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Everything posted by AzzWort

  1. Hi guys, I'm azzwort. Also a PR officer for UO. Just in case anyone was interested. TvT events will be every other week, tell your friends!
  2. well, it wouldn't be useful except for the fact that you could better simulate being ambushed and being able to effectively provide fire support from someplace other then the main gun of the humvee. Like if there was no gun, the vehicle wouldn't be completly useless in a firefight/ambush and would be able to hold up it's end of the fire when trying to shoot it's way out of a killzone...uh yeah...
  3. As much fun as a minigun mounted SUV sounds, i would rather be able to shoot from vehicles. There's enough cars with guns on them. ADD THIS FEATURE BIS! (it's already in VBS2 so i know it's viable in-engine).