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Everything posted by bigshot

  1. dunno how you're doing it...but try doing this: First place the mission pbo file into your arma3\MPmissions folder and remove any previous DUWS folders and/or missions. Then start an LAN in-game MP server for yourself. 1. Restart the mission from scratch (do not resume) 2. After it starts and you are in the HQ go ahead and request a couple AI units 3. use 0-8-1 (sitrep) to save the mission 4. exit out of the mission and close Arma3 down 5. Restart arma3...highlight the mission in the MP Altis menu, choose RESUME. Once it brings you to the unit selection screen in the lobby make sure to choose the same unit you were playing as when you saved it...and do not alter any parameter screen settings when using RESUME. When it restarts you should see your units still in there waiting for you and you should also note that the enemy territories are there same as they were when you saved it. * I also tried it in SP (installed the pbo file to my 'missions' folder and chose to play 'scenarios') and the sitrep/load/resume all work fine there as well. But you're better to install the pbo file to your MPmissions folder and play it that way instead of SP since you'll be able to have access to changing the extra options in the MP Parameters screen (such as time of day, disabling fatigue, etc.) *NOTE* - if you are playing it from your MPmissions folder (multiplayer): to recover any previous support unlocks you may have purchased you must respawn yourself once after a RESUME. (hit esc/respawn). This step is not necessary when playing from regular missions folder (single player). @Lightningstrike - if it is still not working for you then either you don't realize you can only save using the sitrep feature in this mission (0-8-1 or rest/save at HQ)...OR, its an issue with the DEV branch version of arma3 you are using.
  2. I'll leave that to someone else if anyone wants to do it as another version, but personally I find that missions which require no addon downloads by the user are usually the most popular since anyone can join them in the server browser. ---------- Post added at 12:05 ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 ---------- why's that...what sort of issue are you having?
  3. funny, ive tried it both ways (sitrep and rest/save) and neither one deletes the dead bodies or vehicles for me. I've just re-enabled the cleanup script in the mission so it'll delete dead bodies and wrecked vehicles every 20 minutes. That will be available as of today if anyone wants to test it...again contact me with your email and I'll send it out to you.
  4. ah ok...good...since you have played the other version you already know what to expect pretty much :-)...if you do buy it just contact me and I'll send you out my updated modified version.
  5. @Imrie - must have been user error, not understanding how it works, or perhaps some sort of addon conflict...dunno because the VAS system always works for me. I've also updated this mission with the newest version of VAS. That being said...buyer beware because Arma 3 is not without some major problems and really annoying glitches. Buying a $60 game based on 1 mission (which you've never played) is not the wisest thing to do since there are bound to be things with the mission (and the game) which you will not like. There are plenty of AI issues (unresponsive and getting stuck alot) for instance...among other little things...so just be careful...I have to say that even though I am messing about with this mission and enjoying it...this so far is the ONLY mission I actually will play thus far in Arma3...there's not enough content to warrant a $60 purchase IMO...just be careful.
  6. broken armory? you must be talking about the BIS armory mission...the armory script in this mission works just fine.
  7. @mastermankz - try starting the mission using less zones to capture...I typically use 3-5 zones and I get shot at all the time. I think a caching script might help with this if Kibot can get one in there eventually...the less processing power you have then the less AI should be on the map. Im running at 4.3Ghtz...and 3-5 zones seems to be ok most of the time...I play quick style mission...usually lasts for about an hour or 90 minutes before a restart so this way im not pushing it. Try making only 3 zones and see if it works better that way. @D4N - yea alot of folks like those roping scripts but there's always been a chopper taxi issue within the Arma Games in general. If there is enemy around the chopper will endlessly loop in a circle and keep you up in the air until there is no longer a threat before it drops you...it happens maybe 30% of the time to me....having it fast rope you into enemy territory may not work too well in the mission. This is just the way the game is and not much a mission maker can do about it....but I agree it would be cool :-)
  8. ...the comboscrollbar issue does not stop the mission from running. file sent, hope you enjoy it.
  9. bigshot

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    Done!, see you out there Egg.
  10. bigshot

    Adapt your thoughts?

    ...been this way since 2001, yet you sound surprised. For the past 13 years the poor AI and system performance has been frustrating players from around the globe...and it will not be getting better that much I can say. The good news is that this game's bread & butter has always been terrain size, all types of vehicles, weapons and the ability to complete missions in any way you wish to. Couple that with built-in mission and AI dynamics that change with each run of the mission and you end up with a game that has almost endless re-playability. So...there is some very good, but as you see also some very bad...it is, and will always be a bittersweet experience...yet one that you can not get anywhere else even after all these years. One word of advice...99% of the missions available are not very good. The mission maker is king in this game...and so you must find the few missions which play the best for YOU and your style. Unfortunately Arma3 content is still sorely lacking after almost a year since the Alpha released...many of the old timers have gone. While Arma3 might take another 2 years to mature....your best bet is probably with Arma 1 & 2...tons of high quality content there. Hang in there and take the time to really get to know and understand the mechanics of the game...what it does well and what it doesn't...then you'll better understand what sort of missions and addons to look for so you can better enjoy it. This isn't a quick & dirty "have fun game"...it's more of a hobbyists wet dream I suppose.
  11. what issue are you having with resuming a saved mission? I know the unlocks aren't re-initializing properly after resuming from a save, but the work-around for that has always been to respawn yourself once after resuming. Since you end up back at base by doing that you might consider always waiting to save (sitrep) AFTER returning to HQ. This has nothing to do with the new patch though...it's always been this way. If you are talking about resuming a mission that was saved from a previous version before the new patch, thats also been an issue since Arma2. Once the game receives a new patch your old saves are not likely to work, and you'll need to restart the mission. Anyway, if you want this new version you'll have to contact me or post your email so I can send it.
  12. actually I just finished the latest version I have...updated post here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160117-SP-Dynamic-Universal-War-System-(DUWS-alpha0-1)&p=2600010&viewfull=1#post2600010 D4N...the only difference for you is that this newest one includes the actual Titan Launchers in the Nato Support box (when using support drops). The version I just sent you only includes the magazines/ammo for the launchers. If you want this newest version let me know and I'll resend to you again.
  13. @D4NI3L3 - I just emailed you the newest version If anyone else playing my version needs the fix just send me an email, IM, or get me on Steam.
  14. bigshot

