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Everything posted by Acecool

  1. I'm sure they are going to add our badges soon.
  2. Honestly, the way that Codemasters forced OFP ( I own all OFP and ALL Arma games, expansions and DLCs ) was the wrong direction. I wish I never bought red river... Codemasters has lost touch with their roots, they have lost their direction and they have forever lost my business.
  3. Acecool

    Vehicle Mirrors

    That would be great, especially for servers that do not allow 3rd person while driving a massive truck and needing to back up...
  4. Acecool

    Vehicles, how will they be improved?

    Also, please make it so vehicles do not explode when you fire 2 bullets. 1 in one tire, 1 in another. Try it!! Load up arma 2, shoot out 2 tires and the car will explode!
  5. Exactly, remove the hassle of alt+tabbing by handling all script and folder editing, creation, deletion and organization into the editor would be a major asset to the people making the missions would help me out a little. Oh and being able to spoof a dedicated server from within the editor!!!
  6. Oh well, I've posted them on the new Arma 3 feature request dev-heaven thing.
  7. How about, include an in-game in-editor text-editor with syntax highlighting and definitions file to aid in short-tabbing functions, including the ones you make. Must be a simple directory viewer/text editor where you can make folders, make new script files, make new function files, etc etc...
  8. As a modder, I am curious to these yes\/no questions, I understand there is a limit of one per, however these are all closely related. 1) Will we continue to use SQF to code missions? 2) Will there be native database support? (One of the BIG things we as modders need, to save information for large RPG missions; if yes you can count on me being an early adopter of Arma III) 3) Will there be better sound control (Action to start sound, action to stop sound; when stopped it should stop immediately without finding a half-a workaround)? 4) Will there be a way to see when an action/key is pressed/held/released from within a script (I made a vehicle turbo script, which works under the current system)?
  9. Ok I am cleaning up the first post to give everyone a quick view on the game-mode. Key features for Arma 2 Quests / Tasks - will be auto assigned by the game-mode on a per-faction base. Police receive police calls, while civilians get calls to arms, called to protests, etc. Terrorists receive missions to destroy, gather intel, capture towns. Licensing for driving, flying etc. - Just like in real life you have to pass a drivers test before receiving it. Same thing here, you will drive through a mini game near the start of the round, car license is free while aircraft is expensive. Skills - Own Real Estate - Buy, build and protect your buildings around the map! Earn money over time based on buildings/properties owned. Protect against squatters mini-mission possibily. Experience system - earn more money at work-zones based on your experience! - Workzones will pay per second 1 exp and a percentage of your exp in money! Pretty quickly paced earning system. Cars, trucks, motorcycles oh my! Drug smuggling! Tuning cars - Drop in a turbo and tune it. Tune it poorly and there is a chance can lose your car, or your life while driving it if you blow the motor and dont get out!!! 10 star criminal rating system - If you are caught with a rating above 3, you will spend 1 minute in jail per star. Stars can be paid off at an exponential rate increase the more stars you have. You can only be punished for up to 10, but you can have more, and the more you have the more reinforcements are sent after you. Helicopters, jets, squad cars to bust your previous known locations and call reinforcements if you are there. etc.. COPS WILL NOT LOOK FOR CRIMINALS IN TERRORIST OWNED TOWNS, Criminal Civilians are welcome in terrorist towns, while innocents are NOT! Jail which could be broken out of and you regain your infamy of time owed - time served is based on about of stars you have Fully functioning public transportation system - with buses running around the map and on a tight schedule. Miss your stop? No problem shout to the driver to stop and he will let you out :-) - Also aircraft to take you from each airport around the map. ALSO terrorists will be able to receive missions to hijack planes, buses, police cars, etc.. Money system - Self explanatory - holds a double... Banking system with working credit card - Earn money, buy insurance for your health (dont drop money when you die), your bank (dont lose money when bank is robbed), credit card (Lets you spend your money while keeping it in the bank - must have over 50,000 to apply), earn an interest on money in bank. Pimping - Varying quality of whores. Smelly, std, clean, high roller etc - each of these women workers will pay you after a random time! Sometimes they are moled in on by local law enforcement and being payed can net you a criminal rating!!! Random weather - every 3 minutes weather will change - server based - finish creating function to make transitions more smooth. Quicker Time - Server based, time will advance a bit more quickly to give more variation instead of waiting for normal changes. AI Police - Civilians can join too! Police patrol cities, highways, hide in areas for speed traps, do quests. And much much much more!!! or the Arma 2 edition, I am going to change police behavior. There will be AI police, doctors, etc which will do the normal speed checks, patrol for wanted fugitives - but you can also join the police force too, done from civilian side if