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Everything posted by BraTTy

  1. BraTTy

    Battlefield942 is a horrible game stick with

    LOL just a few days ago (last time i played) there was a guy on our team that was a great pilot,problem is,he just stayed at base and ran people over ...seriously, first time I seen someone so effective at running people over and getting the first plane ,etc... Sweeping people off of a carrier deck is fairly easy,but he was doing it all over the place and the map was Market Gardens,no auto team killer kick (He was at -65 I seen once) Every map and even with the newer easier vote system...couldnt get rid of him.I got a plane a few times and tried shooting him down f,but couldn't hurt his plane as team damage was off,but yet he could teamkill by running people over.I just tried to spawn anywheres but base.Teamkillers are ruining the servers ,even find ways on ones that don't allow team damage
  2. BraTTy

    Corsair almost there

    Nose view could be considered "Gun Cam" as it is nose view,but as we know that there is only one firing point on planes ,and it could represent what was common on ww2 planes as a gun cam. You can drop grenades when the canopy is open, I watch alot of ww2 footage,and most every pacific fighter I see, drives with canopy open most of the time,I havent actually seen them drop any grenades ,but I think that feature should be on most any open cockpit plane as they must have tossed a few grenades in there at times.And no they don't target air targets with the grenades ,but do use them on ground targets.But they do use rockets on air targets (and miss often) but your Ju52 is a larger target and I am anxious to see if it gets hit that way,lol So many things I would like to do, I plan on releasing this final beta (final even maybe?)...should be by sunday I do have alot of other projects going that I need to get some work done on too.But this package is pretty sweet,I'm even impressed. Of course I didn't do it all but it reflects what can happen when many talents get together I know you have the same belief as me that all ww2 mods should combine together but we know that will never happen,thats also why I try to help anyone I can
  3. Not sure, don't think so.You can change the angle somewhat by moving the axis points some. Move them farther away ,the whole thing moves far,move them closer and even in center of your parts and the action is a smaller arc
  4. BraTTy

    Lost brothers mod recruiting...

    Not sure why I don't know this..But what kind of stuff does Lost Brothers make ? I'd like to work on some modern stuff.
  5. BraTTy

    Corsair almost there

    Yes has rolling wheels : ) and currently working on a napalm bomb
  6. BraTTy


    Hmm when a AC Carrier gets destroyed...you see lots of people swimming ,whether they can or not !
  7. BraTTy

    Can't find solution to my multiplayer problem

    And of course you have tried it with that anti-virus program disabled? And any firewalls disabled?
  8. BraTTy

    Detecting a unit's dammage

    Ahh but less cpu usage: _unit = _this select 0 #start _udamage = (getdammage _unit) ? _udamage >= 0.00 && _udamage < 0.10 : goto "1" ? _udamage >= 0.10 && _udamage < 0.20 : goto "2" ? _udamage >= 0.20 && _udamage < 0.30 : goto "3" ? _udamage >= 0.30 && _udamage < 0.40 : goto "4" ? _udamage >= 0.40 && _udamage < 0.50 : goto "5" ? _udamage >= 0.50 && _udamage < 0.60 : goto "6" ? _udamage >= 0.60 && _udamage < 0.70 : goto "7" ? _udamage >= 0.70 && _udamage < 0.80 : goto "8" ? _udamage >= 0.80 && _udamage < 0.90 : goto "9" ? _udamage >= 0.90 && _udamage < 1.00 : goto "10" I know Red knows,but just using his example for others
  9. BraTTy

    Seasonal plants

    I believe you can set your computer clock to Dec 25th and still see the Christmas trees
  10. BraTTy