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    ...and there it is in a nutshell, the state of the arma nation. While the series has been historically notorious for being in a state of never-ending "beta", I've never seen such an empty shell released before that relies so so heavily on its community to make it into an actual playable game...and even that has been hindered by so many poor design/config decisions by the engine makers. I call them engine makers because clearly "game" developing is not #1 on their list (not sure it ever was).
  15. here's the rpt errors: Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/zone_max_radius_combo.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/zone_min_radius_combo.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/zone_number_combo.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/cp_start_combo.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/bap_start_combo.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/oap_start_combo.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/weather_type_combo.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/combo_opf_skill.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/combo_blufor_ai_skill.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/helo_taxi_fasttravel_list.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/fast_travel_list.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/max_dist_from_hq_list.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/ressourceheader/controls/unitlistbox.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/ressourceheader/controls/squadlist.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/ressourceheader/controls/emptyvehiclelist.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/ressourceheader/controls/supportunlocklist.ListScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/fob_mng_dialog/controls/reinforce_combo.ComboScrollBar'. Warning Message: No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext/fob_mng_dialog/controls/fast_travel_combo.ComboScrollBar'. EDIT** - Fixed now - apparently BIS changed the scrollbar class name to ComboScrollBar and so it needs to be changed in the defines.hpp
  16. yep, im sure im using v2.3...just downloaded and installed it into my mission last nite...just checked some of the installed file dates now to be sure. Ran the mission again but this time i didnt get the error, hmf...will test more later on and report back if it reappears here.
  17. can confirm in non-dev build, the stable update with v2.3 throws off the missing ";" error in the .rpt
  18. dialogue scroll bar error...not sure what BIS changed about the scroll bars but they did something different and it's now causing an error in the mission although it all still seems playable so far.
  19. never received it, so I sent you a PM instead....just reply to it with your email address and I'll send you a copy of the mission file with my changes.
  20. If anyone wants to play some DUWS I've updated my profile on this forum with the proper Steam address where I can be contacted. Just send me a friend request if you like.
  21. you can add vehicles to the 'request_vehicles.sqf' file. Then you also have to add them to the 'request.sqf' file as well.
  22. sure, anyone can private message me on this forum with their email address and I'll send out a copy for you to play with....just dont upload it anywhere (such as the steam workshop). I'd rather leave it up to kilbot whether he wants to include any of these changes or not in his official version.
  23. Hey guys!, been playing around with some editing for this mission and this is what I've done so far: - added Armory to FOB's - added Rest/save to HQ - added HALO to HQ & FOB's (action menu) - added Request Units dialogue to FOB's (limited units available only) - added HEAL to HQ & FOB's (action menu) - added Repair/Re-arm Vehicles to FOB's (action menu) - added Teleport/Fast Travel now works with group - added more options for higher CP mission start (100,200,300,400,600 added) - added Disable Fatigue option in Parameters screen in mission lobby - added Time of Day start option in Parameters screen in mission lobby - added some nite lighting to HQ & FOB's (applied when fortifying) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New As of Jan 23rd, 2014: - added option to start with higher AP (so enemy will use attack choppers) - added MLRS to list of vehicles you can request (cost is 100 CP) - added Titan launchers and their magazines (AA & AT) to the Nato Support Box (supply drop) so AI in your group can rearm themselves. - adjusted spawn location when requesting units so they'll spawn a bit farther away from the HQ/FOB building and not get stuck inside. - fixed the ComboScrollbar errors - fixed a couple different .rpt errors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New As of Jan 27rd, 2014: - adjusted clean-up script to remove wrecked vehicles and dead bodies every 20 minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm no coder so most of this is pretty basic cut/paste/modify...nothing fancy but it all works on LAN. Have not tested with other players connected. I won't be uploading this as I really can't support it due to both lack of time and proper skills, but if anyone is interested you could always IM me your email address and I'll send you off a copy.
  24. bigshot

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Wonderful news!, will the switch over be an easy one for pre-existing missions that are already setup to use the old version? Anxiously awaiting to try it out!
  25. bigshot

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Hey everybody - was just curious if this was fixed to be compatible with BASE respawn yet?