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About Armalite666

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Armalite666

    One tweak that will change alot

    The AI in Arma is a damn site less accurate and a lot slower than the guys I play COD UO with. I'm crap and I can still run fire and head shot a moving target with a bolt action rifle.
  2. Armalite666

    Evolution - Single Player

    Excellent addition. As you say. To avoid the corrupted save I get occasionally, I was exiting the game and backing up the save game. The city passcode pretty much takes care of that. I have to admit thats pretty much sorted this mission for me now. I've cleared three towns single handed in veteran mode don't need the AIs so I'm not getting the other bugs. Downloaded the new version last night and cleared the first two cities again without any problems. Takes around an hour per city. I usually die around 5 times per city when I get impatient and take a chance legging it across the open. SPR rules in this mission. Hitting moving targets about 5mm high on my screen lol
  3. Armalite666

    Evolution - Single Player

    I'm having the same problem.
  4. Armalite666

    Evolution - Single Player

    I have the same problem. I consider myself being average/good OFP/ArmA player and this mission is difficult to the point it is not enjoyable anymore. Also it seems that the enemy createunit is infinite, they just keep coming and coming... I dont mind difficult fight, if its ONE or TWO fights, but to continue on when you're outta bullets ducking T72 is not enjoyable in my experience. yeah sure it may be Mission Impossible at the start while you're just a Private, but as you progress up the ranks you can constantly call in AIs to help you out of tight spots, plus you get access to better kit.... stick with it it will get easier not harder I've not used the AI's. I got to the transmitter and then had to go out. Of course I couldn't reload the game from that position. I think i gained two ranks getting there. I found the entry point into the city was vital. I drove down the runway and turned right after the open forest onto a road. There were a number of sandbag bunkers. I then made my way towards the church. I came across one squad and pretty much murdered them instantly with burst fire. I got myself into a strong hold thats only accessible by steps and sniped the guys on the hill near the church. I periodically covered the bottle neck behind me. Obviously had to displace fairly regularly and loot ammo. Took out the T72 with a discarded RPG. I then made my way up the hill to the church clearing the odd prone sniper that was left. Stormed the courtyard next to the transmitter....... Thats as far as I got. I have to admit I hadn't played in a while and my sniping was off. But I soon got back into it. I would run into the road burst fire a couple of the enemy then dive back in a building or go up the stairs.
  5. Armalite666

    Evolution - Single Player

    Good job on fixing the save, it makes this much more viable. Regarding difficulty I managed to clear the entire first town solo with only one or two issues with the local garrison.
  6. Armalite666

    Hold fire

    I noticed this issue with the aux mission where you have to blow the two Urals. I leave one sniper on the hill taking cover behind the downed Blackhawk. He stays on hold fire no problem. I take the Saboteur with me. I select engage/hold fire and get the stop sign across the squad member. he opened fire on two guards, i tested this a number of times, the guards did NOT see him. Anyway after some playing around it seems every time someone calls a target you have to order him to hold fire again. If you keep him moving while you do this he doesn't get chance. He will also stop firing if you tell him to hold fire and then halt. He'll happily sit there minding his own business for hours then. Do what I did the first time if a colleague opens fire deliberately disobeying orders. Shoot him in the head!
  7. Armalite666

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    Yep I assume the point is different for every game and every company. factors include publishers, customers, competitors, resources and loads of others I haven't thought of. The compromise may have been a miffed customer base at first or not releasing it. However, I reserve anyones right to complain if they have parted with cash to own it. Being an OFP fan for a long time (includes me) doesn't give you an automatic right to over ride everyones opinions. I mean one guy was on here going 'great game' and he didn't even own a copy?????
  8. Armalite666

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    1.Relative to what exactly? Relative to Tetris? Yes. To Battlefield? To some degree. To any other game in the genre? Can't be answered... basically, you made a point without realistic premise is what I am trying to demonstrate. It's like trying to compare Apple's with Orange's. Although, I would say this is a subjective issue. 2.Agreed 1.Relative to the other games released by professional game companies that work when you put them in the DVD drive. However, I think waiting to release would be a mistake, the industry moves that fast you need to release while your still current to catch the passing masses. Fanbois playing for a couple of years don't bring the money. On the other side of the coin there is a need to release a working product. Getting the balance is difficult. release a crap version early and bomb due to a bad reputation or later and risk the engine being out of date or even worse a competitor beats you to it. Unfortunately BIS has missed the ideal point. It's wallowing as a multiplayer game so far the numbers are too low. With a bit of luck it'll be working by the time it hits the US. Although that isn't much use to the European mulitplayer community.
  9. Armalite666

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    You have the wrong version of the patch. edit: seriously the first reaction you have to a bad patch is "i want them to go out of business!"... Â No I tried both patches they both do the same. Poor quality product on release. Far too many companies out there releasing sub standard products. The weak should go out of business. EDIT: I'm also a little confused why you used quotes and then didn't put what I said inside them. Instead you entered your own interpretation, that's not a quote.
  10. Armalite666

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    Tried muliple downloads from different sites and multiple reinstalls. I'm on 30% with the following Please be patient. This update may appear to take a long time to complete. It is updating and installing very large data. European DVD Version Verifying ArmA: Armed Assault, version 1.04... Error found in file AddOns\air.pbo (96587d7e!=fe592cae) Error found in file AddOns\Anims.pbo (5b5fdf06!=97baf62e) Error found in file AddOns\Ca.pbo (ade1e62d!=895a0bea) Error found in file AddOns\characters.pbo (c3f77098!=622f5c7d) Error found in file AddOns\plants.pbo (fde18e07!=a232fe2c) Error found in file AddOns\sara.pbo (cd1c2b2e!=4142b5a6) ArmA: Armed Assault: Updating version 1.04 to version 1.05... Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\AIR.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\AIR3.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\ANIMS.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\CA.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 The Armed Assault DVD is now a tea mat. I see why they couldn't find publishers willing to take this on. It's possibly the worst implementation of a game I've ever seen. Hopefully this will put BIS out of business.
  11. Armalite666


    I've never really jumped anything in even a modest amount of gear. Boots, webbing belts, pack, rifle. Climbing or rather clambering yes. If I say any lame ass bunny hopping in multiplayer this game goes in the bin.
  12. Armalite666

    Patch v1.05

    lol If the game hits the US in any where near its current state you can get ready. In my experience our American cousins expect a quality product and rightly so. As a result they're less likely to put up with crap that we let go. I think the reason for this is the high level of service people are used to in the US. I love going there, a customer generally speaking gets treated like a customer. There are two extremes, the I want it now crowd and the fanboi approach of bending over and gritting your teeth pretending you enjoy it. Some where in between is common sense.
  13. Armalite666

    The Great Battle - uncompletable

    I couldn't even start it. Get something about '...this mission has downloadable content that has been deleted'
  14. Armalite666

    Helicopter control

    Double post on flow ctrl
  15. Armalite666

    Helicopter control

    To my surprise I could actually fly the copters in about ten minutes. I even killed all the soldiers with the KA not just the vehicles. Although the height and yaw are difficult to set up on my Joystick as there isn't a gradient its either on or off. I'll work it out. The yaw doesn't seem to react in the way it should sometimes. Compared to the BF1942 Desert Combat mod they're a piece of cake. Mush easier than the real thing as well, so I'm not sure about the realism aspect.