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About Akro

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  1. Thanks Xeno I tried the init.sqf modif but no change. With the DomiA2 1.12t mission pack I have opportunity to save game on leaving. Ah well, nevermind.
  2. Well, I mean that I launch a game from my pc, in multiplayer (internet) mode (for instance xxdomination xx west chernarus) so that friends can join and play. When we decide to stop, I leave the game and had so far the option to save, so we can follow on next time. With 2.10 or 2.11 versions no more saving option, meaning everything is lost if leaving game.
  3. SpecterM, thanks for answering. With the 1.09 or 1.12 versions (for instance) of domination packs I was able to save game in MP mode. I was wondering if the last version got a new install way or maybe if it had something to do with last 1.07 patch... In the 2.10 or 2.11 packs, when leaving game "save game" is still present in menu but not active. If someone can confirm it's normal, then it's ok.
  4. Well at least somebody could give some hint or link ? hmm, big boys ?
  5. Hi Sorry if question may sound quite dumb, but with domia2 2.11 (West Chernarus) I am not able to get the 'save game' option (it's shown in menu but not active). Did I miss something when installing pack ? Thanks
  6. "everyone is able to get his game to run" Well, to run maybe but with what kind of quality and reliabilty under vista ? I got a computer (laptop) with Vista 32 (c2d, 2 go ram, 8600m gt). I managed to make that thing running quite nicely, reinstalling clean vista, tweaking usual and known things, new drivers, etc. Medieval Total War2, test drive unlimited, world in conflict, all these games ran without any issue and with decent fps. All, except one : armed assault 1.08. I got, and still get the famous "lag spikes", tried 'vista antilag', 'wlanoptimizer', still and ever microlags, not even 'every minute or so', making that thing a pain to play. I got 4 go of ram and installed ultimate vista 64. Everything is running smoothly, but, of course, I got the '4 go issue' thing with Arma... Tried the msconfig with allowing only 3 go. Arma launchs and may be played, but (in addition that's kind of a workaround) still the lag spikes... I installed dual boot with xp pro 32. Arma is running perfectly, smooth, fast, nice....... Nothing new you'll say. But it's kind of a pity since it's THE game I like and play. And that game obviously doesn't like vista (or reverse). So many threads on so many forums state that. Older games doesn't care about xp or vista (for instance OFP) and with proper drivers run well on both. I do hope that a patch solve the trouble, but i'm a bit doubtful. I don't need to (and won't get) a tower with a quadcore and an hypervitamined 8800gtxzw sli to play games (not speaking about Crysis I don't care about). able to get a game to run is one thing, able to Play a game is other. So ? waiting for arma2 or OFP2...