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Azza FHI

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Posts posted by Azza FHI

  1. Thanks mate! U can skip intro if you run as multiplayer mission, need to extract .pbo into MPmissions and then you can change paramters. But i thought you could just load the first save instead of restarting?

    Yeah i cant get task destination waypoints to work propperly.

  2. yeah very sorry for this bug, I cant figure out why the trigger wont fire. I have manged to find a work around so should be OK now.

    I have added a 'Drive to Vlads House' option now so you don't have to make the trip again if you want.

    have also fixed the AI not engaging you at the start if you are seen.

    you will have to use the steam link for the latest version. all changelogs are written there

    thanks for the positive feedback!

  3. This is a different style of mission from what you would normally expect in arma. if I could have some feedback it would be great!

    It is designed to be more of a slow paced role playing mission which tries to involve the player in the story as much as possible.

    Day of Reckoning


    It was supposed to be a good day...

    Steam Workshop:

    [sP] Day of Reckoning v1.0

  4. ive never used 'say' function, but this is the code for each west player on server to see a hint

    if (side player == west) then {hint "This appears for players on BLUFOR in their hints.";};

    maybe u can convert for say function?

    as for the track u will need to execute a script ingame which contains the track. do not execute on server with if(isServer) because then the it wil only play on server and no on will hear it.

    so, u need to execute the script, we will call it 'soundtrack.sqf'

    in ur soundtrack.sqf script u need this line:

    playMusic "track1";

    in ur description.ext u need these lines:

    class cfgMusic


    class track1


    name = "track1";

    sound[] = {"sounds\NAMEOFTRACK.ogg", db+1, 1};



    u need a .ogg music file in 'sounds' folder within ur mission folder

  5. Well i can confirm that while i can still see a difference in the ai skill when changing the values it seems like this mod has broken ragdoll. When u shoot an enemy they just go to the ground without the ragdol physics. I have been playing around with the default server ai skill values and they are working. so i gues this mod is old news. any word on the new config?

  6. In my mission init.sqf I have intro.sqf

    I want this script to run only once when first group of players get ingame, don't want it to execute with jip players.

    I have looked at http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?128703-JIP-players-init-sqf but I cannot run the script serverside because it is just audio tracks and camera scenes which needs to be client side.

    if (isJIP) then {exit};


    would work but I don't no if that possible? any other options?

    have worked around it by executing via a unit on the map and then deletevehicle but then I cant use mission parameters to turn intro on or off...

    edit - nvm the workaround works well

  7. hijacking thread so I don't have to start a new one...

    I am using the exact script as above to rescue the hostage. the missions is for MP use. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to set the module task 'rescue the hostage' to succeed when the ai joins a players group.

    I have tried 'p1 in units group player' and '{alive _x && (_x in units group player)} count POWS == {alive _x} count POWS', but I always get the same result which is task succeed will fire on sp or preview but not mp

    so what do I neeed to do to make the trigger fire and set off the succeed module for all players to see it?

  8. yeah its interestin ay, I don't have any links for u but from my experience in our clan/community the majority of ppl prefer arma 2 atm. I put it down to (these are their thoughts not mine) furture setting takes away realism, they were keen on it at alpha release but the lack of content made them bored. to be fair it is hard to compete with the immersion of ace2.

    for me I have never looked back, I love the refined engine as it works well on my machine. I use track ir and I cant stand the micro stutter of a2.

    I don't think these type of players will even think about converting to a3 until ace3 is released.

  9. hello again, so ive been making mission intros by exec camera.sqs and pasting the scenes into an sqf., when the camera starts there is a message saying this method is obsolete and I should use bis fnc camera old.

    I no sqs is outdated now, but the only help about camera intros on the net that I have found is based on this method. does anyone have any tutorials on what the new way is to make intros thru bis functions?

  10. and this is my intro.sqf

    im guessing the script is running but only on the server, how to I get it to run on clients?

    playMusic "track1";

    titleText ["Mission by Azza AAF - www.australianarmedforces.org","BLACK FADED",0];

    sleep 5;

    titleCut ["","BLACK FADED",1];

    sleep 1;

    TitleRsc ["Image1", "BLACK FADED", 0];

    sleep 5;

    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",2];

    sleep 1;

    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1] ;

    _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0];

    _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"];

    showcinemaborder True;

    ;comment "22:43:09";

    _camera camSetTarget Unit1;

    _camera camSetRelPos [2,1,0.2];

    _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

    _camera camCommitPrepared 0;

    sleep 10;

    titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1];

    sleep 1;

    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1];

    sleep 1;

    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1];

    ;comment "22:43:09";

    _camera camPrepareTarget [104008.66,57589.68,28414.04];

    _camera camPreparePos [19083.86,13061.79,0.20];

    _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

    _camera camCommitPrepared 0;

    sleep 10;

    titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1];

    sleep 1;

