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Everything posted by BraTTy

  1. BraTTy

    Boat to have spinning prop

    Ahh I see ...and oops I also left that 300000 animation radius Should be angle1=-6.2831853072; And no I havent tried that addon, been too busy with my own stuff
  2. K I have SUCCESS!! I didn't use a trigger and the best way I have is by calling my manager script from the init line (only needed for mp) Unless someone has a better solution? If the "init" eventhandler were called from every computer I wouldnt have to even do the init line. But anyways, it all tests out good now ,just tweaking stuff and plane will be done soon.I have days into this and ended up doing an init line which is not really want I wanted.But I am happy with the results
  3. BraTTy

    Boat to have spinning prop

    Right...seeing the 1 second animation period defined in the animation,it would be a slow animation if it worked But calling it every .001 and keep switching from 1 to 0 like that isnt gonna rotate it.Its not gonna work in that example Look at the Pak36 towable artillery to see how I did continous animation.Similiar way also in use on the wheels of my plane thats not released yet. You need a fast animation period: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Animations { class propeller { type="rotation"; animPeriod=.0001; selection="propeller"; axis ="prop_axis"; angle0=0; angle1=300000; }; }; And then increment it little by little: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ; Based off BraTTy's Pak towing script _boat = this select 0 #cycle ~.001 _aphase = _aphase + .02 _boat animate ["propeller", _aphase] ? _aphase >= 1 : _aphase = 0 ? ! isengineon _boat: exit goto "cycle" You can even get fancy and make a formula to make it spin faster depending on speed,but that wouldn't be necessary for a prop
  4. BraTTy

    Boat to have spinning prop

    Just that I don't see how that will do continuious animations (spinning)
  5. The firing point is a single vertex in memory called "kulomet" and only fires forward
  6. BraTTy

    Ignore backfacing

    Depending on the object, you can press "control W" Often I have to select a bunch of vertex and faces I don't need and press "control H" to hide them until I can get to what I need
  7. BraTTy

    Somke launcher

    Like Maddog was stating ...add the eventhandlers class within your cfgvehicles for your tank. I would do something like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class EventHandlers { fired="[_this select 0,_this select 4] exec ""\youraddondir\smoke.sqs"""; }; And in your smoke.sqs ...something like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;smoke.sqs file _tank = _this select 0 _weapon = _this select 1 ? _weapon == "smoke_luancher" : goto "smoke" exit #smoke (insert smoke launcher routines here) You don't have to do anything to your cfgweapons or cfgammo for this to work.The "fired" eventhandler will run every time for each burst of any weapon (from my observations) Just make sure your smoke routines is linked with the proper weapon name in smoke.sqs
  8. BraTTy

    Ofp res suggestion

    Everyone I talk to has the same thoughts on this. My opinion is that we should eliminate reg OFP all together. For a few reasons: Reg OFP shouldn't be compared to todays games at all. Addon and mod incompatibilities The users that tried reg ofp,said blah and left I think reg ofp should be removed from the world ,lol Offer ofp users a upgrade for free or a small (maybe like 5$ for goty with trade-in?) I think it would get users back and enhance the community
  9. Actually on my ww2 plane, the bombs are proxies and my rockets come out of my l/p raketa and my rockets are simulation = shotmissile,just they dont lock So your chopper,not having bombs prolly, you shuld be able to arrange 3 weapons types that I am aware Sorry I havent used l/p strela
  10. You became the best by doing your best.I don't compare people like that and it doesn't matter to me as each has their own unique skills,mine are mostly mechanical and I do have a good understanding on how things work.Dont let it get to you STT that statemant came from a pesron that doesnt even know how to do landing gear. My current status of this running a client script problem: I am getting very discouraged at some of OFPs limitations...Appears the mission maker has most control in a mp game and the only way I can see so far is using a trigger.I may have to include a trigger that a mp mission maker would have to insert. Could also initilizing all the planes for a client when at least one gets used by them,but that wouldnt help the visuals for the enemy I also notice useractions are NOT global,animations are but the scripts aren't. Getting very discouraged.......!!
  11. BraTTy

    Follow the history or the justice?

    Wow thank you guys for this topic. I believe in authenticity too.But I guess I need to change that to "As Authentic for everybody" I will be removing the swasticka from my plane.Not very good if some can't use it because of a decoration. Weird law tho, they brought us it and took it away!
  12. BraTTy

    F22 raptor - air superiority plane -

    On my Helldiver (has bombbay) I made it so anymode but safe the AI opens the bombbay , and they use the bombs when needed that way.
  13. BraTTy

    F22 raptor - air superiority plane -

    There is no way you can make it to open automatically when you fire a missile. To sxep: Interior and retractable gears are there, don't worry ;0. And Jamming system is done, I've forgot to list it there. Actually you could use the fired eventhandler and make the animation activate as the weapon fires. The problem I see tho, is that depending on the animation period...the bay doors will prolly still be opening when the weapon fires,need some way to delay the firing of the weapon while the bay opens. May be possible with the weapons cfg..the inittime and such, but I havent played with that much in the sense of delaying them Great job and looks great!
  14. BraTTy

    Follow the history or the justice?

