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Everything posted by cozza

  1. cozza

    IDEA Games at E3

    That soldier moving in the streets looks amazing I hope its the Ai. And that city... no words can explain how fucking amazing it is  @FrietMonkey, Its franks car
  2. cozza

    SimHQ E3 Interview

    well here wat I think. I think the Desert BDU is the Kings Rebulican Soldiers what ever the unit is called ? I dont know
  3. cozza

    IDEA Games at E3

    what the fuck. Fileplanet sucks Monkey Balls. I have a free account but it wont let me download
  4. cozza

    IDEA Games at E3

    hey Thru did you play Apha prime?
  5. cozza

    Black Hawk Down

    Oi MC. No names over the net. Also your not in the battle, bloody Aussie Army getting in there.
  6. cozza

    E3 2006

    hey a Sopranos game Gamespot if anyone acculy knew me I'm a huge Sopranos fan.
  7. cozza

    Latest screenshots available

    7.5kg Thats bloody light. That must be the weight of it unloaded
  8. cozza

    Music Recommendations

    I've been listioning to Iron Maiden - Brave New World. and some pantera .
  9. cozza

    ADF mod needs help

    Sounds cool Ranger Bob. Ohh and the M113 look awsome same with the heli. Are you gonna update the old pilot from the S70 realeased 3 years ago
  10. cozza

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Were'd you get those from
  11. cozza

    E3 2006

    All that time in a dark office working on games can turn any human into a monster   How else do you explain cool and unusal hair
  12. cozza

    E3 2006

    I heard some where that Halo 3 was to be shown at E3. Looking forward to that game. Of Course I'll look forward to anything BIS shows. Alpha Prime I'll be looking forward to as well.
  13. cozza

    The to OT for OT thread

    Bloody Jubes. I like Blondes and Brunettes. Now I said my peice. I go back to do whatever it is I do
  14. cozza

    ArmA Progress Updates

    maybe its the training teams emblem \ maybe there a new unit in the US army designated to go to poor friendly contrries and train there soldiers Whos knows, Just part of the excitement
  15. cozza

    William Porter's Blog

    ACU Pic Is it me or are those troops got ACU camo on ? That'll Cameron McDonald Happy Â
  16. cozza

    Airline Pack by CSJ

    I hope your talking about planes  Cool, Planes make Nogova 2004 airport look cool Â
  17. cozza

    William Porter's Blog

    that looks cool
  18. cozza

    ANZAC day

    yeah I just watched that Galipoli doco. Very Moving, I also watched Australians at War on the Nat Geo  Both of those show how the Australian Fighting sprit is. Sometimes the world forgets what Australia/New Zealand has done in Conflicts.
  19. cozza

    ANZAC day

    Might be coming in late but thanks you to our vets and diggers overseas right now. Same to New Zealand. And Fucking Collingwood wins the Footy.
  20. cozza

    Roll On June

    There is no realease date. BIS has no publisher. But after E3 I hope a publisher will see arma and take it on.
  21. cozza

    Happy St. George's Day!

    I like St. Patrick's Day, Its my Grandpas Birthday I can get drunk . Horray Only if I was Irish. And yeah can you drink on St George day becuase that would give me good excuse for having the day off school
  22. cozza

    $18.99 HALF-LIFE 2/Counter Strike Source CD-KEY

    GOODBYE m8. Hope the mods take pity.
  23. cozza

    An Observation

    I can see rotor blur in that picture. The only pic with the rotor blut is the one were we see 2 gun, but the helo in that one is crewed.
  24. cozza

    Far Cry directx10 gfx video.

    the thing is Arma isnt getting made by EA and Arma will accutily play on normel PC not 2 CPU 3ghz state of the art stuff.
  25. cozza

    Latest screenshots available

    Words can not explain how happy I am  So I'll let this Smilie show