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Avena Quaker

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About Avena Quaker

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  1. Avena Quaker

    official complaint to BIS

    Ouch ! All these threads make me think.... where there any beta testers during the development of ARMA ? if positive, what were they ? monkeys ? It's plain ridiculous, and irresponsible, that they had rushed the game knowing the awful list of bugs it has. I was looking forward to ship the game from EU but my interest is done with it since I have barely over the recomended requierements and people here are getting very poor performance with it. At least I could have dealt with bugs alone... Also, I find really strange that most here assume that Arma has to "necesarily" follow the same kind of "post relase development" that OFP had... thats not right... OFP started from scratch, for ARMA they already had a pretty darn good base to keep improving... Now to sleep... dirt bike tomorrow yeeha !
  2. Avena Quaker

    First ARMA impressions

    Couldn't agree more with you.
  3. Avena Quaker

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    Does the grass conceal you from the AI ? (tall grass of course, if there is any...)
  4. Avena Quaker

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Ouch I just hope they make the downloadable option avaliable and I will buy it asap... I understand nobody would like to distribute the game at this side of the world we are a tiny market.
  5. Avena Quaker

    big cities in game2

    I agree with what you say about OFP, but the hardware then didn't allow much creativity with the landscape so almost every place where there isn't a forest can allow a tank fight (even Resistance), thats not very cool. But I'm sure the complexity of the landscape will improve dramatically with g2, things like rivers in the middle of forest, creek beds, rocks, gorges, higher terain differences, etc, may improve a lot the gameplay while fighting as a soldier, making urban warfare maybe not as necesary.
  6. Avena Quaker

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I think if you collide at 100km/h with a jeep you should not survive, neither the jeep, same if you drive over a 100ft cliff (Nogova). So, realitic collision damage for vehicles. The terrain should be much more complex now that the hardware allows it (to a certain extent...), I mean not the whole islands should allow a tank fight ! I'd like to see higher elevation changes, places where the terrain is so gnarly that vehicles can't go (or just THIS ) ... more rivers, creek beds, etc ! The screenshots I have seen so far of AA doesn't show it much different than OFP in this regard, GAME2 however ....
  7. Avena Quaker

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I hope the game don't turn into a camping nightmare since there will be more vegetation than ever. But I saw a video and the M4 has a scope...
  8. Avena Quaker

    1970 vs 2010

    I prefer 1970 over 2010 any time... I wouldn't like to see the game full of fancy "ghost recon like" weapons with at least 4x of zoom, or stuff like that.. just plain old bullets please !