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Al Simmons

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Posts posted by Al Simmons

  1. This an inofficial and maybe useless addon, dont blame BIS or me if your Computer explodes and your little sisters faces gets penetrated by shrapnels from your monitor.

    This is just a testaddon, if the community likes it and its getting used by mission maker and/or Island makers i will add some more stuff to it.

    Find it: Empty>ALs GraffityFX>...

    Included are two so called bombings (Black and silver street work) and two pieces (colorfull pictures). You simply set them by editor on a wall or something like that.

    This is just for athmosphere and to give cities a living touch.



  2. At the meeting @ the Games Convention it was mentioned that there will be Seagulls, Hawks, Bees and Flies, while demonstrating a Vulcan AA a Hawk was shot down wink_o.gif .

    Those animals will be set on the map by the Islands config. You will be able to control where and when those animals will appear.

  3. Quote[/b] ]Again some criticism

    Criticism is good smile_o.gif

    Quote[/b] ]the pistol is very, very strong - in my opinion too strong

    In my tests i needed 2 Hits (on body) to kill an enemy. I think thats not too strong. And because of the low mag capacity it needs to be a bit stronger that usual OFP Handguns.

    Quote[/b] ]The ai doesn't react when i shoot some collegues nearby. ???On the other hand they react to the harpoon still

    That didnt occured in my or Imuteps tests.

    Quote[/b] ]And what about the harpoons weapon optic?

    I didnt removed the optics because there are ironsights on the harpoons modell. Maybe ill change it when iam more pro with making ofp optics.

    But after all i think my weapons are a nice loadout for your great divers. I was thinking about making a russian APS Underwater Assaultrifle.
