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Everything posted by BlindDeath

  1. BlindDeath

    Backpacks for US and Russian Infantry

    How the #### do i get this extra ammo?!?!?!
  2. BlindDeath

    Doofus with Binoculars

    Yo, shutup im proud of my "low-end" 8 meg video card!
  3. BlindDeath

    Doofus with Binoculars

    hes scratching himself through his helmet?
  4. BlindDeath

    [tank]M24 Chaffee :)

    Good but the textures are pretty much...................Crap
  5. BlindDeath

    Drive by shootings

    wouldn't it be cool if you could jump in a civie car and drive around with AR's sticking out the windows shooting and reds you see while you drive to the next city ?!?!?!
  6. BlindDeath

    Drive by shootings

    it would make some good ghetto missions thou (take out tony foo!!)
  7. BlindDeath

    Implent Hand-signals

    maybe not a nuke but a "daisey cutter" 15000lb bomb heheheehheehehhehe
  8. it wasn't illegal in france during ww2.... its the only way soldiers could keep sane
  9. some people might get sick thought when they see sheep................
  10. BlindDeath

    Skipping Missions

    maybe it is..............
  11. BlindDeath

    Skipping Missions

    its obviosly not fun if you fail it 20 times dumbass!
  12. BlindDeath

    Will X-mas trees every be removed

    Fireworks = Civilian AA/SAM Turret
  13. BlindDeath

    Good Campaigns

    there is a program that links missions together no??
  14. BlindDeath

    how to get satchel\'s soundmod working

    i got the sound mod and now no weapons have any noise at all i put the config.cpp in the BIN folder and erased the old Config file. and then i put the PBO in the addons folder what am i doing wrong
  15. Where can i get this mission with so many things to kill?
  16. BlindDeath

    Get get VSB1

    Go join the marines and shut up!! *edit* thats to get VBS1 (Edited by BlindDeath at 6:54 pm on Dec. 15, 2001)
  17. BlindDeath

    Get get VSB1

    You feel stupid don't ya now jamesia??
  18. BlindDeath


    since your here...........what tools did u use to make W.Kolgujev??
  19. BlindDeath


    Its a fake cuz there is no pilot
  20. BlindDeath

    I strongly doubt that there will be a v1.40

    This post is kinds funny now hehehe
  21. BlindDeath

    Get get VSB1

    errrrr what makes you think im american?? i spell it  <span style='color:red'>C</span><span style='color:grey'>O</span><span style='color:red'>LO</span><span style='color:red'>U</span><span style='color:grey'>R</span> Merry Christmas Bastard
  22. BlindDeath

    Get get VSB1

    errrrr what makes you think im american?? i spell it  <span style='color:red'>C</span><span style='color:grey'>O</span><span style='color:red'>LO</span><span style='color:red'>U</span><span style='color:grey'>R</span> Merry Christmas Bastard
  23. BlindDeath

    askin for another improvement

    except for the on the computer part