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Everything posted by bigshot

  1. bigshot

    Volume of fire and game dynamics

    good point wamingo...i agree. Theres too little cover available (unless youre in a town) and not enough emotional fear to force you to seek it out. Video games will never be able to recreate that fear no matter how good the effects get...therefore in a game like this you need to offer alot more areas of cover before they will be used...and thats one of my biggest peeves with Arma..it has almost no cover outside of the towns...trees and grass dont work as cover in this game, theyre useless for that. IRL a large area with no cover that stands between armies would not be used as the gateway for an offensive approach...instead they'd try to shell, rocket and bomb the crap out of the enemy from a distance BEFORE attempting to cross the open field on foot. The closest thing you can get to an adrenaline rush playing war games is if you find a local arena that offers Paint Ball sessions...rent some equipment and play a few rounds and after that experience youll never think of a military video game as potentially realistic ever again...theres no fear of death in paintball but there is fear of physical pain, and having to face your enemy up close:-)...if youve never tried this before i highly recommend it for first timers, it can be a bit intimidating when arrive and see all the clan guys dressed out in their fatigues waiting to "kill" you in person :-)) In video games sadly the only "rush" comes primarily from the expectation of either winning or losing the round...the only fear is in losing...not getting hurt or dead. Thats why frag fest games are the most popular online....because they know how to take that win/lose "rush" factor and accelerate it way beyond what slower paced games like Arma can offer. Yes, theyre farther from reality in terms of gameplay...but they tend to take advantage of the emotions video games are best at invoking and they run with it. They can make games like Arma LOOK more realistic and even play more realistic, but the real world emotions/adrenaline involved will never be what i think alot of you are really seeking, no matter how good it looks or plays onscreen.
  2. bigshot

    MFCTI Beta Download

    hmm, when i run @CSM i typically get an error when i first try to load mfcti (.72 saralite version)...the mission runs but the csm sounds dont load
  3. bigshot

    MFCTI Beta Download

    Has anyone been able to get this to work with Chammy's Sound Mod? While I'm here let me ask something else as well: After using the repair truck to build a Heli-pad, I noticed we get some uh-60's landing to pick up troops...is there anyway to send some sort of request to be picked up by chopper and brought back to home base whenever you like? ( when playing in coop & not as commander) Thank you!
  4. bigshot

    Doolittle CTI

    is there any documentation to explain how it all works and what to do?...i loaded it up using the LAN option but there's no options in the command menu and i cant figure out how to build anything or how to move the spawn point or any of the other things you mentioned. Does this function as coop? Thanks
  5. bigshot

    Doolittle CTI

    yes sounds great if it can be used in coop mode (east comprised of all AI and west being human+AI) I like the idea of being able to build mini-bases at/near captured flags and being able to respawn at those...at least it sounds like thats what you are inferring. Team respawn should be in there too i hope? Id also like the ability to remotely buy and heli or truck transport new troops to your current location...perhaps via the radio. Another thing id love to see in CTI is the ability to request a shuttle transport back to base (much like the one in Evolution SP) or a vehicle drop at least. I think these features would cut out alot of the boredom associated with CTI.
  6. Is there anyway to know (before playing it) whether or not a 3rd party coop mission that you download supports the Join in Progress feature of Arma? Thanks
  7. bigshot

