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Everything posted by BraTTy

  1. BraTTy


    Wow noooooooooooooooooooooo ! Moderators can't quit can they? Denior has definately been an asset to these forums and the ofp community. He can't go. I will go out in the forums and start a rukus,it will take every moderator you got ! No, I am just kidding. I will be good ,but such a tragic and sad loss.
  2. Yes instead of arguing why wont you just try what I said? Your plane has the same problem as mine.And I clearly showed you that.I also clearly showed you getin doesnt get called when you start in a vehicle.
  3. Hmm K, Sorry I don't have time to work on your plane, I have my own problems,lol. You think I doctored the pics or something.I was just showing that you have the same problem.The F18 I used is version 1 and both computers hardly have any addons installed.Thing is I have more hidden selections than your F18 and it looks funny. You even think that getin executes when you start in a vehicle,its not helping me at all to explain this to you. But animations work globally,your init line is moving your canopy.Instead of arguing.Take any other addon (not one loaded with scripts) And add this to the getin eventhandler getin ="[_this select 0] exec ""\iegf4u\getin.sqs"""; And then tell me that line executes when you start in the plane is all.But this isn't helping my problem.My next post here will be the solution.
  4. BraTTy

    Missile proxy problem

    The Corsair already had bombs and missiles.I was trying to use missile proxies instead of the hidden selection is all. First plane to have bombs and missiles like that apparantly. The missiles also fold with teh wings of course, I was just trying to do more,If I didnt have folding wings I could have used missile proxies and done the hidden selections on the bombs
  5. I don't know how you are doing your tests, but they seem to disagree with work I have already done and that is already available for download. The triggering of the fuel EH anywhere will get it triggered on all machines. The "Fuel" handler does run on all machines,but how are you triggering it? Changing the fuel from the "init" eventhandler does not appear to change the fuel on all machines and so globally the fuel handler isnt activating on all machines
  6. Hmm, K i looked at your plane and tried it lan and the scripts are NOT executing globally,sorry I had to be the bad news bearer. Here is a pic from the clients machine,notice the plane in front of him (among all the other planes) Do not have their hidden selections drawn,because the scripts DON'T execute on these planes on a clients machine.I had to enter the plane that I was in and then the scripts ran
  7. No Hudson that was only a suggestion pages back, and Jacob already answered it saying he tried and it doesnt work I was only trying to help with the soldier solution, but I am working with a plane and am also trying to get a manager script running automatically at startup on all machines and I have a lan setup here and testing
  8. Well I have been working on this night and day and so far this: Changing the fuel ran from an "init" event handler does not change the fuel on the clients,therefore no fuel eventhandler is activated for the clients in the game Getin does no execute when you start a soldier in the vehicle (sorry pennywise) I have lan setup and testing this and i am stumped,only way i get the scripts to run on the clients,is using like engine,fuel,getin,eventhandler ,but the client has to use them to activate. I do not have a way of making a global script activating yet automatically
  9. LOL , ...I just told you that "getin" does NOT get called when you start the game and a soldier is in the vehicle. The way I called it completely right,I have no typos, my canopy starts open and "getin" did NOT get called. Don't sit here and talk theory,try it yourself and see. But nevermind anyways,it's not important, it doesnt help
  10. Whatevers in the ComReference is all we got
  11. Hmm.. look at this getin="(_this select 0) animate [""corcanopy"", 1]"; When I start the game, my canopy is still open,therefore that line did not execute,what test did you run? You must have a script running thats closing the canopy It works after that,i am saying it doesn't appear to run because the soldier didnt getin is my guess
  12. Still somewhat confused the fact that the "init" eventhandler only runs server side,but yet changing the fuel on the server will change all the clients,how do I determine what commands that are ran from the server will also run on the clients.
  13. class corwingu { displayName="Execute Script"; position="canopy"; radius=2 condition="driver this == player and (getpos this select 2) > 1 and getpos this select 2 < 400"; statement="[this] exec ""\addondir\myscript.sqs"""; }; That useraction will appear only for the driver and when there is a driver and altitude is greater than 1 and less than 400 meters Setting the speed of a vehicle? Denoir had a nice equation i kph that i need to find out there in the forums using setvelocity
  14. BraTTy

    Ofp res suggestion

    Hmm, looking at I44 forums and the amount of requests that the mod be 1.46 compat, I'd bet otherwise. I've seen figures of OFP vs Res sales but I don't remember to say
  15. BraTTy

    Ofp res suggestion

    Thats what they are hearing if they have 1.46 and try to run Resistance addons
  16. BraTTy

    Ofp res suggestion

    Reg OFP is now called version 1.46.Resistance is an addon but GOTY is classed as Resistance I'm saying get rid of regular OFP and only use Resistance No more version 1.46, addon makers trying to make addons ver 1.46 compatible is hurting the addons There are currently 3 versions of OFP OFP 1.46 OFP Resistance 1.91 and now GOTY is also version 1.91 Red Hammer and such I believe would be considered 1.46 also I believe I'm sure most know what I am talking about I'm not saying get rid of the old islands and such,lol Just make sure everyone has Resistance version (GOTY)
  17. BraTTy

    High detail helicoptor!

    Anyone read his page and let us know the status.Doesn't make sense tho...doesn't have the time to finish any but keeps starting more?
  18. BraTTy

    Background texture probs

    A little confused but how are you converting these backgrounds? This is a O2 Troubleshooting topic, you make it sound like you want a background in O2? The background texture in O2 is for texturing your model, not for use as a fancy background while you work on your models.This may not be the case, but sounds like it.lol I would suspect whatever method you are using for converting.Also you notice that when you copy and paste a pic from webpage,its usually a small bmp. But the pic size may also be the problem, the format needs to be a size like : 16x16,16x32,32x32,64x64 so you cant have a pic for example: 31x32..it wont work
  19. Isnt a soldier also a vehicle? Cant you add and remove some fuel still to activate? The problem lies with weapons it seems, no fuel there
  20. LOL Sorry BN880, thats what I was asking, lol Thankx ,thats the route I am taking then.I just didnt understand that if init only runs on server,if it would change the fuel on all clients.Just got my 2.5 year old a computer so we should be able to lan test this now anyways.Cant get my older son to play OFP hardly anymore. Pennywise , no sorry getin doesnt. I have events attached to my canopy (closes and locks canopy when you getin) And when I start the game flying,guess what...canopy stays open. (my model starts with canopy open btw) No canopy action happens, otherwise it would close
  21. Problem with getin tho is that it only executes when someone gets in, this is a problem as even if you start the game in a vehicle, it doesnt execute. You think changing the fuel from the "init" will change the fuel on all clients? Suppose I will have to test
  22. BraTTy

    Missile proxy problem

    Oops after doing a massive search I found what I didnt want to hear and its from Suma: This is not supported in OFP engine. Airplane can have proxies of only one weapon type armed Thats why my missile proxies aren't working,yikes Guess it will have to have the fake modelled proxies after all.
  23. BraTTy

    Static workaround for wheeled vehicles

    Define your turret, cant have rotating missile proxies, so model your missile to the turret and have it disappear when you shoot a missile using hidden selections
  24. BraTTy

    Static workaround for wheeled vehicles

    I think Col Klinks method would work just fine.
  25. I have chatted with him and he has worked on it.I am not sure of its status.But he is still around.