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Blink Dog

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Everything posted by Blink Dog

  1. Blink Dog

    I r not happy

    http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/cgi-bin....4956382 Read, proof that people are leaving the game.
  2. Blink Dog

    I r not happy

    http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/cgi-bin....4956382 Read, proof that people are leaving the game.
  3. Blink Dog

    I r not happy

    I think you are right about the poor sale comming. Other games have come out recently and quite a few are pissed from the "decision". Personally I cannot model worth shit, but I like to retexture, doing it the hard way with a million different third party tools is the wrong approach. It leads to fuck ups. Look at the Goth chick for OFP . Now this is a model I recently retextured, it only works if you keep the .pbo name and all other file names the same. The p3d is fubar'd and I cannot modify it. It is a retexture of the Terr2 model from the Capt Moore mod. The counterstike reskin I did was easy, I just swaped files in HL model viewer and bingo! new model.
  4. Blink Dog

    I r not happy

    I think you are right about the poor sale comming. Other games have come out recently and quite a few are pissed from the "decision". Personally I cannot model worth shit, but I like to retexture, doing it the hard way with a million different third party tools is the wrong approach. It leads to fuck ups. Look at the Goth chick for OFP . Now this is a model I recently retextured, it only works if you keep the .pbo name and all other file names the same. The p3d is fubar'd and I cannot modify it. It is a retexture of the Terr2 model from the Capt Moore mod. The counterstike reskin I did was easy, I just swaped files in HL model viewer and bingo! new model.
  5. Blink Dog

    Ofp: resistance delayed?

    Is that worldwide? Or everywhere but north america?
  6. Blink Dog

    Xp still does not work

    I downloaded 1.58 and there is no change from 1.55. I sent an error report to Microcrap. I could not copy paste the text in the report here. Here is my system: P4 1.5 256MB pc133 ram Gforce 2 64MB VC Sound built into motherboard. I use cable internet connected via networkcard.
  7. Blink Dog

    Xp still does not work

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <DATABASE> <EXE NAME="OFPMPTEST.EXE" FILTER="GRABMI_FILTER_PRIVACY"> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="IFC22.dll" SIZE="196608" CHECKSUM="0xA2575C94" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="2.2.8" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Immersion Foundation Classes" COMPANY_NAME="Immersion Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Immersion Foundation Classes" FILE_VERSION="2.2.8" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="IFC22.dll" INTERNAL_NAME="IFC22" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright © Immersion Corporation 1999, 2000" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x1" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="04/20/2001 21:39:41" UPTO_LINK_DATE="04/20/2001 21:39:41" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) [0x409]" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="is3Dfx.dll" SIZE="49208" CHECKSUM="0x138E3786" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="03/02/2001 09:37:30" UPTO_LINK_DATE="03/02/2001 09:37:30" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="OFPMPTEST.EXE" SIZE="4548370" CHECKSUM="0xE486818E" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="1.58" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Operation Flashpoint" COMPANY_NAME="" PRODUCT_NAME="Operation Flashpoint" FILE_VERSION="1.58" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="generic.bin" INTERNAL_NAME="Flashpoint" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright © BIS 1996-2001" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="05/21/2002 12:162" UPTO_LINK_DATE="05/21/2002 12:162" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) [0x409]" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="OFP_Server.exe" SIZE="2613305" CHECKSUM="0xD90029B0" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="1.30" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Operation Flashpoint" COMPANY_NAME="" PRODUCT_NAME="Operation Flashpoint" FILE_VERSION="1.30" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="generic.bin" INTERNAL_NAME="Flashpoint" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright © BIS 1996-2001" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="11/06/2001 120:27" UPTO_LINK_DATE="11/06/2001 120:27" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) [0x409]" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="OPERATIONFLASHPOINT.EXE" SIZE="4278034" CHECKSUM="0x6D8E1ABF" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="1.46" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Operation Flashpoint" COMPANY_NAME="" PRODUCT_NAME="Operation Flashpoint" FILE_VERSION="1.46" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="generic.bin" INTERNAL_NAME="Flashpoint" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright © BIS 1996-2001" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="03/04/2002 10:42:13" UPTO_LINK_DATE="03/04/2002 10:42:13" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) [0x409]" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="OpFlashPreferences.exe" SIZE="479298" CHECKSUM="0xE123C960" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="2, 0, 0, 1" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Operation Flashpoint preferences" COMPANY_NAME="" PRODUCT_NAME="Operation Flashpoint" FILE_VERSION="2, 0, 0, 1" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="OperationFlashpoint.EXE" INTERNAL_NAME="Preferences" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright © 1999" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="06/26/2001 10:27:41" UPTO_LINK_DATE="06/26/2001 10:27:41" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) [0x409]" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="UnInstall.exe" SIZE="77886" CHECKSUM="0x7F608298" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="05/25/2001 09:53:13" UPTO_LINK_DATE="05/25/2001 09:53:13" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="UnInstallGold.exe" SIZE="77898" CHECKSUM="0x2E239F11" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="11/05/2001 06:30:20" UPTO_LINK_DATE="11/05/2001 06:30:20" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="BIN\ijl15.dll" SIZE="352256" CHECKSUM="0x5CC5195" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="1,51,12,44" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Intel® JPEG Library - Retail Version" COMPANY_NAME="Intel Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Intel® JPEG Library" FILE_VERSION="1,51,12,44" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="ijl15.dll" INTERNAL_NAME="ijl15" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright © Intel Corporation 1998 - 2001" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x5C30D" LINKER_VERSION="0x40000" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="05/30/2001 21:37:47" UPTO_LINK_DATE="05/30/2001 21:37:47" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) [0x409]" /> </EXE> <EXE NAME="kernel32.dll" FILTER="GRABMI_FILTER_THISFILEONLY"> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="kernel32.dll" SIZE="926720" CHECKSUM="0x6262EEA5" BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.0" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.0" PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.0" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Windows NT BASE API Client DLL" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft® Windows® Operating System" FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="kernel32" INTERNAL_NAME="kernel32" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xE8792" LINKER_VERSION="0x50001" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.0" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.0" LINK_DATE="08/18/2001 05:332" UPTO_LINK_DATE="08/18/2001 05:332" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) [0x409]" /> </EXE> </DATABASE> This is what showed up I found it pasted it here. I will keep U guys informed what responce I got.
  8. Blink Dog

    Xp and 1.55

    I have Home edition and had this happen too.
  9. Blink Dog

    Cs is planned to be banned in germany by bpjs!