    Corsair almost there

    Detailed pics of pilots? Not many close-ups ,sorry. Thanks for the great words guys! Background from ~too tall~ Airport Quote from read.me: Corsair F4U Allied Single Seat Fighter/Bomber Plane Brought to you by "BraTTy" Pilots by "Vibes" Texturing/Cockpit and some Modelling done by "SubFaction" Special thanx to "~Too Tall~" for some great beta testing,input and adjustments Included in this release: 5 types of Corsair F4U 3 Pilots : US Navy, USMC and Brit 2 Pistols Features: 6 x 50 Cal Mgun on most models 4 x 20 mm Mgun on Korean Era model Tiny Tim Rocket Rack on some models Bombs on some models (available on all) Folding Wings on some models Multipart Folding Landing Gear Warning Lights Animated Wheels Working Gas Gauge New Sounds Lights Nose View Animated Functional Locking Canopy "Kill Record" System !! Be an ACE !! - Get a "Rising Sun" for every Zero shot down (upto 40) AI Engagement and Dogfighting Dynamics Extensively Tested and Improved Smoke and Damage Features Warning Lights Open Canopy allows you to use 3 Grenades on all models Optimized lods allows many units at once (last lod is less than 70 faces!) Multiple Versions (schemes and loadouts) Multiplayer Tested And I would like to mention...I think the handguns are from "Motho38" but I need to confirm
  11. BraTTy

    Very basic please

    In the editor you can't access the missions that are already in your Operation Flashpoint /Missions Or the Operation Flashpoint /MPMissions Those missions are already compiled like addons are You can only create your own in the mission editor (save as "User" in order to reopen them) or open mission editor style missions that you would have to download and place in your : Operation Flashpoint / Users / (your computer name)/ Missions Might I suggest checking out the best learning site for that type of thing: Operation Flashpoint Editing Center And a link to the snippets which usually have alot of editor samples to learn how to do stuff Snippets There are also alot of missions on that site, but you would have to depbo most of any compiled ones Hope this helps
  12. Ahh and you moved my reply but he has a different message.And appears to be a clash between the addons
  13. BraTTy

    Seasonal plants

    Not sure,I know you can animate geometry ,but that would be animating view geometry,should be possible too
  14. BraTTy

    Ai's & ladders

    Is that the same ladder on top of that hotel previously couldnt use at all?
  15. BraTTy

    Little retexturing project

    Sporatic comment..just have to line those shell decals up some and otherwise looking good.Will go well in maps
  16. Wow nice AT ST..is it really that red? Can't wait to see a few of these peeking and bomb them,lol In the same sense ,looks like a nice ride Great Work ! As always
  17. BraTTy

    Seasonal plants

    Absolutely Ralph.. you just would need some trees with the leaves named as a hidden selection, either to hide them at certain times or even change their colors. Its absolutely fairly easy possible
  18. But thats how it is done actually.Just that he is asking help doing it.Prefferably by someone that has done it. Sorry Trenchfeet , stuff like that could take all my time.It would take me forever to get the effects you are looking for.
  19. After reading that makes me wonder if the read me got skipped.Surely you must have to add a init line or something to get this to work in your own missions.I haven't tried the blood addon or even looked at the read me. But I suspect nobody may offer help until we are sure of the fact that you installed them properly and read the read me
  20. After reading that makes me wonder if the read me got skipped.Surely you must have to add a init line or something to get this to work in your own missions.I haven't tried the blood addon or even looked at the read me. But I suspect nobody may offer help until we are sure of the fact that you installed them properly and read the read me
  21. BraTTy

    Oicw released!

    I agree that I don't care where it came from,its another addon for OFP.Altho it should be stated slightly better as to where it originated from. I think it looks nice ,altho after looking at the link to the real one.I think the OFP one is slightly too shiny and doesnt fit in the game completely as its not like others and its kinda too shiny,but its real nice nevertheless And from looking at the work from Inq and those nice chopper skins and such,he surely is skilled. Just why not make the weapon yourself,then people won't complain.
  22. BraTTy

    Addon dissapearing?

    Put something like this in your cfgvehicles: vehicleClass = "Men"; Then look under the Men class and see if your soldier is there
  23. BraTTy

    New design

    Hey thanx Placebo for fixing my account and thanks to somebody for the default search in the forum your in...now just the default to search older topics,lol
  24. BraTTy

    Editor's depot

    I just want to point out that it sounds like Oxygen and all is there.But its not, just the AAE program. Only the tool to make the addon AAE compliant is there ,not all tools to make an AAE addon Users still need to go here to make their addons
  25. Major Fubars Site http://www15.brinkster.com/majorfubar/index.html Is a start,he updates it regularly