    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1];

    sleep 1;

    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1] ;

    ;comment "22:46:03";

    _camera camPrepareTarget [61178.65,104033.73,31.59];

    _camera camPreparePos [19155.30,13292.14,1.18];

    _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

    _camera camCommitPrepared 0;

    sleep 8;

    titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1];

    sleep 1;

    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1];

    sleep 1;

    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1] ;

    ;comment "22:52:38";

    _camera camPrepareTarget [95599.33,73727.13,12634.72];

    _camera camPreparePos [14729.35,16273.66,1.68];

    _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

    _camera camCommitPrepared 0;

    sleep 12;

    titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1];

    sleep 1;

    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1];

    sleep 1;

    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1] ;

    _camera camSetTarget dBoat;

    _camera camSetRelPos [10,70,3];

    _camera camCommit 0;

    sleep 10;

    _camera camSetTarget dBoat2;

    _camera camSetRelPos [1,150, 0];

    _camera camCommit 5;

    sleep 14;

    titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1];

    sleep 1;

    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",3];

    sleep 1;

    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1] ;

    player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"];

    camDestroy _camera;

    exit ;

  11. hey guys, this is my init.sqf

    execVM "briefing.sqf";

    if (isServer || isDedicated) then {

    if ((paramsArray select 0) == 0) then { execVM "intro.sqf";



    call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf";

    I have the parameters defined correctly in description to turn the intro on or off.

    it works perfectly when hosting the game in preview but wheni put it on the dedi server the intro will not play regardless of the yes/no parameter.

    any ideas? thanks

  12. ahk, well I doesn't spawn anything. its just some music and camera work. the only thing I want to add to it is parameters to turn it on or off in mish params. so ill just leave as is? why have I read that all sqf need to be run with execVM and not just exec or is that not true? thanks

    playMusic "track1";

    titleText ["\n\n","BLACK FADED",0];

    sleep 5;

    TitleRsc ["Image1", "BLACK FADED", 0];


    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",2]


    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

    _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

    _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

    showcinemaborder True;

    ;comment "22:43:09";

    _camera camSetTarget Unit1;

    _camera camSetRelPos [2,1,0.2];

    _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

    _camera camCommitPrepared 0


    titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1]


    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1]


    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

    ;comment "22:43:09";

    _camera camPrepareTarget [104008.66,57589.68,28414.04];

    _camera camPreparePos [19083.86,13061.79,0.20];

    _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

    _camera camCommitPrepared 0


    titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1]


    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1]


    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

    ;comment "22:46:03";

    _camera camPrepareTarget [61178.65,104033.73,31.59];

    _camera camPreparePos [19155.30,13292.14,1.18];

    _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

    _camera camCommitPrepared 0


    titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1]


    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1]


    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

    ;comment "22:52:38";

    _camera camPrepareTarget [95599.33,73727.13,12634.72];

    _camera camPreparePos [14729.35,16273.66,1.68];

    _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

    _camera camCommitPrepared 0


    titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1]


    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1]


    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

    _camera camSetTarget dBoat;

    _camera camSetRelPos [15,70,3];

    _camera camCommit 0;


    _camera camSetTarget dBoat2;

    _camera camSetRelPos [5,70,0.7];

    _camera camCommit 5;


    titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1]


    titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",3]


    titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

    player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]

    camDestroy _camera


  13. hi, I need some help running the intro.sqf on MP. will need to do both a dedi and normal MP version. the only way I have gotten the intro to work (and it seems to work well) is by putting 'this exec "intro.sqf" in the init line of a unit in game but I know there are better ways to do it. can someone explain why the way I have done it is not a good way? will the server run 1 intro for each client and result in lag?

    I have tried putting this in the init.sqf but it doesn't work

    if (isDedicated) then {

    execVM "intro.sqf"


    have been testing on dedicated machine.

    what exactly do I need to do? step by step plz as im still new to scripting.


  14. Operation Foxhound


    It is dusk and the rain is clearing, you are part of a NATO special forces group assigned the mission of rescuing and extracting an AAF officer being held at ransom.

    Contains in depth briefing.

    This is my first public A3 mission so hope you enjoy!

    Appreciate any feedback/issues

    Notes -

    *Heavy enemy presence so minimum 10 players would be good.

    *Includes VAS ammobox and btc revive

    *Could not get tasks working properly on dedicated server so have used hints instead

    Steam Workshop:

    Operation Foxhound Coop 10-20 [bETA] v1.4


    Operation Foxhound Coop 10-20 [bETA] v1.4

    Armaholic mirror:

    Operation Foxhound Coop 10-20 [bETA] v1.4

    Changelog - v1.3

    *made some scripts neater

    *added parameter to not play intro

    Changelog - v1.4

    *fixed intro on dedi server
