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Azza FHI

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Posts posted by Azza FHI

  1. ROBALO UVE GOT ME ALL EXCITED NOW! im guessing that's a patch for the whole of RHS? Is this to be run servside only?

    And I was talking about the RHS Russian Mgs not spraying their bullets much.

    @Gdent - this is our complete asr config. http://pastebin.com/BdFEJcqK

    keep in mind our clan plays for realism so the units configured in that (RHS US and Russians, standard CSAT which weve scripted to be ISIS) are quite hard. and all these settings directly correspond to what the server's default skill preset is. so if u want the same result as us then make both of these configs match what I have posted.

    also, robalo stated once before that it is bad practice to include a large number of classnames in the units [] field, but ASR was not configure for RHS yet so that is why we did that. im guessing with what robalo just posted, we will be able to configure the whole faction now?

  2. we run AGM without the AI pbo and I can confirm everything works fine with ASR. even to the point of fine tuning the accuracy we can tell the difference when running tests

    make sure your server profile settings are like this under the mercenary class (assuming u want to play on elite)

    class mercenary
    	class Flags

    and then our Russians are set to the following in ASR

    lass level_3 { // RUSSIANS, ISIS, US
    		aiming[]   = {0.23, 0.00};	spotting[] = {0.50, 0.00};	general[]  = {1.00, 0.00};

    Robalo - any way to force mgs to fire a lot of suppression bullets rather than acting like a rifleman?

  3. I agree the the way these guns look are awsome. However they have not been optimised for in game use. Not sure if anyone has brought this up yet.

    Dont know about the other packs, but the ar15 pack (bcm jack in particular) is pretty much just a straight import from a CAD drawing. Meaning it is not optimised for arma 3 and will reduce frames. It has internals in it lol whic u cant even see unless in camera mode (bullets in chanmber)

    Please see the below snippet from one of my clan members

    So... after some investigationing into the 'desync' during the start of the last mission it seems to be that it might be more like lag... specifically, we found this:

    The first one is for the BCM Jack carbine in HLC weapons.

    That's the 1st and only lod in the model. 22k polygons for a single rifle.

    Where as the 2nd one is for the highest detail vanilla weapon I could find, the MX Grenade launcher variant which is 10k poly. again, 1st lod.

    The difference being all of the HLC weapons only have one high detail lod. while the Bohemia weapons all have 5/6 different detail lods.

    This means where as a MX might be 10k poly when you're face to face, if it's 500m away you're only seeing a 170 poly model, significantly less load on the GPU.

    With HLC (And many other addons I looked at, including RHS US forces and the ADF steyr), in this case the Jack carbine, it's displaying a 22k poly weapon at 5m and at 500m, when you can barely see what unit it is let alone what rifle the unit is holding.

    Just some raw testing we did supported this, 24 NATO solider's with MX's loaded at 65fps, moving back 500m sped up to around 75-80fps.

    While a group of RHS US soldiers with jack carbines loaded at 58-61fps and moving back 500m loaded at 59-62fps.

    while looking at the sky produced 110fps. This was on virtual reality, no other objects to skew this result.

    It also has a 30k shadow poly count lol wtf.

    Toady, if this has been brought to your attention already then i appologise. Otherwise do you have any plans to optimise these guns for arma 3 so that they will not reduce framerate?


  4. Hey ive searched high an low for this and have tried the following inside the mission's description.ext (they are separate examples, didn't try them both at the same time)

    class CfgSounds {
    class track1
           name = "track1";
           sound[] = {"soundtest\2.wss", db+1, 1}; 
    titles[] = {};
    class CfgSounds {
    class track1
           name = "track1";
           sound[] = {"soundtest\1.ogg", db+1, 1}; 
    titles[] = {};

    have also tried with \ infront of soundtest. soundtest is the name of the pbo which is loaded separate to the default addons folder. there are no subfolders in it, just 1 wss and 1 ogg.

    cannot get any sounds to work with playsound, is the path wrong or am I missing something?

    overall goal is to have our dedicated server running some extra music pbos which can be played to the clients without the clients running the pbos or being included in the mission folder.

    thanks for any help

  5. A very similar, if not the same, question has been asked not too many posts ago.



    thanks for your input, but I don't think that is what I am after. it seems like that function is only to remove the pipe error when tfr is not running on the server. what I want to do is completely disable tfr through the mission scripts, don't care about the error.

    to put it in context, we have a series of PvP missions on the server. tfr remains active for the TVT ones, but for the DM where every man for himself I would like to disable TFR just for that mission. meaning its not an option to turn server off, disable tfr, then boot up server again as these missions get played consecutively.

    edit - I guess the other option is to give all players the same radio and frequency regardless of side (they all have rating -3000). is it possible to set the type of radio and frequency the same for blufor and opfor?

  6. So any groups that are placed in 2d editor usually have cycle waypoints, these units get cached at the start of the mission and then uncached when players are in in 1km range. Also the mission maker has access to our custom debug console which is used to spawn groups while in game if needed.

    When groups are spawned they can be issued with 1 waypoint at a time where u can set location, speed and behaviour.

    I guess the aim is just to populate houses, just so that when ppl clear them there are actually enemy inside. Obviously i could do it manually with each units waypoint in 2d editor but would rather have some sort of automatic system.

    Will check out the above scripts. Thanks

  7. Hey robalo, are you able to recommend a mod or a method (script or function) that works alongside asr to get ai to garrison (or at least move into) houses/building. And not just altis building but arma 2 ones also...

    I know the ai in asr seek cover in buildings but would like them to enter before they go into combat.

    Great work btw. Thanks.

  8. Call me ungrateful or whatever, but from memory u showed teasers or at least told ppl about the next update with m203 etc. To do that and then not release for months on end and say it in hibernation is poor form. Either dont gee it up or dont do it lol.
