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Everything posted by BraTTy

  1. BraTTy

    Continuous animations - a mini tutorial

    Bratty. Do you want to add the code here. I've been scratching my head how to get the speed to work with the animations. Cheers Klinkster Sure ..here's from the Corsair's wheels.sqs #cycle _aphase = _aphase + ((speed _plane) /350) _plane animate ["corwheels", _aphase] ? _aphase >= 1 : _aphase = 0 ~.01 goto "cycle" I took out some irrelevant stuff The towable Pak uses the same method to continous animate the wheels depending on the vehicles speed using this line: _aphase + ((speed _plane) /350) You may want to change the ratio some depending on the speed of the vehicle (a vehicle faster than 350kph will want a higher ratio) _aphase + ((speed _plane) /450) So that the figure never results in a "1" or higher than a "1" The towable Pak is unbinarized ,the Corsair is binarized for size ,the unbinarized files are available , just I don't have a host Both addons have continous variable animated wheels Another thing to remember is that animations are global and won't need to be called from each machine in a mp game, unfortunately the method that is used on the planes have some hidden selections and thats another story, as the fake unretracting wheels needs some texture juggling
  2. BraTTy

    Continuous animations - a mini tutorial

    The towable Pak that I helped Vibes with has continous animation on the wheels and I stated that when it came out. The model is unbinarized WW2 Corsair F4U also has continous animated wheels
  3. Hmm I come back offline after few weeks and I am unable to find this awesome jet. I searched all over ofp.cz and cannot find the file nor the news post for some odd reason. Ofpbase doesnt have the file either. Ofp.AT lists the file but has an error when I try to download it. Radishville.com requires an account to even view the file areas. Anyone have a handy link to this must have addon?
  4. BraTTy

    Config bug - bis please read

    The "Init" eventhandler running on every machine would be a very good fix for the MP script problems for sure.I still can't believe that it doesn't run on every machine as even in the comref it says only "hit" and "killed" don't.I cast my vote as we know EVERY addon with hidden selections or such ,need to run scripts on every machine
  5. BraTTy

    No connection

    You haven't sepecified what OS and connection that you have.And what have you tried? Have you tried several servers ? What version Operation Flashpoint are you using?
  6. BraTTy

    Air combat maneuvers

    A function from the great Dschulle http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....ch+bank
  7. BraTTy

    What is the best cargo/transport plane?

    But Sanitystream asked for planes that "transport cargo"...are there any? Just Bas chopper that I am aware of
  8. BraTTy

    Corsair f4u released !!

    I would love to shut that off, anyone know how?
  9. I'm curious as to why the init eventhandler is being called over and over? I have never experienced this.
  10. BraTTy

    Animation triggering

    This is fairly easy possible.Altho you would be calling a script from the .cpp
  11. BraTTy

    Air combat maneuvers

    Yes ...pitch and bank functions are needed. Currently no way to set the bank/pitch but I have seen a formula to get the bank/pitch
  12. BraTTy

    Simple getdammage script

    Move your eventhandler into the cfgvehicles section: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> driverAction = ManActUH60Pilot; driverInAction = ManActUH60Pilot; // outGunnerMayFire = true; forceHideGunner = true; viewGunnerInExternal = true; transportSoldier = 0; class eventhandlers { init = [_this select 0] exec "\jaguarhg\grdamage.sqs"; }; }; };
  13. BraTTy

    New addon released

    Wow extremely nice and a good word is radical!! And nice screenshots as always "blackdog"
  14. BraTTy

    Corsair f4u released !!

    Some status for now: For the Corsair I am gathering recommendations for changes and fixes, only a few from this topic here but many I had planned myself also. I am deep into a US Navy F4F Wildcat fighter (please don't be upset on its performance...I stated earlier that the Corsair is the fastest plane I will be making) Screenshot doesn't look the best,but the fighter will have the most intricate landing gear yet and is only at less than 900 faces so far (I expect around 1700) Only has initial texture beginning stages yet Wildcat Info Page German HS123 is nearly complete and I am about to update the webpage soon with that and working towards a release,heres the old link if you dont know what a HS123 is: http://www.freewebs.com/bratz_addons/hs123.htm I also have some progress with my Japanese Kaga Aircraft Carrier and agreed to help AIA with the 3 that they have. I also know of a real nice ME109 coming soon, not by me but from a better modmaker and I get to put my hands on it too, it will have some neet features I also will be reworking my A6M2 Zero shortly along with plans of making a A7M to help support it But I really need some more responses on any changes that need to be made on the Corsair
  15. BraTTy

    Sad news

    Wow so sad, I come back to this news.I chatted with Lawrie quite a bit, altho my name wasn't listed in his friends list,its surely a mistake.As we worked on some stuff together and even had some stuff planned.I surely will miss his aggressive modmaking skills and management, such a tragic loss to the community and a loss of a friend.I almost wish I hadn't heard the news.Best wishes to his friends and family.
  16. BraTTy

    Need help

    You get stuck ... post up here, I'd be glad to help what I can.
  17. BraTTy

    I cant move but game responds!

    So you saying that you are able to play the game at all? Have you tried alt-tab and selecting the running OFP game again? Or cntrl-esc and then selecting the running game again?
  18. BraTTy

    Corsair f4u released !!

    Oops sorry guys , I did lose internet again and now I am back for good this time. I am assembling an update regarding what work I have gotten done. I also need to point out that the files in the Corsair addon are binarized and was only done because of file size (even tho the pbo ends up same size) You know I don't believe in hiding any information that can help other modmakers ,and the unbinarized p3d's will be available as soon as I get some hosted space, for now anyone needs them , just msn me
  19. BraTTy

    Corsair f4u released !!

    Heyas I looked into as why the Corsair doesn't engage the Ju52....I noticed that NOTHING that I have thats air engages the Ju52,its classed as a land vehicle and does not have the threat variables assigned, Bis Camel wont attack it either. I read another post that Vit's Me109(?) it also won't engage...I am to assume that Vits addons inhibit the same undefined threat.
  20. BraTTy

    Animation problem!

    None of the anims work? I would assume that your cfgvehicles is closing early and not including the anims...maybe post the rest of your cpp
  21. BraTTy

    Messerschmitt bf-109

    Heya Skinmez...you still on WW2EC team? If so I already had arranged to help or finish the P40..just curious of your current plans and what needs to be done.You wann team up on these planes? I have some others too of course
  22. Most of the WW2EC mods should start with ECA_ Older ones I am not sure,new ones will have WW2EC tag
  23. BraTTy

    Corsair f4u released !!

    Just want to point out that the Night Fighter has 300m radar range and the Korean has 500m radar range. And these are the lines: irScanRangeMin=0; irScanRangeMax=300; irScanGround = true;
  24. BraTTy

    Corsair f4u released !!

    Hey I am back, got lucky...new place has working cable..any questions or problems?
  25. BraTTy

    Corsair f4u released !!

    Did you add the init line that is required on a mp mission? Please look in the readme for the instructions,and you can just copy and paste the planes that are in the MP_Init editor mission that was included. I think deletevehicle will only work well with one you created during game? I was having crashes deleting vehicles already in game