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Azza FHI

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Posts posted by Azza FHI

  1. So is this worth doing on our dedicated server if we have 25 - 30 players?

    whats the go with arma3physx_windows_performance_138v4.7z, is that needed too?

    ---------- Post added at 10:00 ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 ----------

    Is there a way to run those perf/prof with the -beta startup parameter as it was done in Arma2?

    use a windows batch file like this and u can point it to whatever exe u want. have a couple different batch files and then u dont have to changed any files...

    "C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -nosplash -showscripterrors -maxMem=8192 -cpucount=8 -enableHT -maxVRAM=2047 -nologs

    @DWARDEN - after a few simple tests with arma3mark i have the following to report. SLI usage was lowered on the second card but there was more load on the first card. usually they will share the load evenly and sit at about 55% each during the bench, but with client performance build v4 the first card almost reached 80% while the second was 5 - 10%.

    fps result was exactly the same @ 45.


    4970K @ 4.7

    16gb ram @1600

    2x 780


    based on this i cant see it helping me (client side) as i would rather the gpu cards share the load evenly, especially if there is little to no gain in switching to perf.

    do you think you will be able to fix the sli issue?

  2. is this script still getting supported?

    we are encountering massive rpt spam from fn_set_loadout.

    20:34:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _loadbeforeadd
    20:34:19 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.anim_helvantis_v2\functions\common\fn_set_loadout.sqf, line 312
    20:34:19 Error in expression <em "ItemWatch" ;
    if(loadVest _target == _loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error position: <_loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _loadbeforeadd
    20:34:19 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.anim_helvantis_v2\functions\common\fn_set_loadout.sqf, line 312
    20:34:19 Error in expression <em "ItemWatch" ;
    if(loadVest _target == _loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error position: <_loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _loadbeforeadd
    20:34:19 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.anim_helvantis_v2\functions\common\fn_set_loadout.sqf, line 312
    20:34:19 Error in expression <em "ItemWatch" ;
    if(loadVest _target == _loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error position: <_loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _loadbeforeadd
    20:34:19 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.anim_helvantis_v2\functions\common\fn_set_loadout.sqf, line 312
    20:34:19 Error in expression <em "ItemWatch" ;
    if(loadVest _target == _loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error position: <_loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _loadbeforeadd
    20:34:19 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.anim_helvantis_v2\functions\common\fn_set_loadout.sqf, line 312
    20:34:19 Error in expression <em "ItemWatch" ;
    if(loadVest _target == _loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error position: <_loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _loadbeforeadd
    20:34:19 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.anim_helvantis_v2\functions\common\fn_set_loadout.sqf, line 312
    20:34:19 Error in expression <em "ItemWatch" ;
    if(loadVest _target == _loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error position: <_loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _loadbeforeadd
    20:34:19 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.anim_helvantis_v2\functions\common\fn_set_loadout.sqf, line 312
    20:34:19 Error in expression <em "ItemWatch" ;
    if(loadVest _target == _loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error position: <_loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _loadbeforeadd
    20:34:19 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.anim_helvantis_v2\functions\common\fn_set_loadout.sqf, line 312
    20:34:19 Error in expression <em "ItemWatch" ;
    if(loadVest _target == _loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error position: <_loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _loadbeforeadd
    20:34:19 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.anim_helvantis_v2\functions\common\fn_set_loadout.sqf, line 312
    20:34:19 Error in expression <em "ItemWatch" ;
    if(loadVest _target == _loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error position: <_loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};
    20:34:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _loadbeforeadd
    20:34:19 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.anim_helvantis_v2\functions\common\fn_set_loadout.sqf, line 312
    20:34:19 Error in expression <em "ItemWatch" ;
    if(loadVest _target == _loadBeforeAdd) exitWith {};

    after a few hours, this amounted to a 1gb RPT file. it will keep spamming for as long as the server is on.