    I really wanna try 1.08 but need activation code

    thats strange...when i installed the 1.08 patch i didnt need to re-activate at all...i have the original german download version...i purposely kept holding off from using all the beta patches since the official 1.05 release because i didnt want to use up my activations so i waited for 1.08, and to my surprise i was never asked to enter in any code for activation!
  8. thats strange...when i installed the 1.08 patch i didnt need to re-activate at all...i have the original german download version...i purposely kept holding off from using all the beta patches since the official 1.05 release because i didnt want to use up my activations so i waited for 1.08, and to my surprise i was never asked to enter in any code for activation!
  9. Missile Warfare SP Map version 1.0 (for Arma 1.05) by BigShot Mission Type: Single Player (and developed to be played as Group Leader ONLY) Missions Included: Seperate Daytime & Dusk versions Features: Dynamic AI by Rukus, Land based Missile Launches by Mandoble, Radio calls for Troop Reinforcement Drops and Artillary Supression fire by Jander Mission Length & Difficulty: approx.30-40 minutes. Difficulty: Medium Addons Needed: NONE TO INSTALL: Place the missilewarfare_Day.Sara.pbo & missilewarfare_Dusk.Sara.pbo into your Arma\Missions folder ------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Summary: This mission begins where you have just finished briefing with an enemy officer who is working as an informant for our allied forces. Several hours ago enemy forces began firing scud rockets into allied occupied towns and military bases. The word on the street is that our air base is next on their list! Our informant has provided us with the approximate locations for the scud launchers and what we might expect as far as security/resistance in those areas. Your objectives are as follows: Objective 1: Gather your Troops and Board the Chopper to be air lifted into the Insertion Area(DZ) Objective 2: Make your way on foot to BOTH Missile Launch Sites to Destroy the 2 Rocket Launchers (preferably before they inflict 100% damage to your base) Objective 3: You will find a Boat in the harbor. Use it to Extract Out of the area. **IMPORTANT: You can destroy the launchers in any order you wish, HOWEVER, if you fail to complete the mission BEFORE your airbase is destroyed, then it will only be recorded as a partial success and our allies will not have the resources for you to watch them launch our OWN missile attack, Obliterating the enemy in the end WEAPONS: You may use any weapon you wish from the inventory screen in the GROUP tab, although the mission was designed to be played with the default loadouts. Radio: After insertion the radio on your map screen will become available...you may use it to call for either REINFORCEMENTS (1x only) or ARTILLARY fire (unlimited) to help soften up the 2 enemy bases before infiltrating. 2 very useful features should you find yourself alone. -------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Hints/Tips: This uses the Dynamic AI Script by Rukus, so each time you run it you'll never know exactly how many patrols you might run into along your path...or exactly where they'll come from :-) Learn to use both the surrounding landscape & vegetation as cover in this mission at ALL times or you WILL die :-) Take your time being watchful of the enemy...but not TOO much time...keep moving soldier, as its better to destroy the missile launchers BEFORE they completely destroy your airbase! If/when you die, feel free to use TeamSwitch as your means of respawning, but you MUST always select the GROUP LEADER from the menu (which is typically the 1st one at top)...if you dont play as group leader this mission will not function correctly. -------------------------------------------------------------- Known Issues/Bugs: 1. Sometimes if you save the game after destroying the #2 missile launcher before destroying the #1, and then re-load the game to continue playing at a later time, the other missile launcher (#1) which you havent destroyed yet may stop firing its missiles after loading the saved game...this can mess up some of the triggers at the end of the mission...so if youre planning on destroying them out of order you may not want to save game after destroying #2 2. Friendly AI troops will most likely have problems following you through small gaps in fences and around some small buildings at times...keep this in mind as you plan your pathway and course of action during battle. -------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS & THANKS: ::MandoMissile Script:: - By Mandoble ::Dynamic AI Script:: - By Rukus ::The Dynamic Transportation Project:: - by Jander uses: - mi2slow's & Vienna's Quickmap - Vienna's mapgrid calculation function - slightly modified versions of Mr. Murray's Artillery and Airstrike Scripts - a very small, modified code snippet from The Frontline Assembly's GDCE Thanks so much to all of you for sharing your scripting talents! -------------------------------------------------------------- Have Fun! BigShot Download Missile Warfare - Courtesy of Armaholic.com
  10. bigshot


    ooops...didnt think it was really necessary for the mission so i left it out...most folks seem to like checking with the map alot anyway...sorry about that..after testing and playing it so often i got to know my way around and was trying to neaten up the map area (i hate when those do-dads get in the way on the map screen). For now its a simple fix if youd like to do it on your own...just un-pbo the mission (uncompress/extract the mission file) then open the description.ext file and change the line where it says ShowCompass=0 to ShowCompass=1 then save the file and repack the mission to the pbo format and place that new pbo in your missions folder.
  11. bigshot


    hey, thanks for the kind words!..glad you liked it. That empty T-72 must have been a fluke as the crew shouldnt leave it unless its too damaged to be much use or at least i thought...maybe you scared the poor crewmen and they ran away!, hehe. When you play it again let me know if that keeps happening...it shouldnt though. BigShot
  12. bigshot

