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Everything posted by Aqu

  1. Aqu

    FF Studio (WW2)

    Looks great Have you done cockpit intruments yet?
  2. Now that you said....yes. I think it is that the script cannot catch the bullet fast enough when it is fired and it seems to fly c. 10m for me. After that the tracer disappears from the centerline (where the cannon is). I guess that's when the script moves it into one of the MG lines. I don't think there is a way to fix that, but at least I cannot see it from the cockpit and even from outside I have to look really closely.
  3. Aqu

    Pistol Mag Reloading

    I have no problems switch mags. If you press reload, it switched to the most full mag. If a clip take e.g 15 rounds, the current one has 11, and two others have 12 and 13, it switches to the one with 13. If the current one has most bullets in it, then of course the number won't change.
  4. "Dude, are you sure you are not going to Avranches?"
  5. The ones which Turrets inherits? No, you shouldn't have to. Basicly if you refer to a class which is not defined in the file or it is defined after where it refered, you should write before using it... class xyz; ...if teh class name is xyz.
  6. It says that because you haven't written a Turrets class in your file. In your case it is in some other file so you have to tell it like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Turrets; class Foobar : Turrets { Â // something... };
  7. Nice. That will perfect for a few Thelma and Louise stunts too According to the photo there is hardly any flat space on top of the rock though. Also if you want the bunkers to be destroyable they need to be separate objects. At least the parts which are on surface. Mmmm...thant you be nice actually. Think if you are in the bunker in some of the underground floors and somebody blows the top floor so that the exit is stuck Â
  8. In the script which is launched in the fired event handler (Nuke.sqs), you have to check it e.g like this... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _weapon = _this select 1; ?( _weapon == "PRACS_M2k_B61_Launcher" ): boom; EDIT: Â I suppose you can test it in the config line too, like you tryed, but then probably need to put it like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> fired = "if(_this select 1 == ""PRACS_M2k_B61_Launcher"") then { _this exec ""...""}; ";
  9. The fired event handler gives an array to your script as a param. It has [unit, weapon, muzzle, mode, ammo] All other are strings except the unit is an object. Test that the ammo class matches the nuke.
  10. Maybe you could reduce the plane weapon ammo "cost". It should make AI to use them more against "low value" targets as soldiers. If you reduce it too much AI might spend its bombs on soldiers and has nothing left for tanks. Another thing you could try is to increase the threat level of the infantry against air units.
  11. I don't like sqs scripts, but what I have seen them I think it could be be put like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #loop cc switchMove "ActsPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_Injured1" ~30 ?( damage cc > 0 ) : goto "loop" You had also a logical error in it. The test !(damage >= 0) is always false ,because damage returns a value between 0 and 1. That works if don't have anything after that code. If you do you have to set the test like ?( damage cc == 0 ): exit
  12. Looking good Few things what comes to my mind - The Carpiquet airfield was just south of the town. Now it seems to be west of it, if the the village like blob on the map is Carpiquet. - To model the US Cobra operation following towns would be nice to see: Avranches south of Granville, Mortain east of Avranches, south of Vire and some bigger nearby town like Brecey. - More towns between Caen and Falaise (For modelling Op "Totalize" by Brits) and east of Caen (op. "Goodwood"). Â (Vimont, Potigny, May-sur-Orne, Troarn, subrurbs of Caen...). Benouville,Ranville,Ouistreham,... near the Pegasus bridge. - It would be nice to see some small villages, hamlets and farms between the towns so that the terrain is more interesting. I saw some in the old version, but I hope we see more of them. - This might be because of unzooming the map or maybe they are still just place holders, but some of the roads look too straight. Also I'm not saying I see the following in your map, but say just in case: What ever bend and curves a road makes, there is a reason for it - going round a hill, forest, swamp, river etc. If it makes a bend in an open field without a reason, it looks odd. I hope that didn't sound just whining, because I really had to think to what was missing. It really looks good otherwise. Â
  13. What I have tryed it seems 120km/h is the top speed for land vehicles. It doesn't matter what you put as maxSpeed in the config. Â After it is set over 120, it has no effect on the top speed. The only thing what it affects then is the gear settings. If you have set it 120, the autogear system uses maybe 3-4 gears, but if you put it say 1000, it might use only one gear. There might be similar limit for air unit speed, but not tested. terrainCoef affects how much slower it can move (top speed) offroad. It doens't seem to do anything for tanks. I haven't experienced dampers settings to have any (or at least noticable) effect for speed on even ground (of course if you go over bumpy road, softer dampers might keep the wheels more contact with ground and so better speed). The script system is bad in the way that it gives often bit different speed in different computers.
