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Everything posted by Aqu

  1. So nobody has managed to go around this?
  2. If you have a config, try... destrType = "DestructNo";
  3. @Profanwolf Looks like you have managed to find all the scripts which were used to just test if some ideas were working. Both of those never worked like intended (in Arma1) and abandoned the ideas at least for some time. All the systems which are ment to be used will be documented Instructions to make the level bombing manually (Arma1 lancasters)... 1) place some bombers on the map (set the mode in the unit dialog as FLYING) 2) You normally want them to be in the same group (F2 GROUP mode and pull lines from planes into the the leader plane) 3) Planes normally start at 100m above ground. If you want them to start higher, then write the next line in the init line of each plane (unit dialog). The flying altitude is 500m in the example. this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, 500]; this flyInHeight 500; cycle=0; 4) Select a plane from the group and select the waypoint mode (cannot remember what F key it was). Click on hte map where you want to put a waypont. You should place it so that the bombing target is between the formation and the waypoint. You should also make the plane orientation (flying direction) towards the 1st waypoint. Rotating can be done by selecting object(s) and shift+mouse key+move mouse (iirc) or in the unit dialog. 5) Select the trigger mode (some F key again) and click on the map somewhere between the target and the flight group. Create rectangular trigger by clicking on the map (circular works too, but rectangular works better). Make it activate by PRESENCE and BLUEFOR. If you use some other side, change if needed. You should set it fire REPEATABLE. Make sure the trigger width or height is at least the flight altitude + some extra (if the altitude is 500m, 600m should be enough) 6) Copy into the trigger test (condition): this and cycle==0 7) Into the trigger ACTIVATION box copy this: { if( (vehicle _x) isKindOf "Plane" ) then { _x selectWeapon "500lb_Rail"; _x fire ["500lb_Rail","All","28rd_500lb"]; }; } forEach thisList; cycle=1; 8) Into the deactivation box: cycle=0; 9) Test the mission and if they drop the bombs too early or late, adjust the trigger location/size until they hit the intended area.
  4. How to aim it yourself? Have you tryed it? Try and see what it has in the action menu. If you play in the lower two difficulty levels, see the map after you have fired it (in higher levels you need to observe it yourself or ask someone to work as an observer). With AI gunner...I have never been fan of the arty module..helluva complex and doesn't use the same ammo as normally. Just coding the AI can use the mortar and AI can be ordered to give indirect fire. Needs bit ironing...might not make it for the 1.0
  5. Ah, oh yes...it's a bit strict you have to get all returned values. Put it like this.. tmp=[C47] execVM "Aqu_Scripts\airborne\paradrop.sqf";
  6. I suppose you handle the mission editor. 1) Give a name to the plane used for the para drop (In this example "C47") 2) make a trigger which fires for some reason (e.g the plane flyes into it) or possibly a waypoint for the plane (note: if the plane is flying high, the trigger needs to be big - radius at least as much as the flying altitude) 3) Put into the activation block the command: [C47] execVM "Aqu_scripts\airborne\paradrop.sqf"; Note: If you are flying the c-47, there is always the option "para drop" in the action menu if you are flying higher than the min safe altitude.
  7. [_plane] execVM "Aqu_Scripts\paraDrop.sqf"; // 1 sec interval [_plane, _interval] execVM "Aqu_Scripts\airborne\paraDrop.sqf";
  8. People wanted to get hand on the mod before it was ready. It takes bit time to get all done. "Historically correct". hmmm...sorry, I doubt...Three reasons: 1) hard to get accurate maps from 1930s-1940s 2) it takes lot more time to make towns very accurate 3) This is a big map so multiply #2 few times
  9. I guess that is not my 88, because I don't use such a texture (unless Rip has added something). I understand you want to create some missing Brit stuff, but why put effort on some stuff which is here already. Not saying you couldn't do that, but somehow it would feel bit more useful to add something new as you say your mod is to run together this mod ("This addon-Mod is to be used together with 31stWWA2 mod. The Vehicles use the 31stWWA2 Drivers, Gunners, Commanders and Pilots.").
