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Everything posted by cozza

  1. cozza

    Flashpoint 2004

    Medicene I havnt been to a doctor in 6 years. (that is sad )
  2. cozza

    Flashpoint 2 at e3

    E3 hasnt started yet. I think??? Thinks its the 18th
  3. cozza

    Day of the cicada

    Have fun east coast people
  4. cozza

    Ask a mod

    What is Shrek Anyway. Ralphs Aviator is a creepy thing that is scarinf the shit out of me.
  5. cozza

    Gta san andreas

    GTA Melbourne Listion to Triple M and Nova while driving around in a Holden, being on the side of the Moran family.
  6. cozza

    Flashpoint 2004

    Do we have other options? Yeah. We attack BI studieos in The Cehzch repulic and interrigate Suma and Maruk and all the workers. Or if that dont work. We attack Codemaster HQ (London i thinks???) and interrigate the owner. Anyway. My plans have a lot of attacking. :p
  7. cozza

    Flashpoint 2004

    Well he could be on to something. The pics from flashpoint thread in the Flashpoint 2 genral show Delta looking troops and Jungles and Winter. And it did look a little OFP 1ish so he could be right Well anyway. Lets just wait and see.
  8. cozza

    Australian infantry

    They never said they where dead. but i would like a update of the infantry pack they realesed. Too buggy. All well three more years till I join the army.
  9. cozza

    Australian infantry

    Sounds cool. Australia rulz Anyway hopefully u make some SASR and Commado 1 and Tag-e units.
  10. cozza

    T54 - the best one

    I thought Red Hammer Studios where realesing T-62's soon or in the Futrue. Anyway. What is a bender..........I mean Fender
  11. cozza

    Flashpoint 2 at e3

    Times like this you wish you worked at Bohemia (Batdog Sad )
  12. cozza

    Precious toilet paper rushed across border

    Special off Brown Toilet Toilet paper Cleans while Degerms. AUD$15
  13. cozza

    No jump

    Been said many time Jumping Thought jumping is shit in games.
  14. cozza

    Precious toilet paper rushed across border

    Do you speak from experience?  Yes. Yes i do. When you need to go. You need to go and in the bush. No ones around so who cares  *edit* On what Ozanzac said. In the Combat stroy thread someone said a army is built on Men, weapons and Toilet paper.
  15. cozza

    Precious toilet paper rushed across border

    Just use leaves And the good news is they grow back
  16. cozza

    Combat! bradley pack 1.0 released

    In real life are the Bradleys tanks/Apc Ampihiuous becuase Your one are Dont mean disrespect. I love your units you've made. and I rekon I'll be keepin them for a long time till Flashpoint 2
  17. cozza

    Battlefield 2 announced by ea gamges

    BF2 Ohh Noo. A sequal.
  18. cozza

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Just like Helly said. Yes looking forward to downloading it over the weekend
  19. cozza

    Red Hammer Studios

    Welcome to the boards Simba Wierd looking plane Did it actully fly I'm too lazy to read the history
  20. cozza

    True crime: streets of l.a.

    @Munk- Yeah i fought the dragons and said fuck it and left the game to collect dust @Placebo-The getaway was better than GTA3 but not by much. Going round London in free mode heading to the red light district.
  21. cozza

    Real life photography/photo editing

    As i was walking home from the bus stop (and training for the army:) )in the rain i found a nice looking Kookaburra sitting on a fence. If I had a camera i would have taken a pic put it flew away.
  22. cozza

    Irish army

    What is your mod by the way Is it Project UK forces or another
  23. cozza

    Kuma war

    Come on. There firing and not even behind cover or at least. Prone. This is what make a 10 year old kid think he can stand in the open in a battle and take down a army
  24. cozza

    Knights of the old republic ii

    I hope they improve on the fighting. The fighting in the first one was by my opinion very bad:) Anyway. Hope this game goes good. I like star wars RPG's
  25. cozza

    True crime: streets of l.a.

    The last mission ws shit of the game was the crappest. If you dont want to know dont read below *Such a piece of shit. Fight a dragon *