  14. Ok, I list all what I did. Hopefully I remember everything... Requirements: - You have both MGs and cannon classed as Mgs/cannons (not rockets) 1) add the zasleh proxy for each and all guns (both MG and the cannon) ("\ca\weapons\zasleh1_proxy") 2) Group all of them and name them together as "zasleh". This far it is same as compared to 1 gun case. 3) Group the MG proxys only and name the selection as "zasleh_mg" or something like that. 4) Same as 3 for the cannon and name it e.g. "zasleh_cannon". 5) List the "zasleh_mg" and "zasleh_cannon" in the skeleton bones. And "zasleh" in the named sections in model. 6) Make animation (in the model/animations)... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class zasleh_mg { type = "translationZ"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; source = "user"; selection = "zasleh_mg"; memory = 0; axis = ""; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1.5; offset0 = 0; offset1 = 1.5; }; class zasleh_cannon : zasleh_mg { selection = "zasleh_cannon"; }; 7) Add following kind of entries into the Vehicle class <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class AnimationSources { class zasleh_mg { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0.0001; initPhase=0; }; class zasleh_cannon { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0.0001; initPhase=1; }; }; 8) Use the old familiar script (this is in sqf so that normal people can read it)... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _unit = _this select 0; _gun = _this select 1; if(_gun == "Browning_M53x4") then { Â _ammoCount = _unit ammo _gun; Â _bullet = nearestObject [_unit, _this select 4]; Â if( !(isNull _bullet) ) then { Â Â Â _n = (_ammoCount mod 4); Â Â Â _offset = [0,0,0]; Â Â Â switch ( _n ) do { Â Â Â Â case 0: { _offset = [ 0.190, 3.2, 0.398]; }; Â Â Â Â case 1: { _offset = [-0.190, 3.2, 0.398]; }; Â Â Â Â case 2: { _offset = [ 0.110, 3.2, 0.528]; }; Â Â Â Â case 3: { _offset = [-0.110, 3.2, 0.528]; }; Â Â Â }; Â Â Â _wpos = _unit modelToWorld _offset; Â Â Â _bullet setpos _wpos; Â }; Â _unit animate ["zasleh_mg",1.5]; Â _unit animate ["zasleh_cannon",0]; } else { Â _unit animate ["zasleh_cannon",1.5]; Â _unit animate ["zasleh_mg",0]; }; Need to add this to the event handlers naturally... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> fired = "_this execVM ""\Aqu_p38\script\fired.sqf"""; 9) This works so that it hides the not used flashes inside the fuselage and brings the used ones back to the normal place. So fine tuning is required that the unused ones are totally hidden. The direction and how much you need to move them is shown in the the animations (in my case 1.5m in Z direction) and the distance also in the script (the animate command). Ok, it is bit hacky, but works and imho lot less hacky than some rocket doadahicky. Also bullets are bullets under the same base class. Not rockets which would violate one of the fundamental principles of object programming.
  15. Hey Frizy. Did you get your system working? I used some time to think the muzzle flash problem for multiple gun types (I think this was your problem?). I got it working so that I have them in all 4 MGs and one cannon and when you fire one type it is shown only for the correct gun(s). And it needs no rockets. But if you got it working I can save my breath.
  16. Now that is great to hear. Many of the "freetime mapmakers" do not have accurate maps easily obtainable. Especially outside the major battle areas. No, not the Caen canal. Wide rivers and especially canals seem to mainly without much surrounding forests. If you look at airphotos of lesser rivers and streams, even in farmland areas, it is not uncommon to have such vegetation left around rivers. I don't know why...flooding, erosion, too rocky, angry elfs, what ever. But if you have to use imagination in some places I would try to alternate the pattern. If you also put some industrial targets in England (I prefer the real ones mainly) I could make a battle of Britain campaign. To another matter. You haven't posted the weapons/armor data yet, but I made some actual firing tests while testing teh P-38. Something to chew on P-38 M2/M53 0.50 call MG: 27HP (100% kinetic) 20mm Hispano cannon: 40HP (60% explosive) 5in HVAR rocket: 380 HP (90% explosive) US 1,000lb GP bomb (M65): 5,000HP (95% explosive) Test firing at Pz-IVh, side armor c 100m away --------------------- 20mm: 41 hits to destroy .50: Â 64 5in: 2 bomb: 1 near miss inside 12m radius Tiger --------- 20mm: 135 .50: Â 180 5in: Â not known, but >6 anyway bomb: 1 near miss next to the tank What I can see.. - MGs and cannon too powerful against a tank - Rockets suck big time - Bombs rock - Tiger is too hard to destroy?
