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Azza FHI

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Posts posted by Azza FHI

  1. yes we did
    Okay. Any reason?
    makes my life a loooot easier :)

    Sorry, and no offence, but this is rediculous. It is so easy to use DScreatekey and DSsignfile to create a .bikey and sign all files in the folder, rather than doing individually with addon builder or the like.

    Pretty much no point supplying signs with the new update because by using the old key players will he able to connect to a keyed server with the old version of RHS.

    I can show you how, or supply you with a new key and set of signs if u want.

  2. - new setskill execution option: 2 - new default, execute setskill everywhere (with server settings), 1 - server only, 0 - disabled

    with a headless client, we would need to set this option to 2 yeah? would all clients need to run the ASR mod if setskill was executed everywhere, or only server?


  3. So what it actually does? What functionality it adds? Haven't found any info about this

    I would assume that if u set the explosive module up so that only EODs can disarm bombs, then this is how u define that EOD unit..

    A question/bug report, I cant seem to get the lock backpack function working in this version. have tried with our cut down version of the mod and also the complete version...

  4. I have an important bug to report, but I cant seem to access the bug tracker. im surprised it hasn't been reported yet, unless its only happening to us because of some sort of conflict.

    in 2 small missions it has occurred 3 times. when a player is in revive mode and is healed, for 80% of players he is stuck in revive animation while moving around. is completely unfixable unless the player re slots. yes we tried the fix animation button, and also tried manually switching though animations with playmove and switchmove via our debug console.

    this is with latest release.

    can anyone report the same issue?

  5. I have only every come across that bug due to poor mission design and also poor mod management. im not being self righteous and im not implying anything about you, im just saying that if your team has good mission design structure and you are strict at making sure everyone has the exact same version of mods that the server does, then you shouldn't come across issues like this.

    we used to do joint operations with another clan who did not use keys on their server and also let all members choose their gear with VAS at the start of the mission and these problems were so common its not funny.

    I guess my advice is, try to run keys for your mods. you could also put this in the mission init so that all members frequencies are synced and all u have to do is tell the second or third squad to switch channels.

    // TFR mod configuration
    #include "\task_force_radio\functions\common.sqf";
    if ((isServer) or (isDedicated)) then {
    tf_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier = true;
    publicVariable "tf_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier";
    tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true;
    publicVariable "tf_no_auto_long_range_radio";
    tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true;
    publicVariable "tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side";
    tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side = true;
    publicVariable "tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side";
    _settingsSwWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateSwSettings;
    _settingsSwWest set [2, ["311","312","313","314","315","316","317","318"]];
    tf_freq_west = _settingsSwWest;
    publicVariable "tf_freq_west";
    _settingsLRWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateLRSettings; 
    _settingsLRWest set [2, ["50","51","52","53","54","55","56","57","58"]]; 
    tf_freq_west_lr = _settingsLRWest; 
    publicVariable "tf_freq_west_lr";

    also try to see if the switching of frequencies is consistent when someone JIPs the server as this can happen if the mission isn't setup correctly for TFR

  6. its pretty simple, although if ur not familiar with server setup/keys or mission depencies then it can be very frustrating.

    the above image is not letting you play/edit the mission because the mission was made with certain addons running which have written dependencies in the mission.sqm. you can edit the sqm in mission folder to remove these dependencies manually which will let u into the mission, but the objects in question (if they were objects) will not exist which may result in a popup error, just click ok. all of your ones are configs so this shouldn't happen

    the below picture is referring to the client not being able to connect to the server because the server has keys active. meaning all addons run by client must have the proper bisign that matches the server key in order for him to connect. either turn keys off in the server config "verifysignatures = 0" or install the AIA .bikey into the servers 'keys' folder.

  7. any support on the armed technicals ive mentioned...it would make things sweet...rebels with a rebel arsenal....

    by the way could i get an answer on that update...is it coming soon, need to know cuzz if it isnt ill go ahead and download this version

    ppl get pissed off when they are constantly nagged about release dates. a few pages back someone asked the same thing and got no answer except 'when its done'. theres rumours it will be very soon, anyway a good indication is the feedback tracker http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view_all_bug_page.php

    obviously if these were all green then they would release, maybe they will release when 80% done or so. most issues have been fixed, so its getting close.

  8. blasphemy.they are needed for a real milsim unit

    we are all allowed our own opinions. And i will back mine up by saying a propper milsim unit will not be using vanilla units or weapons. 3rd party weapon mods usually incorporate propper ballistics, the realistic names only applies to vanilla content and RHS has or will have their own tank fire modes.

  9. No you are trying to use 2 physical SW radios. The way i explained is with 1 radio that has 2 channels.

    Edit - actually sorry that would be fine, except the second channel cant be the same channel (i think) so just make command net ch5 freq 50 instead of ch1 coz that wont work for alfa1

  10. some times certain players get BIS standart first aid amblem on injured players, couldnt figured its an bug or feature ? any help.

    is this with the new version? god I hope not, that was the one thing that was really annoying.

    if u have any kind of debug during the mission, you can use this [player, player] call cse_fnc_healLocal_CMS; to completely clear someone from all vanilla and cse injuries. its not ideal but at least it get them out of trouble. you can also use standard FA or medikits.

  11. I don't quite follow your last bit, but ill explain it as best I can. obviously every clan would do thing differently when it comes to command structure but this is a good example

    command elements - LR ch1 freq 50

    alpha SW ch1 freq 311

    bravo SW ch2 freq 312

    Charlie SW ch3 freq 313

    Recon SW ch4 freq 314

    alpha leader will have LR 50, SW ch1 for his own squad, and if needed he can set SW additional to ch2 if he needs comms with bravo.

    go to controls, configure addons bottom right, TFAR and then make sure u set SW transmit Additional (not ALT)

    now edit the radio in game, change to channel 2 freq 312, press the 'set additional channel' once. after that change back to channel 1. u now have both channels set with 2 different keys.

    u can probably do the same for LR but u would feel like a call centre if u had 4 radios going lol
