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Azza FHI

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Posts posted by Azza FHI

  1. one thing worth noting with the system that i posted, is that if a unit is carrying an item then it will show up in the arsenal also.

    E.G. u havent whitelisted ACE_morphine, but if he is carrying 1 stick of it then opens the arsenal box then he can take as many morphine as he wants.

    The 'fixed arsenal' mod fixes stuff like that if needed, i think.

    Also if a unit is carrying any item that is not whitelisted, he will not be able to save and load his kit.

  2. initserver.sqf

    execvm "VA_box.sqf";

    // Check if box1 exists
     if (isNil "box1") exitWith { };
    [box1, [
    // ==================== ITEMS =====================
    // Uniforms
    // Headgear
    // Vests
    // Suppressors
    // Flashlight
    // Scopes
    // General
    // Meds
    ], true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
    [box1, [
    // ==================== WEAPONS =====================
    // ===================== RHS ========================
    // =================== Sidearms =====================
    ], true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualweaponCargo;
    [box1, [
    // =================== MAGAZINES =====================
    // =================== RHS =====================
    // =================== OTHER =====================
    ], true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualmagazineCargo;
    [box1, [
    // Backpacks
    // Radiopacks
    ], true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualbackpackCargo;

  3. Does anyone know how to change what it says when you mouse over the Item in the inventory? For example the vanilla plate carrier rig says Armor Level IV.


    not sure if you can make that happen with a config entry. i got it to work by inheriting my vest directly from BIS's vests. the rest of the config is the same except inherit from V_PlateCarrierIA2_dgtl (depending on what armor value u want to show) instead of Vest_Camo_Base. everything seems to work fine. You can easily test the differences in armor values in virtual arsenal. NOTE that even tho it may show 'armor level IV" you still need to define the individual hitpoints armour (they do not inherit from the BIS vest)


    I dont really understand what you guys are talking about with all this code and stuff. But im having the same problem, can you guys try to explain it to me a diffrent way?

    The code is for the config of mods, not mission scripts. I guess read up on creating addons if you want to learn.

  4. Just thought i would post the method that we use for custom arsenal boxes. Im not the best at scripting, but i was tought to avoid using editor object inits where possible as it will fire on every client connection. Even with if (isServer) it is just not needed for something as simple as this.

    no need for description.ext entries, just execvm on server and thats it...


    execvm "gear\virtual_ammoboxes\Standard.sqf"; 


    // Check if box1 exists
     if (isNil "box1") exitWith { };
    [Box1, [
    // ==================== ITEMS =====================
    // Goggles
    // Facewear
    // Headgear
    // Uniforms & Vests 
    // Suppressors 
    // Scopes  - Modified for less zoom
    // "optic_Arco",
    // "optic_mrco",
    // "optic_hamr",
    // "optic_DMS",
    // "optic_SOS",
    // "RH_m3lr",
    // "RH_ta01nsn",
    // "RH_ta31rco",
    // "RH_ta31rmr",
    // "RH_ta01nsn_tan",
    // "RH_ta31rco_tan",
    // "RH_ta31rmr_tan",
    // "RH_c79",
    // "RH_m145",
    // Bipods
    // Lasers & Flashlights
    // General
    // Meds
    ], true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
    [Box1, [
    // ==================== WEAPONS =====================
    // Launchers
    // ===================== RHS ========================
    // ===================== SMA ========================
    // ===================== HLC ========================
    // =================== Sidearms =====================
    ], true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualweaponCargo;
    [Box1, [
    // =================== MAGAZINES =====================
    // =================== RHS =====================
    // =================== HLC =====================
    // =================== SMA ===================== 
    // =================== RH PISTOLS =====================
    // =================== OTHER =====================
    ], true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualmagazineCargo;
    [Box1, [
    // Backpacks
    // Radiopacks
    ], true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualbackpackCargo;

  5. Hello.


    I really need an easy example for useing inidbi. An example howto make a new database File and howto read and write data in it. An example for Noobs like me :)

    this example uses the players profile rather than 'inidbi' as it isnt saving much information (gear and position). There are a few extra things in here which u might not need.