  17. Good job adding those towns.  I noticed from the current version, there are none of the big sector airfields around London, I think. These being Kenley,  and Biggin Hill south of London. Hornchurch east of London. North Weald NE and Northold west of London. They had better runways than those local airfields. Other sector fields inside the map area were Tangmere bigger distance east of Portsmouth and Middle Wallop good deal north of Southampton Making maps of how it was over 60 years ago is not easy if  you have to use modern maps as a basis. When I made maps for Steel Panthers I had some basic rules if I had to use lot of imagination. - Cities and big towns are today bigger than those days -> make them smaller - the above rule does hold necessarily for small towns and especially villages (people moved more to bigger cities) - Less woodland around bigger towns today. In coutryside this could be actually reverse. - Trees, bushes seems to surround some rivers (left to keep erosion in control or too muddy aland to cultivate?) -Highways/Freeways with many lanes were basicly German only thing before the WWII. If you see such a thing in a modern map the chance is that if there was a road in the 30-40s it had 2 lanes. There are lot more freeways in Germany today too. - The tarmac/asphalt surface was rarer in those days. I think you can't go very wrong if you reduce the road level 1 step from modern. A good quality 2 lane tarmac road with road markings today was maybe narrower tarmac road and no road markings or maybe even a dirt road back then. Those shiny white road markings on Sahrani roads do not look '40s to me - Should be suspicious about big human made landmarks, such as open mines, large industrial areas, airfields, race tracks etc. There is a big risk they are from post war times. I know from experience that it feels stupid if you find out lot later you made a wrong decision to put it on the map. Â
  18. Yeah. But I would like it to work as realisticly as possible if player gets an idea to start flaming something which does not catch fire. Also I think it should catch people behind a shallow cover like a trench if the flame get close enough. The Ai usage at the moment: AI hasn't got the idea it has a very low velocity so it shoots too low and sometimes burning himself. The flame tank has bit more range and muzzle velocity (the range comes from that) and AI manages to hit better with it. Although even if you are on the same side, you better run because AI tends to burn everyone and everything around. I Put one AI flame tank with supporting inf squad into the Rahmadi village and drove around in M113. Result: It got me eventually, but before that AI had killed the own support squad and dozen houses  Anyway I got an idea that urban flamethrower deathmatch might be fun sometimes Â
  19. It will be then only 40m battlefield  The info if a building is a normal house or a bunker is quite impossible to test, unless you put all the bunkers under one base class. That would be best working solution. Another one which might work (not tested) is to put a value into the config file (CfgVehicles). E.g. "hardness=1.0". If there is no such value or if it is 0 it is considered flammable (can catch fire) and 1 is impossible to burn with flamethrower. Value 0.5 is something between. Looks like the it needs some more scripting. If the damage caused depends only on the script you do not get kill scores.
  20. I cannot find any commands which would return boolean (true/false) if two units,groups or sides are enemies. Kind of reverse to the setFriend command. Basicly like this Boolean = Side1 isFriend Side2 or Boolean = Unit1 isFriend Unit2 (but this is bit iffy if the other unit is a teamkiller) The fact that there are 3 sides (east,west,guerrilla) makes it bit problematic. I cannot even hardcode that east is automatically enemy to west. This should work in all combinations. Actually it might be enough if I knew if the player side is friendly to some other.
  21. Thanks for the replys. Bit what I feared. The mando script uses just that system. Not nice at all. There are some of these data which only have the "set" command but not the "get" version. The above mentioned and also e.g "setCurrentWaypoint".
  22. Thanks for your comments. I had managed to dig up the 8-9sec tank and range info. It is modelled by M2-2 flametrower, but the specs seemed to have been pretty much same still in Vietnam. The weapon is currently fully automatic, but has not so good accuracy and it is slower to move than rifles. I understand the principe how it works and also somewhat what kind of special effects it can have (like consumes oxygen making crew either bailout (and usually roast) or suffocate to death (and roast). What is bit unkown to me what sort structural damage it causes to buildings and armoured vehicles. If you keep flaming a tank, how soon it should blow up? Also should bunkers suffer structural damage? Somehow I feel you have to flame a concrete bunker quite long before it is reduced to rubble. Currently a direct hit of one burst causes around 75hp which is comparative to 30mm AP round in BMP-2 or about 4 handgranades. Indirect effect is not big and the range is only 3-4m, but objects very close nearby can get splashes and start burning from it. If an object starts to burn it suffers constantly some damage until it gets destroyed or the fire burns out. Currently all soft targets (men and unarmoured vehciles) get destroyed from one direct hit or very soon if caught fire from a nearby hit. Armoured targets (tryed T-72,BMP, BRDM) are destroyed soon after starting to burn if not directly. Buildings require more bursts if want to destroy directly and might get destroyed after starting to burn after one shot. Sometimes (maybe 50%) the fire burns out before the building collapses
  23. Great to hear  It is really needed especially in veteran level when you don't have icon for your position on the map. Without landmarks you could be in Sahara as well. Any flamethrower experts here? How deadly one burst (about as long as one burst from M4) should be compared to e.g 105mm howitzer round, hand granade etc?
  24. Aqu

