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Azza FHI

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Posts posted by Azza FHI

  1. also defragging ur hard drive on a regualr basis helps, especially after u install a new patch. i would get new hard drive> fresh install windows> overclock cpu> install n update arma> drefrag> play arma with a smile

    bangtail, very interested in a benchmark with the the new 980x. might be getting a bit off topic here, but whats the future for 1366 after the 980? u reckon will we be able to absolutly max out arma in a year with new gpus and cpus on 1366? im talkin like 10k view in a chopper with 60fps. for comparison, i achieved this when i had a q8200 and 4870 at stock with arma 1.

  2. ive always like nvidia better, i wish i had the patience to wait for these new cards but i went ahead and got the 5970. still, not complainin

    bangtail, isnt that a fact of life and technology? yes ati's cards have been out for 6 months so of course these new cards are going to take the cake with bbetter tech. in another 6 months are we going to be amazed that radeon takes the cake again? lets not get biased here, it would be more of a competition if they reslease cards at the same time...

    also, what are your thoughts on 2x 5970s and arma? will quadfire give a boost or is the game still struglin with these issued?

  3. hey mate, whats the rest of your specs?

    i installed windows,pagefile and arma on the same ssd and then everything else goes on the HD, except for a few select programs. it works perfectly, tho i do have a powerful pc so i did not bother to try and see if there is any difference with the pagefile on a different drive.

  4. i had this problem when i tried to run aaw weapons when the mission wasnt using it... so its prolly either 7cmbg,ons,panthera or war fx conflicting with the server. find it by process of elimination, theres no fix ull just have to disable whichever one it is

  5. lol nah its cool, maybe u wont be overclocking then... its basically making ur cpu run faster than stock speeds. it is by far the best thing u can do for armas performance, because of the mass data it has to process with its large landscapes, its really relys on cpu power the most, i dont think any other game works like this.

    why are u getting the megahalem cpu cooler then??cpus come with stock coolers u know. my advice, buy the megahalems cooler and learn how to overclock ur cpu, it will take a bit of reading but when u get the gist it is really easy to achieve a mild overclock, it only gets complex when people try and push the boundaries. dunno what the 750 is capable of but i guess it should hit 4ghz which will be a world of difference than 2.66ghz

    sign up on OCAU forums and learn how to OC!

  6. @WIRE, that should play the game just fine. just tweak the settings to find the sweet spot, i would suggest everything on high and anti aliasing on normal or low.

    as for upgrading the cpu later, it depends on how many more processors they release on that LGA socket, there should be a few more to come i guess. but if u overclock it which i gather u will be doing, u wont need an upgrade anytime soon.

    @fireballs,that pc should be sweet too jst find the right ingame settings, nvidia cards are more friendly when it comes to anti aliasing. it looks like ur overclocking too, so i would suggust a slightly powerful PSU, maybe 650 or somin(do some research on ur hardware, u might be fine with 500 but i would rather be safe than sorry). also i had a brief look at that arctic cooler, are u aware its for 775 socket? maybe theyve got a conversion kit for 1366 socket but i would just get a thermalright ultra 120

    can anyone gimme some updated (patch 1.05) advice on the state of crossfire in arma 2. any benchmarks around? i have a 5970

  7. @bunnyman - dunno anything about macs but at 3ghz and a 4670 u should be able to play the game on normal with decent fps which should give u a satisfying enough experience...

    as for arma 3, i hope theres gonna be one but if it hasnt been annouced yet i wouldnt expect it for at least another 2-3 years, anyway (if someone with abit more knowlege wants to elaborate on this) i think with the release of the dx 11 cards we are moving into a new phase of (PC) game development. if devs can focus on building games for pc and not worrying if it will be compatible with the shit xbox etc we will see games start to emerge in a couple years that will be amazing! itll be like and interactive movie, some titles already feel like that a little.

    my point is an average PC, even a good one, i wouldnt ecpect to be playing games at decent resolutions that come out in a couple of years

    time will tell

  8. sorry i stand corrected if uve done the tests, i was under the impression any ssd is better than any HD. ive got the intel g2 and its worked wonders but that isnt a cheap one. i recommended the cheap one coz everyone seems to want high performance for low cost, but in reality if u wanna max it out at 60 fps ull either have to spend heaps or wait a year...