    I'd like it realistic as much as possible.But if you think there is problems ,please tell me now as I already have one on my German plane ! http://www.freewebs.com/bratz_addons/hs123.htm Doesn't make sense tho,as any picture you see thats from that era of course has original markings.
  15. BraTTy

    Missile proxy problem

    Yes thats the reason why I do it that way,the ammo count stays the same. Adding and removing the weapon basically just disables the weapon,the ammocount stays Also mind you that my bombbay starts closed,so I actually start the plane without the weapon (just ammo) Then add the weapon when the bombbay opens,remove it when closed,get what I mean
  16. Thought I had proxies mastered ,I can do bombs fine but appears I am having problems putting multiple types of proxied weapons. What were the rules again? I thought you can have one type of guided and multiple types of unguided? Well all mine are unguided, anyone have any tips? Anyone know of an addon making use of multiple types at once that I could look at? I want the missiles to show,not hidden tube type.
  17. Step by step? Like this from messages ago.That is how I checked for the problem
  18. LOL you don't have the solution and your plane has the same problem. OMG grow up.
  19. ?? NOBODY has the solution for this !! You need a ban after calling me bugger picker and such,you are doing nothing in this topic but slamming people. I would give some input on your plane on some of the other things wrong,but you don't take critisism well. I have my own stuff to worry about and I hope to release it bug free. Or I could just sit here like you and claim its perfect
  20. On another note I have had some success activating my gear event : _plane action ["Gear Land",_plane] Possiblility to make local players activate scripts on their end (without them doing it or their knowledge). But I am encountering lockups running my manager scripts from the gear event and hasn't been tested multiplayer.But thats where I am at.There is hope Actually its more like this: player action ["Land Gear", _plane] get what I mean?
  21. If your start the plane out flying...its local to you,geez.I didn't wanna sit here and explain the basics of eventhandlers and global to you.Please tell the Bas team how you are running scripts globally then genius.Apparantly your F18 is so advanced they can't see how you are doing it (cause your not!!!!!) Anyone that plays with eventhandlers and sees that getin doesnt execute when you are already in and will understand your just been talking crap. Why didn't you just try what I said? Take all your other eventhandlers out and use just the getin and start your plane out flying and you will see that I have been 100% correct in what I have been telling you.This is not something I tested months ago.This is something I been testing now. I am done with this thread too, you ruined it.Just wasting peoples time is all.
  22. BraTTy

    Missile proxy problem

    The missiles stay with the wings and also fold. On my other plane, I have the bomb bay, I am not sure about making proxies disappear at will, but I disable the weapon by removing just the weapon when the bomb bay is closed,and add the weapon when the bay is open.
  23. Your init line is running from the server ,and checking for a player in the plane and running animations from there.Animations ran from server will run global. Your messagemgrsqs is whats being called and from there an init.sqs ;========================================================= ;Initialize Global Variables ;========================================================= ?(_doInit):[_obj, _wingctrl] exec _init and your canopycntrl.sqs is also called from there among some other things (your sonic boom) I have looked at your scripts and I have tried the plane flying and only checked for a bit ,because I saw that it exhibited the same problem as mine and there is no fix there. We all know that animations execute global, we all know that once you enter a vehicle its local,so by starting the game with a soldier in it that plane is local , that doesn't help the remaining vehicles that are empty . I showed whats up,even a pic and you still don't believe me. You think something is wrong with my machines or something. And you still think getin executes when you start the game with a player in it. You claim your the mp guru, so explain to Jacobbaby how you claim you are running your scripts globally? Because he is the one started this topic and was asking for an answer.Your not using the fuel event for a vehicle and this would be of interest to him. Thing is...your not running the scripts globally,otherwise those hidden selections would get drawn on the machines that are empty on the clients. There is nothing wrong with your plane,it has the same problem we all do and anyone that has hidden selections on their soldier or vehicle and needs to texture them at startup. And your not helping here at all
  24. LOL even nasty pvt messages.I will settle this like an adult here and now.Appears I have no choice ,but I have to explain. First of all I didn't start this post and I was trying to help by figuring out a global way to execute a script from within an addon,because I also need to do this (so don't you) I try not to offend,your jet is most excellent and you know I like to help.Your plane along with mine makes use of "hidden selections" I have like 39 of them at last count.I need to find a way to execute a script globally to texture some of these hidden selections at startup. We know "init" runs from server and thats how I was doing it.And works fine for single player.However I fire up a lan game and look from the clients machine and the selections are still hidden.When I get my manager script to run from the client side ,it works then ,so nothing is wrong with the scripts. I can attach the script to other eventhandlers and get it to run then (by engine,getin,getout etc..) But not at startup I have tried the fuel eventhandler many times and of course ,running a script automatically from server side isn't changing the fuel on all machines.I am to assume that bn880 is making it work by creating global variables within the game and broadcasting them.Thats an approach I am trying not to use yet.Which gets me to another thing. Your plane is closing the canopy by itself when a pilot is in it because of your init and global variables you are using ,because I am testing this like crazy and I tell you getin does not activate when you start the game with a player in it.If thats the case I could attach my script to getin and getout handler and it would run whether a soldier is in it or not.It won't. The way I checked your plane is the same way I check mine.I made quick mission that starts with 5 empty planes and 2 soldiers not in any vehicle. Now when you look at the planes from the server ,everything is fine (init eventhandler) But from the clients side ,none of the planes has their hidden selections drawn because no script has ran yet,now when the client gets in  a plane,the script runs and everythings ok on that plane (but like the pic, I showed you other planes don"t) Now this is ok for you as you only have the little flaps that I see and the script will eventually get ran ,but I have quite  a few parts including most of my gear that doesnt get textured . I will fix my problem , help is nice as I may resort to making some global variables,but to be honest,I want many of these planes at the same time and I would just like to find a way to run a script globally thats internal and not dependant on any network services or what have you. But trust me,I am testing these things now and what I tell you is true.I have tried quite a bit of different stuff and still am And on another note,its possible things work differently on a dedicated server? Nevertheless I need this to work on a lan type game.
  25. LOL, I'm not saying anything, but you are so wrong.Your plane has same problem that I am trying to fix on mine lol ,lol, you will be so embarrased when you realize