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Al Simmons

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Everything posted by Al Simmons

  1. Al Simmons

    Sahraniville Thread: UPDATED 04/09/07

    Here are some notes from my latest test (GOL RP SV Server): Shop actions still jam the actionmenue possible Fix: Using dialogues instead of actions, this would be working better, looking better and would be more easy to deal with. I know that this would cause lots of work but trust me it should be worth it. delivering point4 seems not to work correctly possible Fix: checkin the scripts weapons are lost when killed possible Fix: I know that this is not a bug but its very annoying and unrealistic when ur trying to get some weapons by looting carcasses or murdered cops and nothing is there. That leads me to my last point. Not enuff weapons for cops possible Fix: put in more weapons into the cop crates and delete the weapon vanishing scripts after kills. I know this way it would be much easyier for civs to get weapons but that should be a problem that the cops can handle. I think i found more points, but, i cant remember
  2. Al Simmons

    Sahraniville Thread: UPDATED 04/09/07

    I had a few games on the GOL Server and the one from 101st (some maybe remember the "Packsie&Ficksie PMC (Guns for hire)" , very nice gameplay and idea But theres still lots to do, iam not sure if it was statet earlier, for example. Use a dialog based menue for buying, shopping etc. because all those actions are causing bugs when not coded proper and it would be much easier to use..... keep it on
  3. Al Simmons

    ArmA Ambience

    nice too hear maybe you still have some pics from it as reference?
  4. Al Simmons

    ArmA Ambience

    Finaly ive finished the pack. After the first weeks were several people contacted me to donate objects or to take part in this project, the support went to zero and i decided to finish it on my own. Content: - maya temple - obelisk - Parthenon by Sadam - shinto shrine - Moai - stonehenge And here are some pics maya moai obelisk shinto shrine stonehenge all objects have normal maps and most detailed high res textures. I think this will be the first and the last ambience pack unless i get bored (what i dont think will happen). Credits: Sadam for the permission to convert his OFP addon Serclaes for a part of the Obelisk Download Armaholic mirror combat-prison mirror mirror from buliwyf AAZ Mirror
  5. Al Simmons

    ArmA Ambience

    thx for the praise and the mirrors. I dont think that i will make more objects in the near future.
  6. Al Simmons

    Mopar lives!

    Very good work. The modells and textures are looking nice and the sound is awesome.
  7. Al Simmons

    CRIONYK's weapon pack and units

    Nice work, would like to have them but i hink you posted into wrong subforum
  8. Al Simmons

    CRIONYK's weapon pack and units

    Nice work, would like to have them but i hink you posted into wrong subforum
  9. After nearly 3 Month of no news about my addons, iam proud the present the latest LLBrig 31 WIP report. At first there are our sniperrifles from the Arctic warfare series. AWM, AWS Covert and the AW .50 each comes in three camos fitted to the Sarani landscape. I hope we can release them this weekend since theres only some balancing left to do. Secondly, i want to present the ballistic shield addon which will also be released the weekend. The shield will be available in 2 sizes and for 10 diffrent units (SWAT, GIGN, OMON, POLICE....). The shield is able to stop every non HE-bullet fired from a handgun (i think thats a ArmA-Limit).
  10. Al Simmons

    LLBrig 31 Addon Thread

    And heres an update abaout the upcoming LLBrig31 Pack#2: The ballistic shield from the first pack is revived, with totaly new modell, textures and most bugs from the first shield fixed (carrier can now be wounded or killed when shooting often enuff or with high caliber weapons and fixed modellspeciall when shield is on back). here are two pics to show the diffrences between the two versions: New shield Old version
  11. Al Simmons

    LLBrig 31 Addon Thread

    No need to download it now because its still ArmA 1.05 config but it will be fixed soon to 1.08 . Sorry but there are no non-camoed versions of the rifles available. Update: Challenger has finished the most work on his G36k wjich will be released for CS:S and the converted for ArmA. Dont worry about the name G36k LMG its just the working title. G36k by Challenger (2048x 1536pixel)
  12. Al Simmons

    LLBrig 31 Addon Thread

    Well as i said the whole base seems to be still under construction. Intel said that theres no HQ yet so that tents could be the SF-area, but we are not sure about that yet. Last week a huge amount of pee bags and empty barrels where delivered to the camp so theres no need for luxury like toilets yet
  13. Al Simmons

    6thSense.eu Presents: WeaponPack

    Good work The only thing i dont like is the config for the M32: - missing explosion sounds for the shells - not working optics - no full auto And you could have invested more time in making your inventory pics and infos
  14. Al Simmons

    LLBrig 31 Addon Thread

    Intel reports about a small german contigent building up an PRT near the capitol of afghanistan. It seems that they already finished 2/3 of the base and we think that it will soon be ready to operate. Intelpicture 1 Intelpicture 2 Intelpicture 3 Addons: - afghanistan3 by deanosbeano unreleased - Campsecuritysection from LLBrig31pack #2 unreleased
  15. Wow, good work on that mate, iam looking forward to other stuff from you.
  16. Al Simmons

    LLBrig 31 Addon Thread

    G24 = german designation for the aw50. AW50 = The .50 version of the AWM wich is designated G22 by the german army Thx Jonny @Neph: G24= AW50 => one of the weapons available in the KSK armory in Calw G22= AWM => standard german sniperrifle since 1997
  17. Al Simmons

    LLBrig 31 Addon Thread

    Then why on earth are the shields marked "GIGN"? Maybe to confuse the terrorists... "Hey, Ali! The French are coming at us! I thought you saind we were to take over the American embassy in Berlin!!?" Well there were planned 10 diffrent shields each from an other nation/army/policeunit etc. to make a good set of shields for lots of missionscenarios, in the end i just released 2 versions ( 2 sizes) because of other reasons. @Toffie:the german KSK is the only german armyunit that uses the G24 (AW50) (iam not sure about the navy combat divers but they using some .50BMG Rifle too)
  18. Al Simmons

    LLBrig 31 Addon Thread

    @Col. Faulkner: LLBrig 31 is the short form for Luftlandebrigade 31, this is a german airborne brigade within the DSO ( Division for special operations). Its the name of our clan, we are an OFP/ArmA Coop clan with a military structure. We decided for this units name because some of our members (including me) where members of this or another airborne brigade during there duty. @helping_hand: Iam planning to make such watchtowers, too.
  19. Al Simmons

    LLBrig 31 Addon Thread

    A little WIP Update about our projects: G36k with BetaC Mag and bipod by Challenger Entrance of Camp Everon in afghanistan (Campsecurity) Entrance camp everon view 2 G24 (weaponupdate and bugfix) 1 G24 (weaponupdate and bugfix) 2 More infos about the LLBrig31pack #2 are coming tomorow
  20. Al Simmons


    Nope, not possible. But there are ways to fake trenches etc.
  21. Al Simmons

    Drago Island

    Wow, nice work take the time you need to finish it.
  22. Al Simmons

    Afghanistan Arrives to ArmA

    Yep i tested both with 1.05 and 1.07Beta, It was only working with the betapatch, with 1.05 i had an ctd. Buuuut, great work, even without any buildings or vegetation. Those "strechings" in the SE, S and SW could be used as firing ranges very well.
  23. Al Simmons

    Afghanistan Arrives to ArmA

    Nice work, i will test it right now
  24. Oh no, you was one of my favorites in OFP times. Good luck for the future for all of you
  25. Yep thats the problem, i dont think that you can switch freely between those Eye points. Every view needs an extra muzzle so maybe it could be possible when all those muzzles are using the same magazine (didnt tested yet). Well i will try it out for my HK69.