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Al Simmons

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Posts posted by Al Simmons

  1. After searching for personel for my Fallout weapon pack and after reading a lot of threads, in which personal was searched. I had the idea of a site in which everybody could register in and gets listed with his special abilitys. On the other side Mods/Projects could make their recruiting offers. And they could easily search and request on the personel list if they are need people. What do u think about that idea?

  2. Hm... i was thinking about that Soldierarmor scripting while i was working on my Fallout weapons. So i got the idea, it should be possible to write a script (not me iam not with scripting smile_o.gif ) that is activated when the player (NPC) gets hit by a Bullet. This script scans what kind of ammo the player was hit by. After that it starts the effect. Eg : Player (Soldier with Bodyarmor) gets hit by 9mm JHP, after the hit the script reduces the dammage the player has taken, if the player would get a headshot he would die, no matter if JHP or FMJ.

  3. Hi Ike_Trak balistics in OFP is not that realistic. The Most Addons are just using standard OFP ammo, JAM or selfmade ones. Balistics is represented through Speed, Damage (Direct- and inderect Hit), sound supression, dispersion (set through weapon) and ... nothing else i think. (Maybe i forgot something?)

    Quote[/b] ]Also as I am new I am just grabbing the basic aspects of modding the game, where can I access the data of weapons? Data about their ballstics, charactersitics, etc...

    Every Addon u place is mostly a .pbo file. In that file theres a file named config.cpp in that file all the Configurations are made. May u look for some Tutorials
