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Azza FHI

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Posts posted by Azza FHI

  1. @kristian

    my brother has a 9800gt with a duo 2.8

    i have a q6600 at 2.4 with a HD4870 1gb, my system absolutly shits on his with arma, long story short yes u will notice considerable difference if u got the 4890. on the other hand i keep having this wonderful dream of playing arma maxed out without dropping under 60 frames very often. i am going to wait till about easter time and upgrade to a i5 and crossfire 2 5970's (dual gpu 5870 each card) and put the processor and gpus on water to overclock it all, i say easter because the price of all that will have dropped heaps and also hopfully by then arma will be fixed with the release of operation arrowhead. oo i almost forgot to mension the SSD drive, sposed to make arma run heaps faster


    q6600 (stock 2.4)


    corsair xms 3x2gb 1600mhz ram

    gigabyte EP4T-UD3LR mobo

    normal hard drive

    i used to run my processor at 3.6 and also overclocked my 4870 a lil and the performance was very satisfactory, i can pretty much run the game maxed out except for Antialiasing needs to be normal and view distance not very high (around 3k), and still get around 30 fps when there is shit going on. im running stock at the moment because i am about to format and put on win7

    have a look into SSD drives, its another form of harddrive that is alot faster, its pretty new so might be abit expensive still.

  2. hi i dunno if its a big deal to anyone else but if its not too much hassle can u make it so when you are freelooking zoomed in you can view the compass. it only pops up when you are not zoomed in. this has only become an issue for me since ive had track ir and whem im looking closer at the screen it zooms in. cheers

  3. hey just a quick thought, seeing as though ARMA is known for realism you guys should try and push it to the limit by making silenced weapons have a projectile speed of under 1200 ft per second (under the sound barrier). That is the only way u can get a next to nothing noise out of a gun. If you shoot a bullet with a suppressor but it is faster than the speed of sound the suppressor will stop the 'bang' noise but the projectile will make a cracking noise when it breaks the sound barrier. You can encorprate this into the game when u have a silenced weapon but pick up a normal magazine (not sd bullets). what you reckon, am i being too realistic? it would be good to see though
