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Al Simmons

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Everything posted by Al Simmons

  1. Al Simmons

    New soldier model

    it should be "MC vojakW2.p3d" or something like this
  2. Al Simmons

    Another scifi thing

    Heres another pic of the retextured M12. And a preview of the XM65 experimental weapon. (This is just the unfinished basemodell, you can clearly see that its an advanced M12 with some "special" features .
  3. Al Simmons

    Another scifi thing

    Heres another pic of the retextured M12. And a preview of the XM65 experimental weapon. (This is just the unfinished basemodell, you can clearly see that its an advanced M12 with some "special" features .
  4. Al Simmons

    Another scifi thing

    Hm... strange, if you have both files (TerrWeap.pbo and TerranSoldier.pbo) in your addonfolder no bug should occour. The classname of the RPSG is "AATWeapon" so it maybe could cause an error with an other addon in your folder.
  5. Al Simmons

    Another scifi thing

    Hm... strange, if you have both files (TerrWeap.pbo and TerranSoldier.pbo) in your addonfolder no bug should occour. The classname of the RPSG is "AATWeapon" so it maybe could cause an error with an other addon in your folder.
  6. Al Simmons

    How to make an addon

    Thx ABS_01 that was exactly what i searched @Bratty: give Gimp a try, its a really good tool.
  7. Al Simmons

    How to make an addon

    Iam searching for some help with making weapon optics. Can someone give me a link to a tut or offer me some advice?
  8. Al Simmons


    Really nice stonetextures mate, hope you will convert to ArmA.
  9. Al Simmons

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    Sounds nice, but why didnt you reduced the Downloadsize?
  10. Al Simmons

    Looking for Russian milicia

    Sorry i dont know russian militia addons, beside the Policie addon which is not russian. BTW: You double posted
  11. Al Simmons

    MODs for Original Campaigns

    Welcome to our community Padooka, you could try one of the FFUR-Packs if you want better looking units. If you want more realism, i prefer the last ECP version or you give WGL5 a try. BTW: Please read the forum rules, this question should have been posted in Addons&Mods:Discussion.
  12. Al Simmons

    P3D vehicle and MG

    You should try out Brssebs Addonmaking Tutorial which you can find here
  13. Al Simmons

    Policie Pack v1.2a

    nice stuff m8
  14. Al Simmons

    A Camo Pack

    the last ones are looking much better
  15. Al Simmons

    A Camo Pack

    Sounds nice but could you please show us some pics of it?
  16. Al Simmons


    nice to hear that you had found someone who can help you.
  17. Al Simmons

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Wow, this pack is better than i thought, nice job.
  18. Al Simmons


    @Shinkansen: If you use Gimp i may can help u with creating Alphatextures. Send me a PM and i will tell u in german. EDIT: I made a short tutorial for creating Alphatexture with the GIMP, ATM theres just a german version available. You can download it HERE
  19. Al Simmons


    Nice work keep it up.
  20. Al Simmons

    Carry Addon release

    Carry Addon This Addon was designed to give missionmakers the possibility to add more realism to their missionobjectives. For example i played some missions where your objective was to steal infos from the enemy (Blueprints, Data....) but the only thing happend when i reached the objective was a Hint:â€You have the Blueprints†. I found this anoying so i made this addon and now it is possible to add these objects to the player, so they are visible in inventory and visible when placed on the ground. I just created a invisible weapon like “Throw†or “Putâ€, which uses those objects as “magazinesâ€. This system is modular and can be improved/ added more modules by everyone. NOTE: If you add a module you have to add the new magazine names to the AS-Carry.pbo config.cpp and release with patched AS-Carry.pbo. If you want to add this addon to your units you have to type: This addweapon “AS_tragenâ€; or simply add it to the weapons in the unit config. Download FIXED VERSION 1.01 Thanks to SWAT for the help with the Mirror
  21. Al Simmons

    Has this been done yet?

    If you want your Teammembers shoot at a lasertarget they have to use Ammo which is defined to lock on Lasertargets" in the config. I tried this but it didnt worked for Ofp Bullets but for missiles and bombs.
  22. Al Simmons

    M8 Assault Riffle - minipack

    Nice work mate, is this really your first addon?
  23. Al Simmons

    Graffity Addon release

    This an inofficial and maybe useless addon, dont blame BIS or me if your Computer explodes and your little sisters faces gets penetrated by shrapnels from your monitor. This is just a testaddon, if the community likes it and its getting used by mission maker and/or Island makers i will add some more stuff to it. Find it: Empty>ALs GraffityFX>... Included are two so called bombings (Black and silver street work) and two pieces (colorfull pictures). You simply set them by editor on a wall or something like that. This is just for athmosphere and to give cities a living touch. Image1 Image2
  24. Al Simmons

    Graffity Addon release

    THX again, iam sure this will work with ArmA because its a very simple addon.
  25. Al Simmons

    Graffity Addon release

    thx mates. Which sounds do you mean?