    DTP Beta

    yes, this is exactly the kind of script i've been looking for!...would be a huge PLUS to get a MP version working!! BigShot
  13. Im working on a SP mission and id like to be able to offer some sort of respawning as same unit (or even revive) instead of using the teamswitch. If not, and i end up being stuck with teamswitch...is there a way i can get selectleader or selectplayer to force switch the player into the LEADER position after he dies and comes back via teamswitch?(in other words i dont want a player to have the option to switch into a non-leader unit)...ive tried but it doesnt seem to work for me. Thanks Guys BigShot
  14. Here's a fairly simple and straight forward type of mission I've uploaded for you single player fans...its my very first attempt at making a mission and learning the editor so you wont find anything too fancy mind you. I hope it all works for you without too much trouble Enjoy! BigShot ----------------------------------- Oil Warfare Map version 1.0 (for Arma 1.05) by BigShot Mission Type: Single Player ONLY (switch Team enabled, play as subordinate or group leader, whichever you prefer) Missions Included: Seperate Daytime & Dawn versions Features: Full Briefing/Debriefing & Dynamic Weather Mission Length & Difficulty: approx.25-40 minutes depending on your skill level settings in-game options and of course your weapon of choice. I would rate difficulty as fairly easy, although again it depends on many factors..the approach of tactics involved is quite simplistic and because this is my very first attempt making my own mission and using the editor, my goal was to make something short & simple. Addons Needed: NONE TO INSTALL: Place the Oilwarfare_Day.Sara.pbo & Oilwarfare_Dawn.Sara.pbo into your Arma\Missions folder ------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Summary: In order to defend the Sahranian peoples best interests and the regions vast oil supply, both U.S. and coalition forces have set forth a massive millitary operation off the coast of Arcadia. Troops have already set up offensive positions on the mainland south of Arcadia and a support post on San Tomas Island. The Sahrani military is trying to put coalition forces under political pressure by attempting to destroy their own oil supplies. The mission is to make your way to the mainland via boat in order to join up with the rest of your squad and seize control of the oil wells. Unfortunately, you and a few troops are the last ones left behind preparing to depart from the island, and due to a surprise attack, must remain there to defend it before joining the main land battle. Objective 1 - Hold the Island by eliminating ALL enemy paratroopers Objective 2 - Take RHIB Boat to mainland and join up with the rest of your squad there to clear out the oil wells Objective 3 - EXTRACT in the middle of a HOT LZ via Evac chopper who will come to get you and any remaining friendly troops -------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Hints/Tips: 1. If you're playing as the Group Leader make sure to follow the waypoints onscreen, dont just ignore them, or else some triggers may not work properly...all you should have to do is touch the waypoint ONCE when you first arrive at it, then you can mill about as you wish :-)...if you're playing as a Subordinate you dont have to worry about touching the waypoints. 2. Helicopter Extraction - if playing as leader youll have to command your troops to board the chopper when it arrives...if playing as subordinate its all automatic. Chopper will not take off for home until ALL living squad members are aboard! 3. Be careful to eliminate ALL ENEMY GROUND TROOPS on the island...sometimes there will be a few stragglers left on the beach or even swimming about a few yards off shore...so look for them if it seems everyone should be dead. 4. For those of you with older less powerful machine you may have a tough time at the very start of this mission with frame rates...but once you get past the first 60 seconds or so things should improve. Ive designed this on an old p4 3.0 AGP setup and it runs fine as long as my settings are turned down. Your mileage will vary of course. Download Link (Hosted by Armaholic): Oil Warfare - Single Player (Newly Updated 4/17/07)
  15. bigshot

    Oil Warfare [SP - mission]