possible (Is it possible to change player model after they are connected?) But for the new behavior instead of them chasing you right away with stars, they will be 1 minute or so behind you if they are actively looking for you (5 stars or more), under 5 and they will arrest you if they stop you for another reason such as speeding, etc. 9 or 10 stars and you will have choppers to worry about, meaning the police KNOW where you are, and are no longer 1 minute behind. Kill choppers to gain the lead! Anyways, I used Skye as the island last time, I was looking at Ovaron this time but it looks HUGE!!! Anyone know a decent sized map with 2 airports (I want to add air travel) What is the limit of groups in Arma 2? I had to limit by bus system in OFP because I could only have 64 groups (including civilians) Can the player character/role/model be changed during gameplay? Functions! Nice! Something I like in Arma 2 lol, should cut down on some bloat code! Edit: This will be my running log of what I have working so far. Change-log [1.0.0] - Alpha - Working on 1.0 - below is what is coded. 100% -Server - vehicleTurbo - Allows turbo to be added onto cars so they go faster. Tune it correctly or blow your ride sky high! 100% - Server- weatherHandler - Server generates a random weather seed every 3 minutes and broadcasts it! 100% - Client - weatherListener - Listens for the change to be broadcast to clients and then calls changeWeather 0% - Server - questHandler - Server grabs a random quest 100% - Server - pointToNearestRoad - Causes _this to be pointed in the direction of the nearest road 100% - Server - nearestRoad - returns the nearest road within 150 units. 50% - Server - setupMap50% - ccSetupCar 50% - ccSetupCarDealer 0% - ccSetupFreeCar 50% - ccSetupCar [*] [*] [*] [*] PLEASE READ LAST POST TO KEEP UP TO DATE ON PROGRESS AND CHANGES!!! Hmm, I may just make everything I can into functions. I like that coding syntax a bit better!
  10. Not sure if I will have open testing just yet again. The server/client side work great, and I am plugging in new things. Once I have a greater set of features in, then I'll host a larger test party where a select few will be able to try it out :-)
  11. Can't seem to find it? cessnafun? Dynamic building creation on map start-up video:
  12. Can you describe it? I am going to have a lot of automated quests/minigames in the game. I may change the treasure hunt to actually give you the items you find so you can take them to pawn shops to sell, unless you find money lol.
  13. Ok everyone, I am recording High Def Fraps videos showing off some features for those interested! I will post them on Youtube, my name on Youtube is Acecool - search for Acecool Crime City and they should appear shortly! Subscribe to be updated as new ones appear! First video up: Treasure Hunting Demo: Second video: Police Car Features Demo:
  14. I can add the SUV and the police car also as police units :-) Its only 1 array of information I need to add to the claimOwnership script. [[price and other general info 0], [isHindered true/false], [hasTurbo true/false, (pounds of boost, natural top of power band speed, new top speed], [isPoliceCar true/false]] Just have to add true to that vehicle on claim ownership (which appears from the setupmap script anyway so, not hard :-)) So in order to add working women, I need to add a payment processor so I have been doing that, as well as working on the claimOwnership so people can buy police cars if they have the correct role. Quick edit, I am adding the SUV, but I do not see the police car... Do you know what it is listed under? Ok, VWGolf and SUV_PMC_BAF are able to be purchased as cop cars in all black!
  15. Siren lights now using: Red_Light_Blinking_EP1 Pro: Visible during daytime, could attach a light source to it Con: Can't speed it up? Attach and unattach properly to the VWGolf, may add other vehicle cases in, but for now it will be the car of choice for cops. Top speed will be set at 127-140mph, just like real cop cars. Changed it so if you enable the sirens, the lights enable automatically. Defeats purpose to use a siren without a light right? Going to add a place to buy working women!
  16. This weekend I will have some free time and will get working women in-game after finishing police lights that get attached from existing objects in the game.
  17. I don't really need to call out the name. The coding is coming along very easily now that I have all of the backbone done! Client/Server side communicates everything I need it to, and building on top of the infrastructure doesn't take much. It is a way I develop, backbone, then features, test features until bug free, move on... That way you see the game-mode being created, each feature at a time. For the SQL, only the server needs the dll file right? If so, I could set that up, but then I would have to make it harder to earn money so its not all 100% unlocked in 1 day :-P But the quests should be the major selling point as they give exp, and exp gives you money quicker, and education gives a multiplier to pay which is one of the best ways to start out. When I add the bank, I may add loans with high percentages, and bankruptcy, etc. And loan sharks, that will hunt you down if you don't pay them back as part of the terrorist town, or something. But yeah, doing a lot of calculus in school, learning graph theory etc etc... But I will start working more on this, try to get at least an hour in a day...
