cozza

    Csla 2

    Holy no more microsecond count. 47% complete 13 hours to go. Looks like a over nighter for me. 28k bush internet speed I'm gonna get Telstra
  22. cozza

    Csla 2 news

    *batdo starts counting* 86,400,000,000 86,399,999,999 86,399,999,998 This may take a while
  23. cozza

    Upcoming anim pack

    Wat the hell is the guy second from the right doing? Look like his playing with his balls  Pic is pretty dark so it hard to tell Anyway. Looks nice  *edit*- Just moving some lines
  24. cozza

    Suicide pill addon?

    3 pickup Pill 2 O'clock Damn 3 is down *edit*- Mistake
  25. cozza

    Operation flashpoint: nineties crises

    Sounds good. Wat addons are there