    Nothing preventing you from hopping on one of those speedy euro trains and buying in a real country like Belgium or the Nehterlands
  10. Blink Dog

    Cs is planned to be banned in germany by bpjs!

    I know how you guys feel, my web page was banned in Germany. Heaven forbid the period between 1933-1945 in Germany never existed. Best thing to do, move somewhere where the games are not banned.
  11. Blink Dog

    I wish i had tourettes syndrome

    Personally I think Tourettes syndrome is the thing to have, the million dollar wound if you will. First off you get to swear and say innappropriate things in public, and get off with an excuse. Two you can cash in on government money and stay home all day playing flashpoint.
  12. Blink Dog

    U gonna buy the civilian ofp thing?

    Looks like a Motorcycle in it, definately yes. I also vowed to purchase every supplement they publish for OFP. VBS will never be published for civvy use, just face it. Independance lost will have some of the models and such it looks like but not some of the more advance scripting used in VBS.
  13. Blink Dog

    Lets have the "jap" debate again

    Yank or Yankee is derogitory to Southerners in the states, many do not wish to associated with the Yankees who burned and pillaged Georgia during the civil war. Southerners should be termed "rebs" after the term Jonny Reb. Also Texans often consider them selves separate from Americans, often refering to the state of Texas as the Rebublic of Texas.
  14. Blink Dog

    OFP: Resistance

    If they do add the bike I'm doing an Evil Kinevil Mod.
  15. Blink Dog

    Just a simple question to bis

    hmm lets see boyo. Czechs seek to be free of soviet communism in '68. Soviets disagree and invade. I call this justifiable payback. EDIT First off this is a pro czech message, I pride myself as being quite Anti- communist fuck you very much. If you really want to get super technical the Soviet union is quite well know for using violence against civilians. Recently during the break-up of the Soviet Union in places like Latvia, Chechnia, Armenia, Azerbaijian. If BIS wants to portray communists as being Evil Baby killers then thats there right and I will always support them. END EDIT
  16. Blink Dog

    Next Patch Issues?

    Agreed a join in progress server software would be excellent. It would also give anyone making an RPG variant for flashpoint the ability to do an online game like Everquest or Anarchy Online. That gives me another idea: -Emotes. I also play a game called Everquest. In it there are emotes that the character will perform. ie, /yawn will make you character do a yawn, /dance and your character does a dance. It is kinda like doing scripts for IRC chat, but instead of just text showing up the character model will perform the action. I think it would give MP new life since you could do rude jestures and laugh at people. It would also allow SP mission to have more ambience since you could have civilians doing stuff.
  17. I chose cold war, but I would also like to see all the above made into addons and mods for OFP or as OFP2+. It would be neat to have a WWI tank in OFP, a museum peace that the resistance commandeers to fight the red menace. It would also be cool to have firearms from other time periods to arm civilians and resistance.
  18. Blink Dog

    Next Patch Issues?

    Physics. See previous posts, they pretty much convey my opinion on the matter. A few other things I would not mind seeing: -Limited Jumping ability. Not like Q3 or CS where you leap tall buildings in a single bound. Just high enough so you can jump up onto or over a sand bag wall. Have weapon accuracy during jump same as running. -Ride on outside of tanks and other vehicles. Soviet infantry used to ride on the outside of tanks all the time. -Fireing posts and aim out windows of vehicles. If character is a passenger in a vehicle allow the to stick weapon out of window or firing port. A Black Hawk down senerio would require this. Also great for resistance drive by shootings. I have no idea if these are possible to implement but it would be cool to see if it is possible.
  19. Blink Dog


    MOH is okay. It is good for building co-ordination and making you make decisions quickly. Most 1p shooters are like that. My fav shooter after OFP has to be Urban terror mod for Q3. The maps are better than in CS (more pathways) and it has a good weapon balance. OFP is my fav though since enemy AI is clearly superior to any other game and the maps are huge.
  20. Blink Dog

    why did you use your username

    Comes from my days when I was (kinda still am) a D+D nerd. Blink Dogs are wild dogs capable of teleporting. They are the natural enemies of Displacer Beasts (a big ass cat with tenticles that projects an illusion). So I did not create the name from scratch but I like it so I use it.
  21. Blink Dog

    T-80 vs M60

    The Panther still looks the coolest. No Soviet tank looks cool especially when you look at the crew. Soviet Uniforms have always been unimpressive. If wars were a fashion show the Germans would have taken over the world multiple times.
  22. Blink Dog


    203 in dog years
  23. Blink Dog

    How to make a bowl of ceral

    true but what if someone invented the cereal first, then asked themselves "how in the hell do I eat this?!?" He probebly then invented the bowl.
  24. Blink Dog

    How to make a bowl of ceral

    Which came first, the cereal or the bowl?
  25. Blink Dog

    Am I the ONLY guy with a crappy computer!?!

    Whine whine whine, geezus I can't even run the game until I get my income taxes back!