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Al Simmons

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Everything posted by Al Simmons

  1. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    on both
  2. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    i think it would be more realistic to get by chopper on such high buildings than by other tools.
  3. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    Good News: WIP Status is now 95% , we think we can release it in the early next week. Bad News: Stuff like wirecutters, hooligan tool etc. will not work wit standard BIS Buildings and Fences. So in the first release they will only be athmospherical stuff. Good News: They are planned to work with deanosbeanos destructable buildings.
  4. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    this shouldnt be a problem, but it isnt planned but maybe we will add it
  5. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    Another update on the progress, as u can see some of the stuff from FAC-addon has been fixed. First a small vid from deanosbeano showing some of the tools in action. Entry tools
  6. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    I wasnt able to find a wall that could resist the power of the breaching charge Hm... i would like to see how u take down a solid concrete wall with a wire cutter. Lets see, maybe i find a way to implement those wirecutters BTW. a small update pic
  7. it seems to me that there will be no discussion about any further addons, so could please some mod move it?
  8. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    So I guess you guys sould call them Mercenaries or MERCS then as PMC has been our organization name since the early 80's. i guess u should relax a little. First: its not me who has made the PMC addon. Second: PMC is the official short version for security contractors.
  9. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    i know that the wood looks very fresh, maybe i give it a more used look
  10. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    yes this works from roofs which are not higher than 5m.
  11. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    nope i only said that Peanut will use this features for his units and they are not part of my work so there will be 2 releases, my standard BIS units equiped with my stuff and another release from Peanut.
  12. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    maybe i should call it module just to get your attention i was thinkin about other stuff, shotguns would be possible but i dont see a way to implement jackhammers.
  13. Al Simmons

    Entry tools

    yep, its planned to carry the ladder on the back and deploy it where u want,
  14. Al Simmons

    SJB Weapons Pack

    damn those Sniperrifles are looking awsome mate.
  15. Al Simmons

    STALKER like gameplay in Arma

    hm.... this is not a mod or a custom mission. If i understand u right u are only talking about how to make a little athmospheric mission, so why did u posted in A&M: Discussion?
  16. Al Simmons

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    very impressive stuff so far
  17. Al Simmons

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    nice to see u back here with the navy and hope to see more good news soon.
  18. Al Simmons

    Accuracy Editing

    i think the weapons in Arma are accurate enuff, i hope u dont use it online.
  19. Al Simmons

    SFF's Stuff

    nobody said that it is impossible to add new weapons, its a bit tricky but possible even if those weapons are not fully working (shadows, Normal Maps etc.)
  20. Al Simmons

    Lost-World Returns

    Woooo nice to see u alive and working
  21. Al Simmons

    Swiss Troops

    the troops are looking nice, even if they are just reskinns.
  22. Al Simmons

    Public filehosting

    Even if my stuff is already hosted by OFPC.de i want to thank u for your effort.
  23. Al Simmons

    Special Forces Weapons

    I think most weapons ever produced on this planet will be available for arma like in ofp.
  24. Al Simmons

    Call the EOD Module I

    @djfrogstar: would be nice if u could send them to me, btw which format are they?
  25. Al Simmons

    Training area?

    The problem with the Pop up target is that theres a huge geo LOD which remain even if the target was shot down thats bad when there are some targets in arow, better use the normal Target E