  10. best read through csj's 'the few' thread I know I read the answer in there That's interesting because I have nothing to do with FEW. But to the point...You cannot add it directly because it is not technically part of the same object, but with a bit of code you can... _turret = nearestObject [_plane, "Rip31st_Lanc_Turret_rear"]; if( !(isNull _turret) ) then { player action ["GetInGunner",_turret]; }; (Note: _plane is the Lancaster object) Put that e.g. in the player init. Lancaster uses the old gunner system as I forgot to put the newer one where you can directly point the specific gunner position. EDIT: The Smine got borked at some point. Will be fixed in the next release/patch.
  11. Try the rear turret in the Grand Slam Lancaster mkI Special
  12. Where is this said? In the new patch readme? It looks like this wasn't fixed even it was known...personally I would prefer less patches, but then more fixes in one patch. I assume this means the infantry doesn't have the required event handler to setup the mine properly. So currently it would need something like this... fired = "if( _this select 4 == "Aqu_B_SMine" ) then { _this execVM "\Aqu_Smine\script\placemine.sqf"};"; Also you cannot set the trip wire to the mine I guess, so it is set off only by stepping over it. If placing the mine directly in the editor (I think it was empty/objects/Smine something) it should be armed properly.
  13. DUKW and some some other have lot of white only because they are untextured in 0.99 version. Those parts which are not white are textured only because those were borrowed from CCKW (DUKW was based on CCKW). Battleships...Try a plane and see if you can hurt it Hollow charge weapons...The usual problem with these was that even they did punch through the armor, that didn't necessarily cause destruction of the vehicle. This ment that if you could drive the vehicle back you just plugged the hole and cleaned the mess. On the other hand if it hit anything volatile it could go up in flames. Other types of ammo could leave the vehicle in operation condition too even if they penetrated the armor. If it penetrated the armor the biggest chance for an explosion was with an AP round with a HE charge I think (not counting a normal HE charge). Haltracks rarely carried more than MG bullets, so if you really wanted to kill the vehicle, shooting tracks or engine was a good idea and even a normal HE could do it. Balancing: I'm against setting values unrealealisticly for just balancing. We don't have to balance Panzerfaust with Panzerschreck. They have realistic penetration and range, that's it. If you want to balance something, you can set weapon and unit availability in missions. Ballistics: I have put effort that stuff should fly like in real life (mostly what comes to range).
  14. About new vehicle types...Lot things are to still coming. The number of versions is bit uncertain but roughly these at some point. There are others too, but they are not so close to release. Allied: - Willys Jeep (open, closed, 0.3 mg, 0.5 mg,+maybe others) for US, Brits, Canadians(?) - DUKW textured (unless Rip published it already yesterday) - Bedford QL trucks for Brits (c same types as there are now in CCKW) - Destroyer for Brits (forgot the name or class at this point) - Liberty Ship Axis: - SdKfz-234/1, /2, /3, /4 - BMW R75 (sidecar + mg) - He-111 H in various versions - Nebelwerfer 42 (there should be NW41 and Wurframen already in the mod) - S-100 torpedo boat (bit later) - KarlGerät 040 (bit later) Ships are bit lower in priority right now and they might come when the first harbours are put on the map.
  15. If you test with "all compatibility ends" mod (ace) how can you tell where the fault is? "Inconsistency" If you look at how many people have contributed in this mod giving their models, you might find the reason why they are not always styled the same way. Or if you mean the fact some are textured and some are not, I think it has been mentioned many times this is not complete. I know some of my models do not have textures or material files (lack of rvmat cause washed out feeling) (e.g. Catalina, dukw) simply because I had too much work and too little time. I never ment them to be published that way, but they will be completed.
