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About AOCbravo2004

  • Rank
    Staff Sergeant
  1. AOCbravo2004

    Project RACS

    Wow, that new UH-60 skin looks beautiful!!!
  2. AOCbravo2004

    Spanish Army mod pack 3

    The pack is awesome, it's a shame I can't use all the units because Queen's Gambit is required for some textures/models on some of the SpecOps units.
  3. AOCbravo2004

    Total Arma Sales?

    Sprocket and Atari so 2 more bringing the total to 10
  4. AOCbravo2004

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Great work as ususal, but not to be nit picky or anything, but Marine vehicle crews don't wear MARPAT.
  5. AOCbravo2004

    Tonal Update

    Wouldn't she want it finished more then anyone, that way you pay attention to her once it's done
  6. AOCbravo2004

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Just curious, would this work on those SLI cards that take up only one PCIe Slot??? I have a 7950GX2, while admittedly I have only one monitor (have a 2nd but it won't work on the new vid card), but it would be of interesting note for those that have that style of card and 3 monitors. <s>No. The 7950GX2's, and even the Quadro 4500 X2 only have 2 video output ports. You need two cards so you can get > 2 ports. The TripleHead2Go allows you to combine 3 displays into one port.</s> Nm that. You could use the single-slot SLI as the primary card, then cascade the slave card from there. You'll still need 2 cards though, no single-slot SLI has > 2 ports. Questions that I've got, seeing how that 79xx/19xx cards have the capability to crunch OFP at more than adequate rates, is it possible to scale it past one slaved card? Or, as you were hinting at, is the 4096x4096 maximum frame resolution? (Incidently, given that displays render 24bit even though processing is 32bit, that's 2^32, just a note to self) So this means you get a maximum limit of 4096 pixels in x or y on one card? Yeah, I realized that afterwards, as Carlos Mencia would say, I had a dee dee dee moment.
  7. AOCbravo2004

    Operation Frenchpoint Release #6

    If I recall, their weapons pack does have an M4, I know earlier versions did
  8. AOCbravo2004

    Operation Frenchpoint Release #6

    Fantastic!!! Looks great guys.
  9. AOCbravo2004

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Just curious, would this work on those SLI cards that take up only one PCIe Slot??? I have a 7950GX2, while admittedly I have only one monitor (have a 2nd but it won't work on the new vid card), but it would be of interesting note for those that have that style of card and 3 monitors.
  10. AOCbravo2004

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I recommend you contact the sellers, and have them take a picture of the key, and have them blur it out.
  11. AOCbravo2004

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Take a paperclip, uncoil it, and there should be a tiny hole underneath the CD tray, push one end of the paperclip in there and it will pop it out. @Blackdog - There wasn't a sticker with the product key on the wrapper for the CD???
  12. AOCbravo2004

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Yup, I've noticed that as well, and has jumped quite a bit. Was going to get 2GB of Corsair, it was 240 one day, and a few days later was up over 280 after a 40USD instant price cut.
  13. AOCbravo2004

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I would wait until Vista is on at least SP1, I have been very unimpressed with Vista to date. Right now I don't feel like spending a couple hundred dollars on an OS just to have DirectX 10 (since scuttlebutt is that DX10 will not be downloadable, will only come with Vista).
  14. AOCbravo2004

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I have a 7950GX2 and absolutely love it!!! I run resolutions 1680 x 1050 on my new Samsung SyncMaster 225BW, and it's been eating through games! @JdB - Check out the Samsungs, I just bought a 22" widescreen and absolutely love it, cost me $400USD but they have some really nice ones that are under 22" and under $350USD. @JdB - Update for you, I found this Samsung, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824001226 It is 20.1", supports 1600x1200, has 800:1 contrast ratio, 5ms response time, and it is only $349.99 USD, not sure what the current exchange rate is but that should be under your budget limit
  15. AOCbravo2004

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    YEah, I have to agree, I paid 1650 for my computer with an E6600, and a 7960GX2 Also, yeah, what the hell is up with Newegg changing the format of their site, it's a big pain in the ass navigating now with that huge vertical bar on the left side now. @Jakerod - It's a lot easier then you think to build a computer, if you can get to a store that sells used magazines look for a PC Gamer magazine, the cover should have PC BUILDING BIBLE 2006, at the bottom it says DISPLAY TILL JUNE 20th 2006. In the back it has a HOW TO on building a computer in like 75 easy steps, all with pictures, it also gives you a guide in how to install the OS. For the article they built a gaming rig with 1 7800GT, 1GB of RAM and such for 1459.89, all the parts were purchased from NewEgg. I'd scan the article and email it to you, but I'm on a crappy 5yr old laptop that gives me a MEMORY DUMP SCREEN every 15-20mins. The article also gives you a guide for tweaking XP.