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Everything posted by AfrographX

  1. Hi, I've a chopper that's piloted by a player and I want the gunner to point his gun always directly on the ground. Therefore I'm creating an invisible guy who's setpos beneath the chopper (only x and y position, no height). Than I ordered the heli to doTarget this guy: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ... _dir = (getdir _ch47 - 270) _posx = (getpos _ch47 select 0)+(-1 * cos _dir) _posy = (getpos _ch47 select 1) -(-1 * sin _dir) _InvisT = "AFR_Invisible" createvehicle [0,0,0] _InvisT setpos [_posx,_posy,0] _ch47 doTarget _InvisT ... The problem is ingame I get the yellow targetbox on the invisible guy but the gunner doesn't aim for the guy himself. Only when I rightclick the yellow box he targets the guy. My question is... ...how can I make the gunner of the heli target the invisible guy automatically when the pilot is a player? ...is there a way to prevent the player from un-targeting the invisble guy again? ...I've heard that I could do the same thing I'm doing with my invisible guy with a gamelogic. I've searched the forums but couldn't find how exactly I've to proceed. Could you give me a hint?
  2. AfrographX

    Dotarget gamelogic problem

    jep I think I'll return to doing that. What I tried with the gun thingie is to actually have the cargo attached to the hook. Because with the normal cargo scripts like the one from BAS for instance (which uses setpos) the transported vehicle doesn't follow the heli's pitch in a realistic manner. Try it out to see what I mean, it just doesn't look like the real thing. Especially when the heli flies banks. I guess we'll have to wait for Armed Assault or Game 2 to simulate realistic helicopter cargo transport. Btw this is what the wip version looked like:
  3. AfrographX

    Dotarget gamelogic problem

    yes I could do that, but then the gun would always be orthogonal to the chopper and wouldn't react to the pitch of the chopper.
  4. AfrographX

    Dotarget gamelogic problem

    okay I'll have a look at CSJ's hueys
  5. AfrographX

    Just how much has OFP affected you?

    My friends never understood why I keep playing the same game for nearly 4 years now. I've really tried to explain to them why OFP is THE GAME for a thousand times now but somehow they just don't get it It's so weird Another thing they totally don't understand is why I sacrfice so much freetime and energy to make high quality modells of military hardware and than publish them FOR FREE
  6. AfrographX

    Dotarget gamelogic problem

  7. Hi, I want to check if the nearestobject to the helicopter is of a certain type defined in an array: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">veharray = ["UKF_WMIK","UKF_WMIKG","UKF_WMIKM","UKF_WMIKDES","UKF_WMIKGDES","UKF_WMIKMDES"] _vehicle = nearestObject [_heli, "_veharray"] But somehow it doesn't work, I don't even get an error message. Does somebody know what I did wrong?
  8. AfrographX

    Flashpoint in the Falklands: Dead?

    Dear ofp-fan, when you would have spent the time you needed to open this thread and talk shit to just check our website http://www.flashpoint1982.co.uk/ or the official Falkands thread on these forums you'd have find an answer to your question. The way your acting in this forum is really childish and disrespectfull towards other members. And I doubt you ever had contact with a member of the Falklands mod. PS:Why is this totally useless thread still open? Perhaps we should have a pinned thread in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION explaining to all the newbies and kiddies... ...why Addons/Mods take so much time to complete ...and why it's not possible to publish reliable release dates for non-commercial Addons/Mods.
  9. thanks, that's what I was searching for
  10. Hi, I want that when a west unit is detected by an east spotter a larger east unit moves to the position of the west unit. How do I get the position of the west unit which was detected by the spotter? *I need that for a multiplayer mission with more than one west squad*
  11. AfrographX

    Relased Inv 44 Tiger by Klallo

    It's a nice addon but why is Inv44 releasing their mod as single addons now?
  12. AfrographX

    Don`t know how to fix my config!

    As far as I can see you don't have a cfgmodels section yet that's why you have to add something like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgModels { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Ship: AllVehicles{}; class BigShip: Ship{}; class BoatE: BigShip{}; class FABoat: BoatE { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[]= { "n1", "n2", "n3", "n4", "n5", "n6", }; And make sure you've edited the numbers-script to suit your ship.
  13. Thanks a lot that's exactly what I was looking for.
  14. Hi, I've a small question, I want that a trigger is only activated when western ground units are in the defined area. Not when a west aircraft accidentaly fly over the trigger! How to do? It's for a multiplayer mission with a limited number of west players.
  15. AfrographX

    Pony (pink)

    awesome addon keep up the fantastic work!
  16. AfrographX

    Falklands mod progress

    We are very active and making steady progress
  17. AfrographX

    Real life photography/photo editing

    A snowy early morning in Kiel. Thought the streetlamp made some interessting effect.
  18. AfrographX

    African Jazz

    Abdullah Ibrahim?
  19. AfrographX

    Invasion 1944 Info Thread

    I know it's offtopic but anyway I didn't start this. 1. A lot of the work that's being done on addons just isn't that spectacular/interesting. In addon-making only 40% of the whole workload is connected to things you can visibly notice. Means stuff you could make nice screens off and give to the fans. The rest is mostly boring and tedious config, script, LOD (Geo,Firegeo..) making and bug-fixing If you'd continuely report about that most fans would probably soon get bored. Furthermore it would mean more work for the addon-makers because they'd have to continuely evaluate the current state of their addon and report it to the public. It's not the addon-makers that have to change but the users. Making addons myself helped me to understand how timetaking, difficult and somtimes frustrating it can be. Many addon-users lack this comprehension. Moreover the ofp community is totally spoiled by addons, with new stuff released nearly daily. I have the impression that this sometimes contributes to the impatient behaviour of some users. 2. The cooperation between different mod/addonauthors is already pretty good. For example you see a lot of authors discussing problems on the editing-section of this forum or at ofpec.
  20. AfrographX

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    A local spotter from Malden made these photos from British paratroopers training an Entebbe-style attack: Addons: UKF Ifantry, UKF WMIK, RAF Hercules
  21. AfrographX

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    RAF Chinook HC.2
  22. AfrographX

    wipman's M4's v0.9

    wow .... another M4
  23. AfrographX

    French Riot mod for AA

    Would be more appropiate to make an Addon including spoiled french University students.
  24. AfrographX

    New Island

    excellent idea, go for it
  25. AfrographX


    that's something I'd like to do, too.