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Blink Dog

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Everything posted by Blink Dog

  1. Blink Dog

    Bkm - albanians and assorted objects

    Actually during the Kosovo Crisis the Americans did support the KLA. There were alot of Albanians living in the U.S and many of them voluntiered to join the KLA. Basicly the KLA were the ground troops and the U.S at the time was bombing Serbia effectively supplying the KLA with an airforce.
  2. Blink Dog

    Bkm - albanians and assorted objects

    Actually during the Kosovo Crisis the Americans did support the KLA. There were alot of Albanians living in the U.S and many of them voluntiered to join the KLA. Basicly the KLA were the ground troops and the U.S at the time was bombing Serbia effectively supplying the KLA with an airforce.
  3. Blink Dog

    Bkm - albanians and assorted objects

    Actually during the Kosovo Crisis the Americans did support the KLA. There were alot of Albanians living in the U.S and many of them voluntiered to join the KLA. Basicly the KLA were the ground troops and the U.S at the time was bombing Serbia effectively supplying the KLA with an airforce.
  4. It is not something you add to the cpp, you need to add a pistol proxy to the model to enamble the model to show a pistol and to do the animations right.
  5. Blink Dog

    New bas vid!!

    It does? I'll have to take a look at it again.
  6. Blink Dog

    New bas vid!!

    I prefer the Laibach version in German myself, but thats a matter of taste.
  7. Blink Dog

    New bas vid!!

    Well it's great to see that you can mount a vehicle in cargo of another but I would rather see a jeep in the back of a Chinook. If Delta is really doing this sort of thing with motorbikes no wonder they can't find Osama Bin Laden.
  8. Blink Dog

    Kuma war

    Well Kuma war isn't the only game doing this War on Terrorâ„¢ type theme it seems. OFP2 is starting to look more like a current conflict game and don't forget the Black Hawk Down/ Delta force series. The cold war is a better setting for games in my opinion, it is not as tasteless and dated.
  9. Blink Dog


    Hex editing is great if the texture you are fitting on works with the model. Doing something in O2 should only be done if you really have to change something or do something with a texture like change the number of times it occurs on a face. But it has been my general experience that most addon makers will ask to use work that has been done or started by anyone else. Most people will not steal work, they just want something that works and need it for their particular mod or project.
  10. Blink Dog


    My superduper AKP-5 now with more Chutzpah! I rock!
  11. Blink Dog


    I'm making a BAS M4 carbine with I44 MP44 barrel as we speak.
  12. Blink Dog


    Anyone would be smoked not just you. I should do a basic hexediting tutorial so the early addon making skills are not lost. At the moment I'm swamped though.
  13. Blink Dog


    Okay think about it, I take an Odol model. Load it into Ultraedit32, select all, replace O/Hous with kkkapt and bang the model will now look for all texture paths in all lods in a pbo called kkkapt. I don't even have to Binarize the model to use it in wrpedit, visitor or wrptool. Trust me I would so smoke you it's not funny. Infact if you were to take Panelak.p3d and put it through P3dedit you would have to realign all the lods so it would show properly in game since Binarizing discards information needed for editing, during the conversion process back the lods become displaced. Trust me I tried it.
  14. Blink Dog


    No it's because in a hex editor you can swap all the texture paths of all the lods at once. I can retexture a model faster than anyone in Oxygen could possably do. The only disadvantage to hex editing is you have to put it into game to preview it.
  15. Blink Dog


    There is hex editing as an option as well. It is frustrating at times but once you get the hang of it you can re texture alot of addons in a short period of time. I did 4 retextures on the BIS panelak buildings, 12 buildings in all, in 4 days and they function exactly like the buildings in game. If I was using Oxy to do the same thing it would have taken me a minimum of 2 weeks to do it.
  16. Blink Dog

    Military Photos

    It looks impressive but what purpose does it serve? I mean wouldn't doing something like actual field exercises be more useful.
  17. Blink Dog

    Sad day for swedes

    Sweden would not stand a chance against Finland. Remember the Finns often fought against overwhelming odds during the Russo finnish war, and managed to take alot of that territory back during WWII. Hell they were even involved in the siege of St Petersburg (Leningrad). Against Norway and Denmark you would have Nato crawling up your ass in no time. Now if you decided to invade Sealand you would prob stand a chance. And Sealand does exist.
  18. Blink Dog

    Sad day for swedes

    Quite a foreskin.
  19. Blink Dog

    Sad day for swedes

    Here is what sweden can do. Build a city with a port and declare it a "free city". Then have it open to every crackpot who wants to buy or sell military weapons, upon entering the city have a flat tax of $1000 U.S to every person entering the city to fund your military. You can also use it to sell Swedish arms and keep the industries maintained inbetween domestic contracts. Heck I'd go there so I could get my hands on a good RPG or heavy machine gun, and I don't even like Sweden.
  20. Blink Dog

    Sad day for swedes

    Yes this is the work of the Pax Suomi Hextaverate. First the Chicago Cubs, now Sweden. 2012 will be the end of the world and all the roads lead to Finland.
  21. Blink Dog

    Officers with helmets, not caps: config.cpp!

    You just need to change the model reference in the cpp. I don't know the model names off hand but they are in the data3d pbo.
  22. Blink Dog

    Will this be our future?

    This is why we all need to be well armed, thin the population now to 500 million then we can drive gas guzzling cars like our parents did.
  23. Blink Dog

    Mix your perfect game

    Neverwinter nights: -Emotes -Character customization -Some roleplay elements, ie economy, bars, getting liqoured -Inventory system, allows you to open packs and has a volume not just wieght. -Attribute system, make your character stronger to carry more or faster runner etc. -Skill system, a basic one at least where you do training missions to learn skills like pilot, repair, medic, drive, also unlocks various vehicles during gameplay so if an empty one is enountered the player can use it. Kinda like AA as well where you need to do sniper course to get sniper rifle. Fallout series: -Similar to above Sims: -Random AI actions, when unit p;aced on map they will do more than just stand there. May wander a bit or smoke a cigarette etc. AA -Sounds best I've heard so far -Weapon animations -Weapon Jamming
  24. Blink Dog

    Players buildings addon

    Having one big addon has 2 disadvantages. 1 being the file size gets to be superhuge which means an island addon would have to include it with the island release making it way big. The other problem is if there are errors and an update has to be published than 56'kers (not me) have the painful task of having to re download it. What would be good is if building makers would pack various addons together in reasonable size (10 MB) pbo's based on a general archetecture type, ie mid east, south American etc etc. We are attempting to do this at Third World explosion Team.
  25. Blink Dog

    An easy addon

    We do need Soccer Hooligans wielding rocks, molotovs, and british culinary delights. Nothing more Humiliating than being hit in the head by boiled beef with mint sauce.