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Azza FHI

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Posts posted by Azza FHI

  1. I don't mean to keep harping on this but adding -filePatching to my launch options is not removing the "Script\userconfig\asr_ai3_settings.sqf not found" error. What am I missing?

    I haven't even tried adding the line on my server yet. This is just trying to launch my client to get into the editor:

    if you jumble up the words in your post then you have solved it yourself!

    " I am missing Script\userconfig\asr_ai3_settings.sqf "

    u musnt have installed the userconfig folder correctly...

  2. Hi,

    Not sure that -filepatching is the issue. We have recently enabled that and have seen no difference with desync. You should start by troubleshooting your server and seeing what is happening with the network traffic.

    1. for 10 - 20 players on a normal mission the server should be outputting 5 - 10mbps when the AI are active during a firefight. The in game admin can monitor this with #monitor 1 and 0. if the server is only outputting 1mbps or somthing then you have a network issue.

    2. badly optimised scripts or units spawning and despawning can cause desync.

    3. high player ping - if a fair few players have high ping to the server then this can effect the server and anyone else on the server as data packets will be lost and the server needs to re send them.

    4. tweak your arma3.cfg found in the default server profile. no server's optimum values are the same because it depends on the servers connection relative to the clients. for example, we are an australian based group which rent a server from Los Angeles (its cheap) on a 100mbit line so the values that work for us are as follows

    This stuff can get confusing and is a very slow process to get right, but here is all the info you need or least to get started with https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/139003-tutorial-how-to-run-arma3-on-a-dedicated-server/
    • Like 1

  3.  blazenchamber,[/size]


    Thanks for the quick reply. Great to here it is getting close and more weapons too  :)[/size] [/size]


    Now, where's me new Australian Multicam Camouflage Uniform  :ph34r:[/size] [/size]




    AMCU and the EF88 would be a killer combo. The ADF Uncut mod has the uniform in the works i think, but that mod is pretty slow goin.

  4. @robalo - is it possible to make the AI throw more smoke. I remember that was one of the main attractions of ASR a few versions back, but it seems you have removed that feature?

    is it because the vanialla AI are supposed to have that feature now? one thing is for sure, i havent seen an AI throw a smoke grenade in the last ~4 months, and they all have smoke grenades in their kit.

    Even if you could advise me on some code which we could use via a custom addon or script that would be awesome.

    edit - ive found fnc_throwsmoke in 0.9.24, can you advise on how we can integrate that function into the current ASR or is that not possible?


  5. In regards to ACE AI, I've heard you can use it alongside other AI mods, specifically ASR, however I always see people saying they disable ACE's AI with ASR. For clarification, is it best to disable it? Or what are the ups/downs of keeping both, if any?

    there is no reason to remove it unless you dont like the features that it provides. this is what it changes http://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/ai.html

    all of which would be better to run than not run imo

  6. Just a bit of feedback after running this mod in our unit. If you run this with a group of 20 players or so, u may need to bump up the enemy skill compared to the original asr settings. We found that the AI were noticeably easier with this version of ASR running. Maybe they are too busy looking for places to hide that they forget to shoot. Anyway, it doesnt really suit our play style so we will be reverting back to the original ASR for now.

  7. just thought id put it out there. if robalo gave you permission to do so, would you have plans to expand on the core ASR?

    last i heard (and tested), pack NVGs function was not working propperly, and the RHS config pbo is severly outdated. aside from that ASR has not been updated in a while even after a few arma patches, so there would be some things that are out of date or broken i would imagine.

  8. Bump for my long wall of text up there which everyone's ignoring..

    How about - that problem seems unique to you and your system and there is obviously something terribly wrong. Maybe you installed the mod or teamspeak incorrectly, admin permissions etc. If i were you i would reinstall everything in the correct manner assuming you know what you are doing...

    No one replied because its a wierd problem that is most likely your fault

  9. Agree on the whole magic map marking thing. Surprised it hasnt been modified yet.

    Having the option to limit them to direct chat would be great for immersion.

    @stice you might want to look at dyslexis map pointer mod, simple mod that lets you point on the map in real time with left click and u can define the distance at which other can see the pointer.

    If im leading the mission ill forbid anyone to use magic markers (or just delete them) and either ask for grid coords or the map pointer, so i guess thats a temp fix untill the markers get fixed

  10. here is our one for reference. 

    it is setup for SF to be very hard, regulars to be normal and militia to be slightly easier. maybe give that a try and go from there.

    imo dont worry too much about how it works, just find the right values and go from there.

    remember that in game skill slider has an effect on general AI skill.


