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Al Simmons

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Everything posted by Al Simmons

  1. Al Simmons

    Cast Away Mod for ArmA

    Thx, but is there nobody who have some whishes or suggestions? Now is the time for it, because now iam working on the concept and can add more features.
  2. Al Simmons

    Camp Craft

    Volume I is ready for download look HERE.
  3. Al Simmons

    Camp Craft

    When i was thinking about what kind of addon i could make next, i recon that there are no addons (nothing found at ofp.info or ofpc.de) including campcraft objects. So i decided to make a new addon including new fires (Smokeless heating fires, hole fires...) some new shelters, field latrine, cooking stuff. If you have suggestions what to add please feel free to answer.
  4. Al Simmons

    Cast Away Mod for ArmA

    #Update# Animals (listed in climate categorys) Tropical: -Pecari -Jaguar/Panthera -Snakes -crabs -iguanas -Putrid animal -monkeys -birds -iguana -caimans .... Arctic/northern climate: -Polar bear -polar fox -wolf -misc deer -bison -bears .... Desert/africa: -camel -wild dogs -bigger cats -snakes -vulture -rhino -giraffe -elephant ..... Eurasia: -Wolf -bear -misc deer -fox -snakes -birds -pigs If you have suggestions or wishes for more animals, write it down here.
  5. Al Simmons

    is there any police cars ?

    Please use search before posting. there was the same q some days ago
  6. Al Simmons

    Vietnam Bunkers Addon

    TY that sounds realy nice. Cant wait to test it
  7. Al Simmons

    G36 Pack

    As you can see on the pic below SF Weapons are painted with usualy min 2 colors to break the contures of the weapon. The pic is nearly as large as original weapon. (This pic is 94kB in size)
  8. Al Simmons

    Vietnam Bunkers Addon

    Yeah that look very good. But did u tried ambushes with your squad? Will your teammembers see and attack enemys when you are hiden in the bushes?
  9. Al Simmons

    House Divided.

    I used search and tried to read in this thread but i didnt found anything about western style trains. Are there some planned by you?
  10. Al Simmons

    G36 Pack

    WOW very impressive desert camo. Which army do you mean? If you mean the German army your not right. Which sense would it make to use 2 diffrent types of magazines? None.
  11. Al Simmons

    Is this release?

    AFAIK its not released.
  12. Al Simmons

    G36 Pack

    Hey dont missunderstand me, my suggestions shouldnt be an offense to you helping_hand, you said that you wanted feedback and i gave it to u. So iam working with G36 since 4 years in german army and i wanted you to make it as realistic as possible.
  13. Al Simmons

    Is this release?

    What do u mean? If u whant to know if this pack (which news are quite old). Use the search on ofp.info or in this forum.
  14. Al Simmons

    G36 Pack

    Please change the mag textures, the spring thats pushing the cartriges up is missing
  15. Al Simmons

    G36 Pack

    Maybe you should change pos of the optics, make closer to the gunners eye. But once again nice work.
  16. Al Simmons

    Camp Craft

    So heres the first ingame screen from a german group camp in snake style.
  17. Al Simmons

    G36 Pack

    Much better with those mags but the second mag (which is not in weapon) is a bit short isnt it?
  18. Al Simmons

    Ketyusha and Raab rockets

    Sorry mate i think u just posted to the wrong forum. AFAIK theres a Ketyusha in one of the Afghanisthan packs.
  19. Al Simmons

    G36 Pack

    I dont think that it would be ok to use M16 Mags. Please try to make original G36 Mags for your addon. AFAIK its not possible to use m16 mags with a normal G36, you have to change Magwell AND Firingunit (Handgrip; Griffstück). But its looking fine at the moment.
  20. Al Simmons

    'StarGate:Challanged Empires' Announced

    Sounds very nice. Will it be for OFP or ArmA?
  21. Al Simmons

    UkrMod: Vepr Assault Rifle screenshots

    Nice Pics but too large. Please read Forum rules next time. And rescale the pics before a moderator sees them and you get a PR.
  22. Al Simmons

    Camp Craft

    First your not bugging me with ideas. I need that feedback for making/adding objects for addons like this. Second: Sorry but i have not the scripting skills to make your idea come true.
  23. Al Simmons

    Camp Craft

    UPDATE Textures of german leanto with permission of BW-Mod (Thank you). Camofan German folding spade German Leanto shelter and German cooking can As you can see on the pics above iam making some german stuff, i decided to split up the pack into 3 Volumes. First Volume contains survival shelters and camp craft aswell as german camp craft stuff. Second Volume contains international military stuff. Third Volume contains civilian tents and trecking gear.
  24. Al Simmons


    I ve seen enough children in afghanstan armed with PKMs, RPDs and RPGs. Sure it looks kinda strange, but in my opinion every kid with a weapon looks strange.
  25. Al Simmons


    I think there should be kids in OFP, for the realism. If you think that its not ok to shoot them because of moral issues you dont have to, but in the other way they could kill you. A bullet from a 12 year old boy is as deadly as a bullet from an old man.