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Al Simmons

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Everything posted by Al Simmons

  1. Al Simmons

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    nice to see this mod... what exactly are your problems?
  2. Al Simmons

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    nice to see this mod... what exactly are your problems?
  3. Al Simmons

    UK Weapons

    looks very nice theres an SA80 modell from DSA maybe u have a look into it (it only has more details)
  4. Al Simmons

    UK Weapons

    heres a sample from my entry tools config, ive added an ammocrate filled with some stuff from me, you should be able to customize it for your needs. Its part of the cfgvehicles, you just need to replace my classnames and put in the classnames of your weapons and mags. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class ReammoBox; class AS_AmmoBox: ReammoBox { scope = 2; accuracy = 1000; vehicleClass="AS_Addons"; displayName = "Ammo AS"; class TransportMagazines { class _AS_Mags1 { magazine = "ASSmokeShellblau"; count = 50; }; class _AS_Mags2 { magazine = "ASSmokeShellrot"; count = 50; }; class _AS_Mags3 { magazine = "ASSmokeShellgelb"; count = 50; }; class _AS_Mags4 { magazine = "ASSmokeShelllila"; count = 50; }; class _AS_Mags5 { magazine = "ASFlashbangmag"; count = 50; }; class _AS_Mags6 { magazine = "ASstrobeIRmag"; count = 50; }; class _AS_Mags7 { magazine = "ASstrobelasermag"; count = 50; }; class _AS_Mags8 { magazine = "ASLightstgr"; count = 50; }; class _AS_Mags9 { magazine = "ASLightstyel"; count = 50; }; class _AS_Mags10 { magazine = "ASLightstbl"; count = 50; }; class _AS_Mags11 { magazine = "ASLightstred"; count = 50; }; }; class TransportWeapons { class _AS_weps1 { weapon = "AS_wirecutter"; count = 4; }; class _AS_weps2 { weapon = "AS_ladderf"; count = 4; }; }; };
  5. Al Simmons

    Partly destroyable buildings

    Making this stuff is possible with the old tools only thing missing are normal maps
  6. Al Simmons


    looks not bad, but make the crosshair smaller, this way you cant see a soldier thats +700m away
  7. Al Simmons


    looks not bad, but make the crosshair smaller, this way you cant see a soldier thats +700m away
  8. Al Simmons


    nope its not more realistic, can u use the mildots in the 3d optics? Nope. Is only the scope zoomed? Nope, everything else around is also larger? Thats not realistic my friend.
  9. Al Simmons


    nope its not more realistic, can u use the mildots in the 3d optics? Nope. Is only the scope zoomed? Nope, everything else around is also larger? Thats not realistic my friend.
  10. Al Simmons


    thats unrealistic, i think you should add an 4-12x zoom
  11. Al Simmons


    thats unrealistic, i think you should add an 4-12x zoom
  12. Al Simmons


    uhm snipers dont like to use black weapons
  13. Al Simmons


    uhm snipers dont like to use black weapons
  14. Al Simmons


    a can barely spot the weapon, could you post some other pics of the weapon.
  15. Al Simmons


    a can barely spot the weapon, could you post some other pics of the weapon.
  16. Al Simmons

    Invisible, undestroybale target

    If using it for private pleasure only you are allowed to modify the addon and increase the armor value of the targets.
  17. Al Simmons


    who made that pic? It seems that it was the monster itself btw: congrats that you got a hoster for your stuff
  18. Al Simmons


    who made that pic? It seems that it was the monster itself btw: congrats that you got a hoster for your stuff
  19. Al Simmons

    Partly destroyable buildings

    atm deanosbeano and me are working on a destroyable building system which includes destroyable doors and windows, you can see a preview in the Entry tools thread.
  20. wow, that was lots of acting work for you guys and there will be even more work when porting it to ArmA
  21. Al Simmons

    Vilas' addons

    @vilas: did you only fired your testing rounds on civilians? I guess i heard that soldiers have a working flak west. Only an idea to solve this problem.
  22. Al Simmons

    The AI of ArmA

    @scubaman3D: Please try the search and the addon research thread if you want to learn how to mod for ArmA. @Jinef: Sorry but its not possible to explain the howtos everytime someone shows up and wants to know how things are working. Btw. Jackal and Kyle only told him what he made wrong.
  23. Al Simmons

    Entry tools BETA release

    thx, for your feedback and mirrors. Please give us any feedback about your experience with this addon, especially we need infos about running this addon on dedicated servers. Soon we will release a small update, so any suggestions are welcome.
  24. very nice, i would like to see some strokegun and strokefist anims as well as some knifefighting.