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Blink Dog

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Everything posted by Blink Dog

  1. Blink Dog

    Marv [dune buggy 4] by joe lemonades

    As usual a fantastic addon. Is there anyway to convince you to make a pack #5 with VW Dune Beetles and Type 87's ?
  2. Blink Dog

    Absolutely tasteless

    -ShawnElliott How could they not understand the origional context? The Graphic designer who altered the photo had to of seen the origional. The marketing exec who arrainges these things had to seem the photo. Everyone involved probebly saw the origional photo. Everyone should still sign the petition until the printed appology is printed. I don't want these turd suckers to get away with this and let it blow over.
  3. Blink Dog

    Absolutely tasteless

    I added a post at Elecplay.com about this. I think EGM and Sony should appologise. Sony because the publisher of a game is responsible for any promotion done in print and broadcast medias. The provided EGM with files to be used and would have a say in the publishing of the article as well. Well I was debating weather to get a Ps2 or an Xbox, but it looks like Bill Gates is going to get my money. I'll sign the petition in a minute, and post at the IGDA webpage too.
  4. Blink Dog

    War on drugs?

    I wish they had a test like that when I was in. I would have voluntiered.
  5. Blink Dog

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    I'm definately going to make a few Zombie kill'n missions. Looking forward to there release.
  6. Blink Dog

    Flashpoint2.com updated?

    A North Korea senerio would be better, china might come to north Koreas aid or decide to swallow up Taiwan while the Yanks are fighting in Korea. The terain would also make air and armour support less of a factor in the battles and that in turn would create a natural game balance. A really cool senerio would be the Russians move into Estonia and the Finnish government retaliates to aid their Estonian brothers, the Swedes smelling a easy and cheap victory decide to side with the Russians and invade Finland. Meanwhile in Canada I become dictator, kick Mats Sundin out of the country and bar him from playing hockey and send JTF2 on missions to blow up Ikea stores. Sweden then sends a naval taskforce towards Canada forcing the U.S to destroy the task force in classic Tom Clancy style while a small group of drunken Finnish hunters manage to burn Stockholm to the ground.
  7. Blink Dog

    Static skeleton addon complete!!!

    Nice little addon. Add a few others to it though please, like a lying down skeleton or some individual skulls and bones.
  8. Blink Dog

    Flashpoint2.com updated?

    Still not convinced, if they do go with the War on Terrorâ„¢ campaign than it's a cheap, uncreative sellout. If they create a fictional modern campaign, like if the Soviet Union never collapsed and Guba is running things than that would be acceptable.
  9. Blink Dog

    Flashpoint2.com updated?

    Yeah exciting If you were to accurately and realistically fight battles in a War on Terrorâ„¢ mission you would have so much support available that it would be the quickest and most unexciting mission you could possibly have. A good enemy is one that has a chance in hell of fighting back. I wouldn't use another current day real world war for the basis of my game. I would use a fictional one, it worked for them in the past why not keep to the same formula. The cold war had a balance between the two sides, east vs. west, Nato vs. Warsaw pact, USA vs. Soviet Union. I was hoping that they would do a campaign based on the Czech uprisings in 1968 as the European portion of the campaign origionally announced.
  10. Blink Dog

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.1

    1.2 patch is out Wooo!
  11. Blink Dog

    A small shot of what needs a texture artist.

    I would suggest stealing textures from other games or try finding hi res photos on the net.
  12. Blink Dog

    Late rhs x-mas present

    Nifty, looking forward to that too. If you do a pack like that maybe you should consider making a few of the T55 Chassis support vehicles like an engineering vehicle etc. Also I might have some pic files around that might help out with that pack, like unit logos and such.
  13. Blink Dog

    Late rhs x-mas present

    Good job overall, I do have one complaint however. The resistance side tanks look totally gay. Not sure why you deciced to move away from the standard green. The only thing it means though is I have to add empty tanks and crew them with resistance guys. Otherwise great work, keep it up and I'm looking forward to future releases. BTW if you release a T62 pack and do the resistance tanks with that FIA sceme, I will get my handy Estwing campers axe and hunt you down.+2 axe of slaying
  14. Blink Dog

    Bas russian opfor vehicles

    Excellent work, also looking forward to your hummers.
  15. Blink Dog

    Far cry's unscripted ai behaviour

    Far cry and Soldner are going to be the suprise hits of 2004 in my opinion. There is an intro vid for soldner out: http://www.gamershell.com/news_BSoldnerBIntroMovie.shtml
  16. Blink Dog

    Next time you think sci-fi, think again

    They should launch surplus nukes at Mars, if there is life there we would then be able to enslave martians for our own use, if not then we get one hell of a fireworks display.
  17. Blink Dog

    Flashpoint2.com updated?

    If thats the case than 2005 is too early, a 2006 release would be in order. I agree that the mod community will pick up into areas that BIS will ignore but at the same time not many people will do cold war scenerios and groups that do will be under staffed. I will probebly get it thats not the issue, but I'm not sure if I will ever play the campaign if it consists of a War on Terrorâ„¢ scenerio. â„¢ 2001-2003 Bush Administration
  18. Blink Dog

    Flashpoint2.com updated?

    Some of the work has to be done already, if they are looking at a 2005 release they would have to some some work done already. Resistance took a year to do and that was minor compared to a project like this. Also the work that has been done on the Xbox version has probebly been very helpful in implementing code for OFP2, so in effect some code work has been done.
  19. Blink Dog

    Flashpoint2.com updated?

    I agree with Shadow NX, sticking with a cold war scenerio is the way to go. It was one of the reasons I got interested in OFP in the first place.
  20. Blink Dog

    Flashpoint2.com updated?

    it even takes a while on cable, prob due to traffic and the server being located overseas.
  21. Blink Dog

    Flashpoint2.com updated?

    People who dont know how it is to live under a dictator (in worst case Stalin) dont understand the full horor of it. So no, it wouldnt be cool. Yes it would.
  22. Blink Dog

    Flashpoint2.com updated?

    What would be cool is if Guba overthrows the Soviet government instead of Yeltsin in 91 and a new Stalinist type government emerges and tries to retake the former Warsaw pact countries back.
  23. Blink Dog

    Flashpoint2.com updated?

    I hope OFP2 will not become a "War on Terrorâ„¢" cash in. I was looking forward to a cold war era game. I will still get it, but I will prob wait until there is a cold war era mod for it before I purchase, or if some really fantastic advances in game play are made into the game.
  24. Blink Dog

    Dkm tunguska v2

    Okay didn't know it was self extracting rar, my bad. If you release anything else in the future please specify that.
  25. Blink Dog

    Dkm tunguska v2

    if anyone is going to mirror this addon can they make it a .zip file please.