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Al Simmons

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Posts posted by Al Simmons

  1. After the pausing of the Cast Away Project i decided to finish my stuff and release it on a special site, there you can get info about it, too. You can find it here REMOVED FOR PATCHING

    all addons on the site are free of charge so please dont missunderstand the prices and BUY NOW links. Maybe the Downloads can get slow because of my Bandwith.

  2. Yeah i know that this station is not emiting anything. I suposed this should be a passive Radar, its finding Airplanes by checking changes in the electromagnetical field (dont know if iam completely right with that).

    I decided to release more pics and a Beta version, i will pause working on it until i finished my other Projects.

    Feel free to modify or improve this addon as long as you give me credits.

    Download Radarstation Beta1

    Sample mission




  3. Sure, if you want you can set up Two Groups. E.g.: One Group consist of 11 Radarstations and a second Group consists of the Aircontroller (You) and 11 Vulcan AAs. With an Actionmenue you could able to switch between the Groups. Or you simply mix one Group, 6 Radars and 5 AAs.

  4. Its a very simple system (no scripting). E.g. you are the Aircontroller (Leader of Group), the single radarstations are part of your Group, if they recon any enemy they will tell you and enemy is displayed on your map. I plan to make it a free for editing, so if anyone has the skill and time ( which i dont have) hes free to improve the system.

  5. If you think i have stolen any material from others you are wrong. First: as u can see on my Pic, there are no textures Why? because the modell is completely new. Second: I think that 3WX Radar is an static object, mine is designed to be an enterable vehicle.

  6. Iam working on a radaraddon at the moment. This addon is designed to be used in CTI MP missions. The Commander/Aircontroller can use the informations gathered by the Radarstations to react on e.g. Airraids or Paratrooper operations. In some tests with dummy stations good results were archieved. For example an COC Tomahawk was found and destroyed before he could destroy his Target. Here some sample Pics. pro3.JPG



  7. I know that the M468 uses diffrent ammo than an M4. But basicly it stays an M4. Maybe u should look for some other weapons to create (just my opinion, maybe some Prototypes that never came to Production, or some Calico variants)

  8. Ok some years ago (dont know the exact dates) there was the Carl Gustav used as heavy AT weapon at the BW,it was called Panzerfaust 1 it think, beside there was a light AT system similar to the russian RPG, it was called Panzerfaust 2. Now theres the Panzerfaust 3, i shoot with it too. Its consisting of a Cartrige (Pipe and Rocket) and the trigger unit. There are no Ilum rounds for the Pzfst3 i think because of the price. So we just use the CG for Ilumination.

    For the recoil watch this Man shooting recoilless riffle

  9. Maybe it would look more realistic if the trigger would be at the right hand wink_o.gif ; When i shoot with at the Bundeswehr (there just in use for ILUMINATION Rounds) it really hits me hard, so maybe add an asskicking recoil. pistols.gif
