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Al Simmons

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Everything posted by Al Simmons

  1. While walking on the new Mapfact Nogova i found a small pool of water. It is looking that nice that i decided to make a fish addon for it. Back to the truth: If you want more fishes please vote Yes, otherwise the next fishes are made for Cast Away Mod. BTW: If you use Transparent water you can let them swim in the shallow coastal waters. Download here And here some Pics for you.
  2. Al Simmons

    Fish, does someone smell it?

    Hello mates this time i ve added a peacy fish and 3 Predators to our bautiful gameworld. Users of the first Fish addon should simply copy the new .pbo over the old one. Have a nice day, while fishing. Shark Model and Textures by Shinkansen, thx mate. DOWNLOAD FISH2.rar
  3. Al Simmons

    space invaders mod

    Someone mentioned that the No Chute Prob has to do with the Roadway LOD of the Model. BTW: @Hitcher i sended you a PM with DL Link for the Force Shield Addon.
  4. Al Simmons

    Conspiracies: The Experience

    Theres a secret way to a bunkersystem, where u can find the ultimate loadout (AK74 SD PSO GL).
  5. Al Simmons

    Conspiracies: The Experience

    You said you will release 1.1 if someone posts a pic of the reactor. So i will post them in the secrets forum.
  6. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    Ok, mates i will be off. for this weekend, so let me announce the Mission Objectives Module 2 Content -Dogtags -Photos -BIS Islands Maps -WW2 Blueprints -WW2 docs -data storage (USB-Stick, CD, Disk) -Drugs -Goldbar and coins -Fuel can -Enigma machine -some other personal stuff (Ring, KGB-Patch) You can use the weekend to suggest more objects and a new name for this addon See u on monday
  7. Al Simmons

    Armored Traktor

    Looks nice, did MacGyver put it together? :P
  8. Al Simmons

    Liberation 1941-1945: Patch 1.07

    Sounds nice, is a campaign included?
  9. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    Enigma machine and WW2 docs and Blueprints are already on my list. As i already said iam not a scripter and i have no idea how to combine this addon with the map-Rucksacks, but your right it would be usefull to have this possibility.
  10. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    OK, so if someone has suggestions about the new name, please post here. Gold bar added to list.
  11. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    Ok what do u think about this? Ill add those objects defined as ammocrates, each with its specific "magazine"item and only 1 magazinecargo place.
  12. Al Simmons

    Conspiracies: The Experience

    I am realy surprissed. No lags, good athmosphere and intesive firefights. I went from S1>S3>S10>C1(found here FN F2000 GL) >S10>S11>S12>S13>S14>S Industrial
  13. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    ok added. But note iam not a scripter, so i will be not able to add refuel cappabilitys to those objects, that will be work for the missiondesigners.
  14. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    That would be nice. I sended you a PM Sniperwolf572
  15. Al Simmons

    Conspiracies: The Experience

    mine is 702 MB, too.
  16. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    ok, added drugs to my list
  17. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    Its not possible to read the documents in your inventory but you can see whats on them when you put them on the ground. I think it should be simple to add a "read document" action in a mission, for example BigX did it in his great Red Shadow mission. The suitcases are not thought to blown up, there where addons for Conspiracies The Experience and there where only containers for artefacts.
  18. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    @Cpt_Smeg: If i understood you right you want some WWII Plane Blueprints and some other old stuff. Ok ill add that to my list. Maybe an Enigma could get usefull?
  19. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    The prob. is that there are only 2 Places for equipment in ofp. What if your objectives are to steal more than 2 Blueprints...? Finally i think the objects are defined as weapons. I am searching for a solution at the moment to make this addon more usable.
  20. Al Simmons

    Fish, does someone smell it?

    Hm crocs would look very strange because the fishes arent animated, its just a trick with hiddenselections.
  21. Al Simmons

    Fish, does someone smell it?

    Hm it is just a normal green ground texture. But i will make a big waterpool for those who cant or wont use transparent water.
  22. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    I was thinking about the problem you mentioned, but since iam not a scripter i wasnt able to crack this. But maybe one of you has an idea. As i mentioned this is an open source addon free for everybody to improve. EDIT: If it would be ammo you could spawn it via camcreate. But since it is the magazine based on the weapon config iam not sure if this work. But i have another solution, making static objects which, when close to them, adding player the action "Pick up AH64 Blueprint". But this will double the file size. Iam sure that theres a simple way.
  23. Al Simmons

    M8 Assault rifle

    Looking good, i added a pic where i marked the zones u should add sharp edges Sharp Edges
  24. Al Simmons

    Fish, does someone smell it?

    Which SCUBA addon?
  25. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    You can only add them to vehicles (ammoboxes, NPCs, Cars....) Sorry but i found no way of placing a single object/magazine on the ground via editor. Because the objects are defined as magazines.