  9. This thread is not about FPS numbers (I have more than enough with my "old" GTX 260). Its about hickups and stutters. If you claim to not have those, then I simply dont believe you.

    well, it is possible, an i7 at 4ghz and an ssd - your hickups and stutters will be gone. and generally 60fps means no hickups and stutters. 40gb kingston ssd for $100 best upgrade ull ever do

    yo kklownboy, thats not on max right? what benchmark result u get on benchmark 1 with EVERYTHING on very high and view at 2500 and AA at normal??

  10. remember we are talking about max settings here...

    arma still looks incredible when things are on normal but those settings have nothing or little to do (other than maybe view distance) with how much info needs to be processed by cpu and hard drive.

    also a cpu under 4ghz is a bottle neck for the decent gpus on the market now.

    ssd's will increase performance but not fps, they will just make the textures load 100% on time so ull never be looking at a white/grey house etc, they also help with stutter. if ur on a budget i would go the kingston 40gb ssd for bout $100, its probly the slowest ssd around but it will still murder any hard drive out.

    u need more than 30 fps to enjoy arma, an average rig will be able to do that on normal settings no worries and for alot of people that will be satisfying enough.

    remember turning anti-aliasing on or off will change ur fps like 50% unless u got a really powerful comp

  11. @Atilla -yeah well i can tell u this now, at stock the 860 isnt going to handle arma at max- it WILL stutter, especially without an ssd

    dunno if u read my post before but my 950 at stock (3.2 after turbo kicks in) stuttered, and after i got it at around 4ghz it made a difference of like 20fps in my system. the gpu will be fine, arma needs high cpu frequency

  12. thats a decent system, at stock i reckon it would be pretty average tho, if u OC ur cpu ude definitly notice the difference. after that it would just be ur graphics card holdin u back but not by much. remeber Antialiasing is the killer, turn it off and try everything on normal and then work from there till u get a good ratio of fps and looks. download fraps to check ur fps ingame

    p.s, yeah benchmark 2 is weird, it has a 'fps cap' at 25 for the average for some reason, i was getting more than 25 throughout but it still only gives me 25 average. so if ur getting 20 its only 5 off the max....

  13. just for reference, in benchmark 1 with my comp at stock i got about 39fps average.

    after finishing the overclocking (4.2ghz) i get 58fps average lol.

    what does that say to all the skeptics out there who are always saying ' arma wont run maxed out on good hardware anyway'. it seems that bis have done an awsome job in optimising this game so far and its only gonna get better, thanks heaps bis!

    now for the sys specs and settings

    EVERYTHING on very high except AA- normal, video ram -default(always should be), view distance 2500

    i7 950 @4.2 (watercooled)

    xfx 5970 (watercooled)

    x58a ud7 mobo

    6gb corsair ram 1600

    intel g2 80gb ssd (dedicated win7 64 and arma2)

    22'' widescreen 1920x 1080

    if u guys want proof i spose i can get video together

    in a years time this rig will be worth shit all, but i couldnt wait that long.

    anyway im just showing everyone that is possible to run it maxed out at pretty much 60 fps in a normal multiplayer mission.

    overclocking ur cpu makes a huge difference and its not that hard to learn how to do it. u just need better cooling that a stock intel heatsink

  14. hey im builiding a new rig and havent found anything new about the sound issues with arma 2(since 1.05 patch). mainly 5.1 surround. last i heard was it doesnt support sound hardware like my xfi gamer but rather sound software or something, which is more frienly with windows 7. im running xp at the moment and havnt been able to get surround working,only desktop stereo (dual) pfft! when i try 5.1 it hurts my ears with distortion and what not lol

    my questions are

    -should i bother keeping my xfi, keeping in mind my only goal is to get surround sound in arma 2.

    - is it possible to get 5.1 in arma 2 yet? anyone got any advice who has it working propperly?

    - is it true win 7 will be better for sound than xp

    thanks in advance
