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Al Simmons

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Everything posted by Al Simmons

  1. Al Simmons

    Conspiracies: The Experience

    Wow nice to hear that your still working, i had a lot fun while playing the other Conspiracies parts. Good luck. Btw what kind of jobs do you have to offer?
  2. Al Simmons

    Fallout 2 Weapon Pack

    After a few weeks of holiday, iam now returning to work on this pack. Heres a Pic of the improvised Piperiffle.
  3. Al Simmons

    Carwars 2

    Awesome work, is that truck consisting of two cars? Because of the 2 turrets visible. Or is just on top of the car able to shoot?
  4. Al Simmons

    Vespa Pack

    Wouldnt that be a little ..., i dont know, i mean..., a vespa with a recoiless riffle. Whats next? Patroldogs with mounted mortars? Hm... why not iam looking forward for your next addon.
  5. Al Simmons

    RAF Chinook HC.2

    Very nice work dude. This one kicks ass
  6. Al Simmons

    Tiberian Genesis stops the projects in OFP

    hope u will really finish that stuff when AA/ and tools will be released. That stuff realy kicks ass
  7. Al Simmons

    Personel Database?

    After searching for personel for my Fallout weapon pack and after reading a lot of threads, in which personal was searched. I had the idea of a site in which everybody could register in and gets listed with his special abilitys. On the other side Mods/Projects could make their recruiting offers. And they could easily search and request on the personel list if they are need people. What do u think about that idea?
  8. Al Simmons

    Personel Database?

    yes i heard about it. But theres nobody able to tell when OFPEC will be online again.
  9. Al Simmons

    HWMmod recruiting

    Hm sorry i would help u but iam too busy with other projects at the moment. But if u want, u can e-mail or Pm me your ideas and i will see how i can help u out with my addon making skillz.
  10. Al Simmons

    Blindo FIAT 6614 work in progress

    wow awesome work mate. When can we get the first Beta?
  11. Al Simmons

    Mapfact discussion thread

    ok may i understand u wrong. But for the pics i already have seen . By the way how did your workshop went? Merely i did not had the time to visit.
  12. Al Simmons


    upps sorry doubleposted
  13. Al Simmons


    Simply look at the first topicin this forum. Its Named "Addon Research Topic".
  14. Al Simmons

    Mapfact discussion thread

    so where can i see all those new Noe2 Pics? on your page the Pictures sections is declared as under construction.
  15. Al Simmons

    [request] floatation skirt

    wouldnt it be enough to write at config.cpp canfloat=true; ? or did i missunderstood your question?
  16. Al Simmons

    Where Is The H&K OICW & HK G11 Weapons

    Ok try this, its the link to the wse_west weapons pack containing a G11 WSE_West Weapons and for the OICW try this Inquisitors Page scroll down there for the OICW
  17. Al Simmons

    Spetsnaz Mod new island

    Veeeeerryyy nice. I like those textures. very good work.
  18. Al Simmons


    maybe u should post this at the Addon resources thread above?
  19. Al Simmons

    Vietnam Bunkers Addon

    Yeah man thats looking verynice. But maybe too nice? Will it lag?
  20. Al Simmons

    JAS 39C Gripen WIP

    Yeah do u have already ingame screens or some OË› imports?
  21. Al Simmons

    Ideas needed

    Hm... i was thinking about that Soldierarmor scripting while i was working on my Fallout weapons. So i got the idea, it should be possible to write a script (not me iam not with scripting ) that is activated when the player (NPC) gets hit by a Bullet. This script scans what kind of ammo the player was hit by. After that it starts the effect. Eg : Player (Soldier with Bodyarmor) gets hit by 9mm JHP, after the hit the script reduces the dammage the player has taken, if the player would get a headshot he would die, no matter if JHP or FMJ.
  22. Al Simmons

    Fallout 2 Weapon Pack

    Yeah i had the same ideas, but i have not the scripting skills to do the Weapon effects.
  23. Al Simmons

    Ideas needed

    Hi Ike_Trak balistics in OFP is not that realistic. The Most Addons are just using standard OFP ammo, JAM or selfmade ones. Balistics is represented through Speed, Damage (Direct- and inderect Hit), sound supression, dispersion (set through weapon) and ... nothing else i think. (Maybe i forgot something?) Every Addon u place is mostly a .pbo file. In that file theres a file named config.cpp in that file all the Configurations are made. May u look for some Tutorials
  24. Al Simmons

    Fallout 2 Weapon Pack

    ok heres the second version of the turboplazma riffle, which i like more than the version above.
  25. Al Simmons

    Fallout 2 Weapon Pack

    After a longer weekend with my girl iam back to work and heres my Beta1 Model of the Turboplasmariffle.