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Everything posted by Allie

  1. Allie

    DTED Format

    longitude and latitude should be universal, i've been a sailor, would be a bit strange if we all start using different coordinate systems. You mind sending me that DTED file, i wont redistibute it, just wanne see what i can do with it.
  2. Allie

    DTED Format

    Yo, Dunno but they have some free conversion tools here. http://data.geocomm.com/dem/ http://www.grime.net/gistools/ http://www.grime.net/gistools/d.htm
  3. Allie

    DTED Format

    DTED = DEM ?? Try Terragen, import there and then from Terragen to wilbur ?? Link to Terragen(its free): http://www.planetside.co.uk/terragen/ Or http://www.planetside.co.uk/terragen/tg2/index.shtml Terragen can do much more, but just use the terrain functions only. Maybe, i never worked with DTED or DEM's, have a try and lett us know. Later, Alphons
  4. Allie

    EMF to PNG

    I myself am a big fan of corel draw and paint. Nice programs but still not figured out how to get bmp's or png,s to be bigger then 10000x10000 pixels. Coreldraw is able to make pictures with resolutions up to 999.999x999.999 pixels but it can only safe it to its own format, .cdr file, havent figured out how to export it to big resolutions BMP or PNG file, everytime you try to safe or export it to EMF, PSD, BMP or whatever(corel can safe in lotts of formats) it will resize it to 10.000x10x000 pixels. Using corel 10, busy trying to get 12 now and see if they have options to create bigger bmp's or png's. My base picture is a 70.000x70.000 pixel corel draw object which i still cant export to a bmp of that size. Just to inform you about corel. CorelDraw can open and work with very big files, in size and in pixel size, crap thing is it will always resize to 10000x10000pixels when you safe it to different format then own .CDR file type CorelPhotopaint can open but will resize at opening to 10000x10000pixels. P.S. Fotoshop is able to work with files up to 32500 x 32500 pixels. Cheers, Alphons
  5. Allie

    Creating a New "Island"

    Ok i finished something, its not much but i'l make it all public, just see what you can make out of it. Its the PBO and the whole working folder with all the pics and scripts and stuff. http://www.delta-automaten.com/public/tummyland.rar Pic of the island: http://www.delta-automaten.com/public/tummyland.jpg wont be bug free tho, But at least i'm working on a "real" island now . ! Rar file about 50Mb, but it is all ! Later ps: put the tummylandv1 folder straight to your P:/ drive
  6. Allie

    png into V3

    You indeed see the google earth thingy But this is just a test, a lot of touching up sat image in fotoshop is required. This is just a way of doing it, google earth that is, its a lot of work to get all the pictures, and after getting all the pictures you have to glue them all together (very accurate, best pixel perfect match) Its very time consuming work because its only posible to take jpg's of a height of about 850 meters, this will result in a picture of a size of 700m wide by 580 m high, so for a landscape coverage you have to take quit some pictures. my island is about 3km X 3km so i had to make 5 x 5 = 25 pictures for it, the world size is 5120 by 5120 km, so the rest is water for me and i filled that with a high distance pic, just one as background for the high detail part. i made a raster jpg and used that in google earth to plot out the pictures. So u know what to take pictures of, figure it out. The result detail is 1 m a pixel Big island, i know not really realistic, but again, just the needed parts detaild rest lower detail, i just like the idea of the posibilities with this. Look at the scale , it is right, the blue are buildings, inbetween building are roads, this is correct scale, i love it. http://www.delta-automaten.com/public/yess2.jpg later.
  7. Allie

    png into V3

    Yesssssssssssss, at last result !!!!!!!! http://www.delta-automaten.com/public/yess.jpg Thanks alot all, keep up the good work.
  8. Allie

    png into V3

    Thanks you guys, The wilbur trick worked, i just opened up the terrain.png in it and then save it back as .png 16 bit scale, and its working. Thanks again for the very, very quick responds. This is actually my preffered way of making it because i now can just glue together googleearth pictures and make everything out of that one picture. Bythe way, using fotoshop and corel photopaint, both programs about the same, but both NOT safe PNG's in right format for visitor then. But no worries, then we just use yet another 3rd party piece of software (really dont get those bis guys, why not release an aplication insted of another piece of script ) Later for my next problem
  9. Allie

    png into V3

    Ok an other 48 hours down the toillete. Been busy for weeks now with Visitor3, but stll no result,anybody out there can tell me what i do wrong here. I'm trying to import a png height map, heres the pic http://www.delta-automaten.com/public/terrain.png the pbl: http://www.delta-automaten.com/public/terrain.pbl the result: http://www.delta-automaten.com/public/vissi3.jpg What the ffff am i doing wrong here ???? Thanks
  10. Ok tools you need for arma terrain editing, me myself is not that far that i can tell you HOW to make the map but i can tell you you need: * a terrain making tool some like TERRAGEN or some other tool to creat a terrain. Then u need some to convert your terrain so you can import into VISITOR, i use WILBUR for that. Then VISITOR itself, which you have to configure yourself, i still havent figured that out myself, but to be able to have objects and stuff from arma you have to manually extract them from the game directory so you need some tool to DEPBO .pbo files. Then photoshop or simular program to make your sattelite picture, layermask and stuff. Maybe a tool to repack .pbo files. But again i'm not really got the hang of it myself, it is really a pain in the ars to get the whole thing up and running. There is a lott of stuff out there to tell you how to do it, but i still havent got it all 100% to work. One thing tough, there is people who keep on talking about the time it takes to make a terrain, i dont know why they keep saying it takes months because u should be able to have the basics up in 30 minutes, i have made allrdy some terrains and the terrain itself takes me 5 minutes in TERRAGEN. The next step is my problem and that is to get all object and textures of the game in. Sure if you wanne make the right terrain and the right placements of objects and stuff this will be time consuming, but pls dont be scared of it. A simple desert island with little object on it can be created in really short time span. P.S. tool: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Tools Have fun and let the terrains roll in.