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Barry the baldy

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Everything posted by Barry the baldy

  1. Im not sure if its been mentioned, I dont have time right now to trawl the 100+ pages but the Javelin sound seems to be broken. The initial launch sound plays but the secondary rocket firing doesnt have a sound. Anyone else having this problem?
  2. Barry the baldy

    "A.C.E"new Missions "Operation_Countenance"

    Dl'ed and about to fire it up right now, I'll report back after a playthrough. EDIT: Missed the "coop" part. My mistake. Thought this was SP.
  3. Barry the baldy

    Al Kfrir - Afghanistan

    Releasing early and taking in criticism is the way to go. You did the right thing. At least we have a new toy thats only gonna get better. I'd rather that than wait for a perfect map. Great work here, I'll definately keep an eye on the updates.
  4. Barry the baldy

    Avgani Iraq

    I second 2 points made here. 1. Lowering of police station roof walls. 2. Removal of checkpoints. The checkpoints already being setup limits the amount of scenarios you can have take place in the city. Other than that this is one of the best city maps out there.
  5. Barry the baldy

    Avgani Iraq

    So we cant use this map without QG because of the ladder or is it still playable but with an error message?
  6. Barry the baldy

    Al Amiriya

    Please tell me we dont have to wait for ACE to get our hands on this bad boy.
  7. Howdy all, I'm having some trouble getting men to disembark a vehicle (stryker) and move to a marker position, face a given direction and kneel. To get them to mount I've used the "assignascargo" and "ordergetin" commands and they all mount up just fine, trouble comes when I want them to dismount and move to their positions. Here is the script that activates once the Stryker hits the unload waypoint. man1 doMove getmarkerPos "a" man1 doWatch getdir "markerwatch" man1 setunitpos "middle" man2 doMove getmarkerPos "b" man2 doWatch getdir "markerwatch" man2 setunitpos "middle" man3 doMove getmarkerpos "c" man3 doWatch getdir "markerwatch" man3 setunitpos "middle" man4 doMove getmarkerpos "d" man4 doWatch getdir "markerwatch" man4 setunitpos "middle" man5 doMove getmarkerpos "e" man5 doWatch getdir "markerwatch" man5 setunitpos "middle" man6 doMove getmarkerpos "f" man6 doWatch getdir "markerwatch" man6 setunitpos "middle" man7 doMove getmarkerpos "g" man7 doWatch getdir "markerwatch" man7 setunitpos "middle" man8 doMove getmarkerpos "h" man8 doWatch getdir "markerwatch" man8 setunitpos "middle" man9 doMove getmarkerpos "i" man9 doWatch getdir "markerwatch" man9 setunitpos "middle" exit I've tried using an unload waypoint on the Stryker and they all unload and spin in circles. I've also tried using the "unassignvehicle" command in the script to no avail. Tried calling the script form a trigger and from the Strykers waypoint with no luck. The units aren't grouped since I need them to move to specific points. Anyone have any ideas?
  8. Barry the baldy

    domove getmarkerpos?

    Thanks for the help mate. Worked a charm.
  9. You shouldnt really need too many. A relatively short script can do what a hundred triggers could do and it keeps things tidy as well.
  10. Barry the baldy

    Setting a vehicles speed?

    Thanks for the reply. I've actually tried the method you tried via scripting but I've noticed that over long periods of time it becomes a bit of a system hog. I run an above average comp and its fine for me but others reported that as the mission went on it got slower and slower. And yeah, attaching the vehicle to a group was the first thing I tried and, as you stated, it causes all kinds of problems. Truck starting and stopping constantly, doing crazy turns, going in circles etc. Oh well, I'll just move onto other missions until we have a good workaround I guess.
  11. Ive done some searches and come up with a few solutions that dont work anymore. I'm looking for a way to set a vehicles speed. For example have a tank moving forward at infantry walking speed. The velocity and speed commands don't work anymore and I've tried the movement scripts to no avail. Anyone managed to assign a speed to a vehicle yet?
  12. Barry the baldy

    Vehicles Driving at  "X" Kilometers

    I can not for the life of me get madnos stuff to work. Tried heli route and move scripts but I cant call them with the syntax shown in the script headers. Tried executing the scripts from the vehicles init line, from triggers and from waypoints and still come up with nothing. For the choppers: [bH1, [getmarkerpos "D1",getmarkerpos "D2"], 45, fasle] execVM "mando_heliroute_arma.sqf" For vehicles [car1, 40, 0.1, [[getMarkerPos "D1", 0, 2],[getMarkerPos "D", 10, 2],[getMarkerPos "D3", 0, 2]]execVM"mando_move.sqf" And still nothing happens. Actually nothing happens with the chopper, it just sits there bit the move script gives me an error about dividing by 0. I'd assume that has something with _speed0 being a variable in the script.
  13. Barry the baldy

    High Detail Texture Project

    Lazyness. Great looking map mate, cant wait until it gets some objects laid down. Top notch stuff. ..... And still no insurgents!
  14. Barry the baldy

    BushWars Mod

    Add one more to the list of fans. I'll be watching this one closely as well. Great job guys.
  15. Barry the baldy

    Guerilla replacementsHi this little config

    Not really very useful as an SLA replacement, like others say it would be far better suited as a RACS replacement pack.
  16. Barry the baldy

    ArmA modding IP stack?

    If you're the only one using your computer then you've been hacked somewhere along the line. As stated earlier it needs to be changed by someone, it won't just appear in there. I don't see what you could possibly do by changing it though. Put it in the "Weird" file.
  17. Barry the baldy

    Queen's Gambit goes gold!!!

    10 mission in total?
  18. Barry the baldy

    XAM 1.3 Released

    I'm just waiting for the English manual so I can add the radio to some units and see what else there is in game that we don't know about. So... BUMP.
  19. Barry the baldy

    CEX video new functions

    I'm also interested in knowing if we're dealing with vanilla ARMA AI or if any changes have been made? Either way it'll still be an awesome, actually useful, mod.
  20. Barry the baldy

    VF Realsound Patch V1.4 Last Release

    I'm with the others.... Make the sounds mentioned earlier louder and you'll be good to go. The weapons should be loud.
  21. Barry the baldy

    O2 its here!!!!

    WTF, this is pretty huge news. While not the final version, this means its pretty damned close. Why arent BIS updating their News section?!
  22. Barry the baldy

    Australia 102x102

    WWIIOL provides a map far bigger and it works just fine. This'll be great for ARMA, just need to find other players patient enough to have a decent game with.
  23. Barry the baldy

    British DPM Commandos

    Email sent. Let me know if there are any specific shots you want and I'll knock them up for you, or if in the future you want more hi res pics of your updates. Keep up the good work mate.
  24. Barry the baldy

    British DPM Commandos

    No worries mate, consider it done. What E-mail address you want them at? If you want to keep it private just PM me the addy.
  25. Barry the baldy

    British DPM Commandos

    Might want to really pump up your ARMA settings when you take pictures of new units. I know your comp may not handle it but it really will give others a much better look at your addon since, atm, it all looks slightly blurry and oh my the jaggies . Oh and turn off the friendly tags . Might I suggest the usual practice of setting up 3 or 4 soldiers set to careless. -1 facing front on -1 with back to us -1 from the side Then another screen of the details (patches etc) up close. Other than that, pretty good effort for a first try mate, keep working on them, maybe do a little bit of research and give the Brits a specific commando unit and the alternative of a desert camo. I run a pretty high end machine, I could take some High res shots and E-mail them to you to upload if you like.