    // Runs "initPlayerFirstJoin.sqf" in the mission exactly once per player per mission.
    private ["_flagName", "_flagValue"];
    _flagName = format ["initPlayerFirstJoinRun_%1", getPlayerUID player];
    _flagValue = missionNamespace getVariable [_flagName, false];
    // Fist Time Join, Assign Gear
    if (!_flagValue) then
    	missionNamespace setVariable [_flagName, true];
    	publicVariable _flagName;
    	[player] execVM "initPlayerFirstJoin.sqf";
    if (isServer) exitWith {}; // Prevent overwriting data while not on dedicated
    call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_pdw.sqf";
    pdw = ["new", "profile"] call OO_PDW;
    // If not first time join, restore gear
    if (_flagValue) then
    		waituntil {!isnull player};
    		sleep 2;
    		["clearInventory", player] call pdw;
    		sleep 2;
    		["loadPlayer", player] call pdw;
    		["loadInventory", [name player, player]] call pdw;
    // Save gear every 30 seconds
    while {true} do {
            waituntil {!isnull player};
            sleep 30;
            ["savePlayer", player] call pdw;
            ["saveInventory", [name player, player]] call pdw;
    • Like 1

  6. ok thanks for the replies.

    Situation: Will be running a mission that goes for ~4 days. when player JIP's they have the option to spawn to captured spawn points, but in order to prevent misuse of this system it needs to only fire if the player has been absent from the server for 30 minutes.

    This is what ive got so far (in the process of testing if it will work.


    while {true} do {
            waituntil {!isnull player};
            sleep 30;
            ["savePlayer", player] call pdw;
            ["saveInventory", [name player, player]] call pdw;
            profileNamespace setVariable ["player_time", servertime];
    in our teleport system addon


    	private ['_time_check','_disconnected_time'];
    	_time_check = profileNamespace getVariable "player_time";
    	_disconnected_time = servertime - _time_check;
    	if (_disconnected_time > 300) then { };
    edit - 300 is for testing purposes

  7. I think the author has abandoned the thread, so I'll provide my example tested below:

    private ["_pdw"];
    _pdw = ["new", "profile"] call OO_PDW;
    //Creates a new profile/Database within iniDBI
    tag_fnc_loadplayer = {
    	 ["setFileName", "myProfileDB"] call _pdw;
    	 ["loadPlayer", player] call _pdw;
             ["loadInventory", [name player, player]] call _pdw;
    [] spawn tag_fnc_loadplayer;
    //This loads the player's gear, stuff, etc., from the profile stated above.
    tag_fnc_syncplayer = {
    	["savePlayer", player] call _pdw;
    	["saveInventory", [name player, player]] call _pdw;
    	sleep 1;
    	call tag_fnc_syncplayer;
    [] spawn tag_fnc_syncplayer;
    //This saves the player's gear, stuff, etc., into the profile stated above.
    Hope it helps,





    with that code in init.sqf i get the following error


    oop.h and oo_pdw.sqf are in mission directory, and call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_pdw.sqf"; is in init.sqf.

    client and dedicated server are running @inidbi2

  8. yep downloaded today.

    not very familiar with mysql. here is a screeny. have also provided my extb-conf.ini

    please let me know if i should change any of the settings in extb-conf.ini. we only want to use this mod for very basic functions of save player gear and location.


    very strange behaviour when loading into mission, the player spawns in at respawn point instead of start point, and like i said before the mission does not initialise init, initserver or initplayerlocal properly.

  9. Hi tebbs,

    Really keen to get this working. First time installing the mysql database and extdb2 but i think i have done it all correctly.

    When i load into the mission on dedicated the mission hangs (serverside) and nothing initializes properly.

    This is from RPT


    23:44:48 Error in expression <') WHERE p.playerUID = '%1'",_playerUID,sru_pdb_mission_fk];
    _sql_res2 = call co>
    23:44:48   Error position: <sru_pdb_mission_fk];
    _sql_res2 = call co>
    23:44:48   Error Undefined variable in expression: sru_pdb_mission_fk
    23:44:48 File sru_pdb\functions\fn_Server_getUnit.sqf, line 10
    23:44:48 Error in expression <mission_fk]);
    [ [[_playerUID,_sql_res,_sql_res2],"\sru_pdb\functions\fn_Client>
    23:44:48   Error position: <_sql_res2],"\sru_pdb\functions\fn_Client>
    23:44:48   Error Undefined variable in expression: _sql_res2
    23:44:48 File sru_pdb\functions\fn_Server_getUnit.sqf, line 14
    23:44:48 Error in expression <g "[,]";
    sru_pdb_mission_fk = (_sql_res select 1);
    publicVariable "sru_pdb_missi>
    23:44:48   Error position: <select 1);
    publicVariable "sru_pdb_missi>
    23:44:48   Error Zero divisor
    23:44:48 File sru_pdb\init_pdb.sqf, line 18