  16. Yes, thank you I know what profile means but I can't understand what you see in the game that is not normal. Maybe post a pic? I guess Rip has some older version, because there should not be permanent muzle flash. I didn't see it very important to move the mg bullets to the end of the mg because it is quite close to the cannon and it wasn't very clearly visible (not possible with the normal arma system, requires bit work). I added it to the todo list anyway (because it is only couple of mins work). About the textures...yes they are simple currently because I couldn't find a single pic of sdkfz-222 which is late war and has a clearly visible camo painting. There are late version 222s in museums and they do not have a camo painting. Dunno is this museum mistake or were they really w/o camo (would sound bit odd). I decided to leave it like that before I can make a decision what to do with it. No visibility from inside? You can use the optics if you are the gunner.
  17. That is because paras hit the elevator. I try place the bail out pos into a better position. As a quick help it helps if you fly in a shallow dive (iirc) If you are the pilot, just select the para drop option from the action menu. It drops them realistically and not one big pile.
  18. What do you mean with 'profile'? The small picture at the bottom of the screen? Something must have happened when adding it to the mod, because it works here.
  19. Dumb, yes. Especially because that shouldn't be a problem if the infantry is set correctly. Grpf...well maybe you can think it is realistic. If I were a normal GI Joe I think I would keep my hands away from mortars. They can be deadly if you are not taught to use them. If you are carrying the mortar, select it, then face where you want to set it. Then just click, wait few secs an voila.
  20. The same instructions work for both V1 and V2 (except there is no V2 launch bunker). You just have to replace V1 with V2 in the global variable names (e.g Aqu_V2_start). The problem with V2 in small maps is that when the target has to be quite far from the start location it is outside the map. The accuracy of V2 is in the same class as V1. And with V1 the target has to be inside +-60 degrees arc. Btw...you can set the launched rocket/missile as a player manned from the air class menu (you just cannot control it).
  21. This release doesn't contain all the stuff. Especially the British are far from complete. It's nice you are having fun, but let's try to have some useful information from this othwerwise useless release. In general it is helpful to get a description what happens and when (i.e. instructions to reproduce the error) and possibly the error message in arma2.rpt (if there is such). Thank you
  22. 1) Place the launch ramp and V1 (+ the bunker if want manual launch) 2) Give V1 name in the object dialog ( e.g. just "v1") (EDIT: You need this only if putting the launch line in a trigger etc) 3) Place a map marker on the map and give it a name (e.g "v1_target") 4) Copy into the init line of the V1 (in the object dialog): Aqu_V1_target=getMarkerPos "V1_target"; or if launching several missiles and they have different targets, then Aqu_V1_target=[this, getMarkerPos "v1_target"];
  23. V1 is placed automatically on the ramp if you place it close enough. You don't need the bunker really (only if wanting manual launch). The thing won't launch unless you have set a global Aqu_V1_target containing the target coords ([x,y] or [v1,[x,y]]). The launching itself can be done with a global Aqu_V1_start=(v1 object) too. It can be launched from the he-111 too, as soon as one dude has painted the mg15 so we can get the he-111 out. to set the target coords e.g getMarkerCoords or getpos are useful. EDIT: Don't complain if you have hard time hit anything smaller than a town - that is intentional. There is also one other global (left from testing), but I leave it you to find out ;)
  24. hmpf...There was talk about the next weekend. This is missing many things and has unnecessary bugs now. I would have liked to add something before the release. It's nice to read these things afterwards which I think would have been nice to know before.
  25. If the ACE compatibilty means only adding some values into config it's ok to me. If it means inheriting from some weird classes or generally if it makes this mod unusable without ACE, I'm against it. So in my opinion ACE could be supported but only if it doens't imply requirement. ACE is not any de facto base requirement like you could assume e.g 1.05 patch. This mod is already huge in size and if you have to DL ACE too, it sucks donkey b***s. Not everybody has a fast enough internet connection they want to start downloading any additional stuff. We have to remember this is still going to increase in size when new battlefields are added.