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Blink Dog

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Everything posted by Blink Dog

  1. Blink Dog

    When canadians go Bad!!!

  2. Blink Dog

    T-80 vs M60

    The best tanks are the ones that look cool. Abrams has them all beat. If it was in game the German Panther from wwII would be the ultimate look cool tank, an 11 out of 10 on the cool factor table.
  3. Blink Dog

    Do YoU HaVe AnY PeTs?

    To see Cody Goto: Dogs Eating Corn!!!!!!
  4. Blink Dog


    Here is my idea for the new Euro flag: Red background with a yellow Hammer and Sickle. Hey wait a minute thats the old soviet flag.
  5. Blink Dog

    How sad

    Okay first of all think of the off topic form as a bunch of military personel in the field killing a little bit of spare time. What do soldiers in the field talk about? Hmm lets see: Sexy chix beers drinking stories sexually depraved things that they have done and very rarely (and I mean rarely) military hardware I think that a new section should be put up, Military issues, keep off topic for us goofs who need to vent our insanity on the world.
  6. Blink Dog

    T-80 vs M60

    A good book on the subject from Osprey books is : Tank War Central front Nato vs. Warsaw Pact. It was written about 1988 just before the cold war ended. In it it points out little tangibles like crew training and extra equipment on Nato tanks. check out your local library , it may be out of print since it is dated but it is a good book none the less.
  7. Blink Dog

    T-80 vs M60

    A good book on the subject from Osprey books is : Tank War Central front Nato vs. Warsaw Pact. It was written about 1988 just before the cold war ended. In it it points out little tangibles like crew training and extra equipment on Nato tanks. check out your local library , it may be out of print since it is dated but it is a good book none the less.
  8. Blink Dog

    Where the hell is v1.50!!!!

    A prime example of whinny OFP players, be patient they want to do it right. Don't forget they are also going to be releasing oxy soon too. Just sit back and keep playing.
  9. Blink Dog

    Flashpoint expansion

    I think they are doing both. Indepenace lost and an addon for OFP. Personally I would like to have more camera control in the editor. I have some great ideas for cinamatic sequences but cannot figure out how to do most of it. It would also be cool if they had Oxygen and the terrain editor on the same CD.
  10. Blink Dog


    My TV died today what happened?
  11. Blink Dog

    Great New AA Vehicle

    It's not an AA vehicle it is Rocket artillery.
  12. Blink Dog

    Great New AA Vehicle

    It's not an AA vehicle it is Rocket artillery.
  13. Blink Dog

    Great New AA Vehicle

    It's not an AA vehicle it is Rocket artillery.
  14. Blink Dog

    ?Was my topic deleted?

    Same thing happened to me. Since I got no message as to why here it is again. Cowbell
  15. Blink Dog

    the one effect we've all forgotten

    I had an Atari 800xl very similar to the C64. Had the best sound, 8 bit, this was 6 years before the PCs had it. I had both the tape drive and a disk drive for it. The great thing about computers back then was true plug and play ability.
  16. Blink Dog

    the one effect we've all forgotten

    They did have the 3 1/2 inch disks, but they were only 720 K and only available for the Apple macs. They later came out for the Atari ST's and the Commodore Amigas, PC's were the last to adopt them.
  17. Blink Dog

    When we colonize the mooo, what kinda republic

    A vote for me is a vote for anarchy. Survival of the fittest baby!
  18. Blink Dog

    Did you know....

    Just like the arctic and antarctic you cannot own any Land on the moon. There are international laws against this. A interesting little factoid as well is that you cannot explode a nuclear device in space as well.
  19. Blink Dog

    Home made traffic lights

    Cool stuff, now I can make a midtown madness mod for OFP.
  20. Blink Dog

    Cool , new Bi project

    Hopefully you get to play Aussie SAS, get to kick some Indonesian ass! Then go back to base for a few Fosters.
  21. Blink Dog

    What OS do you like best?

    Well personally I think the best OS was the ROM based GUI used by the Atari ST series. It took up no space on your hard drive and used no RAM. So instead of having only 80% of your actual RAM and hard drive space taken up, your computer was its actual specs, not a taxed version.
  22. Blink Dog

    a mod poll

    I chose a pistol for both sides. I want to eventually ad a Colt python model. I need BIS to create the animation sequences for holding and firing a pistol. But the bus would be awesome, it should also have one of those beefeaters with a pike driving it.
  23. Blink Dog

    Favorite music to play OFP by...

    "Payback" by Slayer would be perfect sound track for an afghanistan kill binladen senerio. I also listen to The Exploited, "scaling the derry wall", "Barry Prossit", "death before dishonour". "jesus built my hotrod" by ministry would be great for a MP racing senerio. No one with a good car needs to be justified!
  24. Blink Dog

    Favorite music to play OFP by...

    "Payback" by Slayer would be perfect sound track for an afghanistan kill binladen senerio. I also listen to The Exploited, "scaling the derry wall", "Barry Prossit", "death before dishonour". "jesus built my hotrod" by ministry would be great for a MP racing senerio. No one with a good car needs to be justified!
  25. Blink Dog

    Why is US soo anti-communist?

    I think most of you know what my opinion of communism is. Personally I despise communist governments, they reward the lazy and punish those who work hard. Just think about this: If communism did not fall in eastern europe we would not have OFP. Our friends in the Czech republic would not have been allowed to form a company on their own and make such a great game.