  3. we have been having some issues surrounding the microDAGR. it replaces the 'itemwatch' slot and we want to stop that from happening. is there a way to completely disable this feature?

    currently in init.sqf

    // TFR mod configuration
    #include "\task_force_radio\functions\common.sqf";
    tf_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier = true;
    publicVariable "tf_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier";
    tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true;
    publicVariable "tf_no_auto_long_range_radio";
    tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true;
    publicVariable "tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side";
    tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side = true;
    publicVariable "tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side";
    _settingsSwWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateSwSettings;
    _settingsSwWest set [2, ["311","312","313","314","315","316","317","318"]];
    tf_freq_west = _settingsSwWest;
    publicVariable "tf_freq_west";
    _settingsLRWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateLRSettings; 
    _settingsLRWest set [2, ["50","51","52","53","54","55","56","57","58"]]; 
    tf_freq_west_lr = _settingsLRWest; 
    publicVariable "tf_freq_west_lr";

  4. Lord Jarhead´s Mod doesnt cover any Weapons from other mods....

    Well thats all well and good, and i know the sounds of modded weapons are not affected by jsrs, but jsrs is causing script errors when these weapons get used by players or enemy which is called a mod conflict and surely it can be fixed easily...

  5. Updated first post with new version: 0.9.16

    - removed scripted reactions involving waypoints; this mod does not set any wp under any circumstances

    - cleaned up some unused code and further optimised what was left

    - fired EH exits when fps < 40

    - added safety measures against broken/outdated weapon configs (missing properly defined sound entries)

    - allow AI in player's group to pop smoke and move to cover when hit

    - fix checking for DAC caching (to disable group merging when found)

    - skills are now applied without any delays when units are created

    - disabled using smoke for moving to cover (was buggy and ofthen lead to AI giving up their positions)

    - execute setskill only on server (in anticipation of patch 1.40 which should fix setskill behavior)

    - fix dayscope feature not beinf able to be turned off from userconfig; made off by default

    - use setunitpos for shooting stance instead of setunitposweak


    fired event handler exists with lower than 40fps. our server isn't the best and would most of the time sit around 30fps. if these EH stop working then what will we be missing out on?

  6. cheers for the update! the setAllSetVariables function is exactly what we need for missions that run for 5 or so days. if I understand it, if a player disconnects with CMS injuries, upon reconnection those injuries will still be present as opposed to the current setup when they load back in un injured?

    how do we go about saving and setting these variables?

  7. I can confirm that the accupoint is causing ctd's.

    and after some more testing, it does not happen when u are using the scope, it only happens when u are looking at your character through camera or looking at someone else. I.E there is something wrong with the LODs

  8. dunno if this has been reported. when ASR is on dedicated only (not clients) all players will get a popup error "no entry bin\config.bin/cfgWeapons.ASR_optic_ip29_AI_N" and pretty much happens randomly (its hard to re create at a certain point)

    It seems this is because of the 'remove night optics' option that asr does, but even with this option disabled it still happens.

    think I saw someone mention it before, and it was met with 'you are not running correct rhs config or jointrails'

    I can confirm all our members have jointrails up to date, and the server is up to date with .15 ASR and 19Jan RHS, but all clients also run the MK18 Mod 1 jointrails and RHS jointrails, maybe there is a confict?

    we have gotten around the error by making all clients run the mod, which is ok but not ideal.

  9. just some more feedback man, lookin forward to next update. using 7.1 surround headset

    - vehicle horn and 'getting in' sfx are way to loud for me, the sound also seems to be coming from directly behind me.

    - getting startup error about a .pbo that must have got removed in last a3 patch

    - as mentioned before, footsteps and gear rattling could be expanded on

    - environment sounds, duno if its just me but on AiA maps all I ever hear is the distant wind wistle all the time

    - (mod conflict) using JS_JC_FA18 dropping gbus results in 2 popup errors and rpt spam about sound and cloudlets

    - bullet cracks seem to be hit and miss within our clan, some ppl get them some don't

    are you able to describe all the optional pbos and what they change?

    thanks mate
