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Everything posted by AtStWalker

  1. AtStWalker

    My "smurfs" models

    ok problem 'solved'.. we are allowed to set "on surface" value only to road class based model
  2. AtStWalker

    how to merge the uv maps and the textures?

    yes, i merged the 1024*1024 textures for my baby hetzer using Pantool
  3. AtStWalker

    Need help with basics

    I suggest u to use gatebuilder http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/GateBuilder
  4. AtStWalker

    Operation WW2

    Ty Belgerot Finnally i can broadcast some screens taken ingame about the tobruk pit and the panzermauer I'm fixing the texture making that a little bit more darkest AT
  5. AtStWalker

    Operation WW2

    I uploaded the first one I'm finding an arma-based config cpp to add a static maching gun ingame
  6. AtStWalker

    Operation WW2

    tysm 1) i'm uploading more clips about the flame-mine and sWG41 from ofp to youtube and 2) i'm setting the panzermauer to play ingame (i mean Arma this time). 30 mins to go ^_^
  7. AtStWalker

    Operation WW2

    i'm sorry for that late reply, i was busy w RL Sure, the sections are legos ! and i make a new toy.. a ringstand 58c: ..and praticing arma cpp-ing.. i played w ofp importing my new toys to test textures, mass and fx (plz listen to the M19 Maschinengranatenwerfer, Abwerflammenwerfer 42 and Schweres Wurfgerät 41 sounds )
  8. AtStWalker

    Generic landing craft

    Congrats bk1276 ! (i'm making a landing craft too ) Mirror: http://www.armamod.org/listing/addons_arma/ship/bk1276/
  9. AtStWalker

    Sten smg addon?

    <a href="ftp://www.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/Up_ww2.rar" target="_blank"> DOWNLOAD (FTP#1) - modified Upminder weapons 5,45 MB</a> DOWNLOAD (FTP#1) - Upminder weapons 10,3 MB cheers
  10. AtStWalker

    Beach obstacles for d-day mission

    hang on i'm converting these things from my new one mod for arma to ofp, stay tuned
  11. AtStWalker


    modern wars no more plz, ww2 rulah
  12. AtStWalker

    Operation WW2

    thanks kristian i maked more sections of the panzermauer.. At
  13. AtStWalker

    Operation WW2

    hi we're back w others screenshots about the first minimod in planning.. A Stahlsperre (to setpos into the Tragersperre slots, making a tough DESTROYABLE road block) A Pz-Turm fur M-19 Maschinengranatwerfer And a WIP, a panzermauer (antitank wall): I'm going to add a panzermauer section w an usable tobruk and another w a "Scharte" (that's a firing port for mg/sidearms/light guns.. ) At .. We are currently looking mainly for skilled Texturers and for a Scripter.. If you are interested please write me a pvt OR register on our forums and apply in this thread posting a reply. Thanks
  14. AtStWalker

    Editing Normal Map

    i dont have PS but i can make normal maps using this tool: http://www.crazybump.com/
  15. AtStWalker


    ..pics ?
  16. AtStWalker

    Buldozer or Pixel-dozer ?

    ah problem solved.. i saved the paa to tga and export that in paa again.. problem's gone
  17. Sometime playing w O2 PE to import my Hockerlinie from OFP to ArmA i'm getting this weird trouble w Buldozer * Any solution ? I play a Sapphire 1950 XT 512 PCIe videocard, 2GB ram and a Intel Core2 6400 (2,13GHz + 2,13GHz) Thanks *
  18. AtStWalker

    Operation WW2

    ..a Pz-Turm fur M-19 Maschinengranatwerfer, Belgerot ! Actually i'm testing this baby in ofp and work so.. BRUTAL !! ( ).. atm i'm not at home (Paulie-Is-At-Work.. ) but asap i'm uploading a vclip about this beast
  19. AtStWalker


  20. AtStWalker


    Mirror Congratz John !
  21. AtStWalker

    Operation WW2

    We are currently looking mainly for skilled Texturers and for a Scripter.. If you are interested please write me a pvt OR register on our forums and apply in this thread posting a reply. Thanks
  22. AtStWalker

    Operation WW2

    Hi bratty !! Sure, Detachment IWO is only a WiP name, the real one is PTO Wildcat U great -This trailer was a trailer for the FAMO towing vehicle -This tractor was the allied (USA) counterpart of the vehicle showed above and it was called Dragon Wagon - This vehicle was called Land Wasser Schlepper and it was an amphibious tractor based on Panzer IV chassis which carried a large pontoon and a cabin Nice all for ur replies and comments ^^ i'm back w a screenshot about a Hockerlinie pack under costruction both for ArmA and OFP: From left to right: Abwerflammenwerfer_42, Hockerlinie, Tragersperre (It was a roadblock. When set at road sides, and the steel beams put into the slots, makes a tough road block.) At
  23. AtStWalker

    Mapfact releases WW2 pack by JörgF.

    ..change the side of the vehicles from east to west; change the crew scope to 2
  24. AtStWalker

    Operation WW2

    i added u