     ASR AI3 server-side settings; these settings are only applicable on servers and single-player sessions
     this file must be found in <game folder>\userconfig\asr_ai3\
     for most settings, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
     Mission makers can control these features by setting these global variables in init.sqf
    asr_ai3_main_setskills  = 1; // Override AI skills based on their unit type (faction, training etc.; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled)
    asr_ai3_main_joinlast  = 0; // Groups left with only this number of units will merge with nearest group of the same faction (set to 0 to disable)
    asr_ai3_main_removegimps = 0; // Units unable to walk for this time will separate from their group to prevent slowing it down (time in seconds, set 0 to disable)
    asr_ai3_main_rearm          = 0; // Enable basic AI rearming (resupply radius in meters; set to 0 to disable feature)
    asr_ai3_main_gunshothearing = 1.1;      // Gunshot hearing range coefficient (applied to shooter's weapon sound range; 0 will disable the feature)
    Units are classified into skill sets between 1 and 10
    By default, a lower level number means a better skilled unit
    Levels 8-10 are special:
    - 8-9 are for pilots
    - 10 is for trained snipers
    asr_ai3_main_sets = [ // for each level: skilltype, [<min value>, <random value added to min>]
    [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[1.00,0.0], "spotting",[1.00,0.0] ], // 0:  super-AI (only used for testing)
    [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[0.70,0.0], "spotting",[0.80,0.0] ], // 1:  sf 1
    [ "general",[0.85,0.1], "aiming",[0.35,0.2], "spotting",[0.35,0.1] ], // 2:  sf 2 (recon units, divers and spotters)
    [ "general",[0.80,0.1], "aiming",[0.30,0.2], "spotting",[0.30,0.1] ], // 3:  regular 1 (regular army leaders, marksmen)
    [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[0.60,0.0], "spotting",[0.80,0.0] ], // 4:  regular 2 (regulars)
    [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[0.50,0.0], "spotting",[0.70,0.0] ], // 5:  militia or trained insurgents, former regulars (insurgent leaders, marksmen)
    [ "general",[0.65,0.1], "aiming",[0.15,0.2], "spotting",[0.15,0.1] ], // 6:  some military training (insurgents)
    [ "general",[0.60,0.1], "aiming",[0.10,0.2], "spotting",[0.10,0.1] ], // 7:  no military training
    [ "general",[0.80,0.1], "aiming",[0.25,0.2], "spotting",[0.35,0.1] ], // 8:  pilot 1 (regular)
    [ "general",[0.70,0.1], "aiming",[0.20,0.2], "spotting",[0.30,0.1] ], // 9:  pilot 2 (insurgent)
    [ "general",[0.90,0.1], "aiming",[0.70,0.3], "spotting",[0.90,0.1] ] // 10: sniper 
    asr_ai3_main_levels_units = [
    [], // 0:  super-AI (only used for testing)
    ["o_recon_f","o_recon_m_f"], // 1:  sf 1
    [], // 2:  sf 2 (recon units, divers and spotters)
    [], // 3:  regular 1 (regular army leaders, marksmen)
    ["o_soldier_tl_f","o_soldier_f","o_soldier_at_f","o_medic_f","o_soldier_aar_f","o_soldier_aat_f","o_soldier_ar_f","o_soldier_a_f","o_soldier_m_f","o_soldier_sl_f","o_soldier_lat_f","o_soldier_gl_f"], // 4:  regular 2 (regulars)
    ["i_soldier_sl_f","i_soldier_lat_f","i_soldier_ar_f","i_medic_f","i_soldier_m_f","i_soldier_f","i_soldier_a_f","i_soldier_tl_f","i_soldier_gl_f"], // 5:  militia or trained insurgents, former regulars (insurgent leaders, marksmen)
    [], // 6:  civilians with some military training (insurgents)
    [], // 7:  civilians without military training
    [], // 8:  pilot 1 (regular)
    [], // 9:  pilot 2 (insurgent)
    [] // 10: sniper 
    asr_ai3_main_factions = [ // default coefficient for unlisted factions is 1, meaning no change

  11. hmmmmmm after making some test missions the results are very strange. either some sort of mod conflict or just arma being arma.


    if the units started with no primary weapon, they would us the RH pistols no problem.

    if they run out of ammo and then switch to the pistol this is when the bug happens.


    vanilla units it doesnt happen


    but the worst part is that the bug doesnt happen 100% of the time, maybe its because of the type of primary weapon the AI unit has at the time. (units with RHS ak74's the bug happens, but units with HLC weapons the bug didnt happen. unconfirmed if that is the same every time tho)


    It probably not worth the hassel in looking into it, because under the right circumstances the AI can use these pistols so that suggests there is nothing wrong with this mod...



  12. @RobertHammer - are you able to address the issue of the AI not being able to use these pistols?


    In more detail it works like this:

    - Ai use RH pistols like normal when AI are local to the player such as the editor

    - If on dedicated server, AI are using pistols but it doesnt broadcast correctly to the players (no bullets are fired)

    - you can see the slide stay open when they have emptied the clip and need to reload, so this suggests that AI are in fact firing the weapon but it just isnt being broadcast globally

  13. i am trying to get this to work on my exile server


    on my server i have added

    "RH_de_cfg" to my mission.sqm


    addOns[] section


    also added it into 

    requiredAddons[] under the config.cpp for 

    exile_server_config pbo


    on my server i added the RHI.bikey into my keys folder


    my server launch i have



    on my pc i have the required mods enabled, exact same versions.


    but when i try to join the server i get the error:


    16:51:12 Warning Message: Files "D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@RHPistolpack\addons\rh_de.pbo" are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys.


    i did add the same RHI.bikey into my D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\keys folder


    any ideas?

    FYI u never have to edit the mission sqm. If the addon is being used in the mission then it will get added as a dependency to the sqm automatically.

    It seems like you are doing everything right so maybe the RHI key doesnt work propperly, or you dont have the bisigns alongside the pbo files which is required.