    ...new file version is back up now and ready for download (thanks to the swell staff at Armaholic). Dload link at top of thread have fun!
  16. bigshot

    Oil Warfare [SP - mission]

    working on getting someone from armaholic to host it, but I think theyre having some problems with their servers right now...waiting for them to get back to me so i can email them the file for uploading onto their site. ...as soon as they get back to me and set it up ill post the link at the top of this thread.
  17. bigshot

    Oil Warfare [SP - mission]

    Update: new fixed version uploaded as of 4/13/07, please re-download from same link above in my orginal post.
  18. bigshot

    Oil Warfare [SP - mission]

    Did the 1st objective officially complete? (it notifies you when its actually complete) if it did, then that "secure the beaches" waypoint should have switched for you, otherwise there may be a problem ( i ran across that problem once before during testing and thought i had fixed it because it never happened again to me after playing it well over 100 times...but ya never know)...if playing in group leader position make sure that you touch that last waypoint before entering the boat and that the 1st objective has officially completed. Let me know if it happens again and whether or not you were in the group leader position when it happened. **EDIT Updated: Ok, i think i see what happened to you now...see if this sounds accurate...you were playing in leader position, then it got quiet while you were holding back near the tents so you went over to the east side of island to check for any remaining enemy BEFORE the next waypoint (secure beaches) was activated, and proceeded to kill the last remaining enemy soldier when the active waypoint was still back near the tents...then the last enemy dies and at the same time the 1st objective ends the waypoint goes to "secure the beaches" instead of switching to the "get in boat", correct?... ...ok, m not 100% positive from testing yet...BUT...either one of 2 actions could be causing this to happen...either it doesnt like when the group leader is TOO FAR AWAY from the tent area waypoint when killing off last soldier, OR...the last soldier is being killed off at the exact point in time when the tent waypoint is getting ready to switch over to the secure beach waypoint (the cusp so to speak). Now, which one of these is to blame im not sure yet, but i think the best thing to do for now is, when playing in group leader position, to just stay back by that last tent waypoint until the secure beach waypoint becomes active FIRST, and then go ahead searching the east end for last remaining kills. Aslo i noticed that if you are near the tents and happen to kill off the last enemy before the secure beach waypoint activates itll work that way as well without a problem. Either way, the beach waypoint WILL switch off properly. UPDATE: Fixed, please re-download
  19. I have a single player mission i created and would like to play it in multiplayer coop environment. My problem is that i dont want players to be able to select some of the playable units in the multiplayer selection screen...anyway to either "hide" these units from them or at least make them unselectable to players? Thanks guys
  20. bigshot

    MFCTI Beta Thread *OFFICIAL*

    got a link to download?
  21. bigshot

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    i noticed v0151 is not compatible with the MFCTI beta mission...so i had to revert back to 015B (SO) ...not a biggy since i preferrred the 015B sound anyway, but just letting you know
  22. bigshot

    MFCTI Beta Download

    what i dont understand is why will the Light Factory consistantly work fine (even though it floats after being built) no matter how many times you restart the game, but not the others?? ...they used to all work in 2.6 LAN
  23. bigshot

    MFCTI Beta Download

    no building/factory options available (except for Light Factory Options) when you try to run this on a non-dedicated server. Everything gets built, but you get no options to use it
  24. bigshot

    Typhoon over Rahmadi

    thanks for sharing this mission with us, and for taking the time to create it. I like it and have made some of my own edits so i can play it more the way i prefer...i changed it to daytime and added a few more playable units so i could team respawn more than once :-)...oh yea also added some weapons boxes on the insertion beach so when the mission starts i can choose to play it with whatever gun i wish each time. Theres only 6 or 7 single player missions so far that ive kept and play regularly ( i prefer short missions)...yours is one of them ive held onto and play alot...so thanks again!
  25. bigshot

    MFCTI Beta Thread *OFFICIAL*

    WooHOO!!...can hardly wait! been playin this really weird hours lately due to my job but im hoping to get together soon with a friend of mine who's also been a big fan of this mission...hopefully by end of the week when im able to get online early enough to play among the living this new beta will be released!