    Shadow LOD

    @Mikebart I don't think banana has any specific config. There is only the generic plant config. Banana and other plants are classless objects which cannot be created in the mission editor or in scripts. If you want to make a class for your Banana so that you can place them outside Visitor, you could make it yourself. Bit this style (not tested)... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Thing; class MikeBart_Plant : Thing {   scope = private;   VehicleClass="Objects";   model="";   picture="";   icon="\ca\data\data\Unknown_object.paa";   accuracy=1000; // never recognize   mapSize = 2;   armor=2;   cost = 0;   side=4; // TSideUnknown   Crew="";   nameSound="";   hasGunner = 0;   hasCommander = 0;   hasDriver = 0;   irTarget=false;   destrType = DestructTree;   simulation = "thing"; // not sure about this, could try other if this doesn't work well   submerged = 0;   submergeSpeed = 0.0;   maxSpeed = 0;   fuelCapacity = 0;   threat[]={0.0, 0.0, 0.0};   transportAmmo = 0;   transportRepair = 0;   transportFuel = 0;   soundEngine[] = {"",1,1};   soundEnviron[] = {"", 1, 1}; }; class MikeBart_Banana: MikeBart_Plant {   scope=public;   displayName="Mike's banana";   model= "\MIKEBART_Banana\banana.p3d"; // YOUR BANANA P3D path here! }; Using that sort of config might make it not work like a plant though (not move with wind etc). Also many of those values might need bit tweaking. Did you check the named properties in the Oxygen? Also the plant behaviour is set there (class = treeSoft, dammage=tree)
  25. Aqu

    Shadow LOD

    @mikebart Not quite sure what is not working, but there are few things you could check. In the geo lod. Could try put these named properties if they are not there yet. name - value -------------------- shadow - hybrid sbsource - explicit prefershadowvolume - 0 Those are used in the BIS banana plant. Also if making plants, you might better add "canOcclude - 0" or basicly just copy all the stuff from the banana named properties.