  18. Just a quick update, I havent had too much time to work on this due to school work. Sirens are going to be changed from lights, to the object that exists in the game mounted to the top of the car when activated for all people to simulate civilian cops using the light/magnet they stick on the roof lol. Then I will work on working women! I am also receiving comments from one individual in my PM box saying all of my work is for nothing, and it will never be popular! I have spoken with people in-game that have told me they have a huge interest to play it when its ready! So thank you for your concerns, but this is also going to be used as my resume, so the work is not for nothing!
  19. No problem, one quick note I just noticed: gameLogicName setVariable ["pilotFollowing", false, true]; publicVariable gameLogicName; is actually redundant! The 3rd array element in setVariable makes it public, so it should be either: a) gameLogicName setVariable ["pilotFollowing", false, true]; or b) gameLogicName setVariable ["pilotFollowing", false, false]; publicVariable gameLogicName; a and b do the same thing!
  20. Have the server assign tasks based on a number, or id - publicvariable that, and add a publicvariableeventhandler on the client to intercept, and add the objective/task based on what transfered!
  21. You can ParseText to add colors, images, alignment and make them look really good.
  22. Well, siren lights are in, but lights only work at night :-( So, I need to find a setColor command to spawn a prop, and change the color... Like one of the helper objects..
  23. Sirens now fade properly, distance is set at 100 meters with db-20 fading perfectly at that distance! Slight bug where sirens are played per car basis, if 2 close by have it, siren is heard from 1 and then the other - working on it. Might solve by causing the script to create listeners for each vehicle in range to run the sounds simultaneously - and I could add on to the framework to add stolen car notifications etc... And second issue is when the siren is in the loop - and you get out or turn it off, it waits until the end of that say3d until it shuts it off. Going to attachTo an invisible helipad and use that to emit the sound. When certain conditions are met to DISABLE the noise, deletevehicle! ---------- Post added at 09:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 AM ---------- Sirens now play properly for all units in the vicinity - not going to bother with creating an invis helipad to turn the siren off that quick. Hmm, should I put whores in next?
  24. Sirens are in game - if I dont want to setPlayer the player to a police uniform - they can become civilian/undercover police!!! Sirens sync across all clients that are within range to hear it! Siren priority can be high (intersection clearing very fast) or low (wail), and these both sync as well! Going to work on attaching lights to the undercover vehicles which are spawned as well! Trying to keep it as vanilla as possible - I might remove the 3d text from vehicles pointing out "free" cars, due to the 3d text disappearing after hours of gameplay. Changed treasure system a little bit: Treasure helper arrow shows up right after treasure spawns, 5% chance every 3 minutes for treasure to spawn in 1 of many random locations inside the treasure zone! Working on a damage handler to allow people to live longer to have more drawn out hollywood style shootouts with the police! And of course rdm is not tolerated, and the jail system will take care of repeat offenders, getting more and more cruel (to the point of being jailed until mission restarts if they get enough points because Civilians do death penalty if you have over certain amount of jail time, and terrorists randomly bring you into a room and slit your throat, and if you die while having points, you get to go back to jail :-) ) Neutral is the only one that doesnt have a death penalty, so you serve a max of 10 minutes in their jails, but they are allied with terrorists and civilian, so after you server your time, if you have time in either of those - neutral hands you over :-P Police ai get harder for criminals the more stars they have, ultimately with them sending military attack choppers after you to hunt you down! I am thinking about writing a nice take-down script if that happens. Player can try to run, but cops will be all over and it will be almost impossible - doable if you are good and well armed, but yeah :-) Does anyone remember those cops/serial killer missions in ofp, That type of gameplay will be a sub mission/quest/option to do as terrorist. Only thing for sirens - I need to make it abruptly stop the sound played by the unit when conditions are met - otherwise the low priority can go on for 5 seconds, high for 4 seconds after conditions met. Sirens can also be attached/detached with 2 lines of code so ai sirens wont be difficult :-) Oh, and a big thing I hate about some games - they do not handle SELF DEFENSE!!!! Self defense will be weird to handle, but it will show who damaged who first, how much, if it was a weapon, determine if intentional, if so give go ahead to engage and kill attacker! That will be in place to prevent rdming, also in place will be scripted crimes!!! So if you want to rob someone in the street, you would be able to with a dialogue situation, etc. So there would really be no excuse for people of the same factions or allied factions to kill eachother, just take down the enemy!!! so there will be some CTI in there as well...
  25. Instead of adding/removing actions, I recommend adding conditions to the addActions, so they are there when needed! Example: // Add the actions for lock and unlock. _temp addAction ["[ Unlock ]", "Client\f_toggleCarLock.sqf", [], 6, false, true, "", "locked _target AND alive _target"]; _temp addAction ["[ Lock ]", "Client\f_toggleCarLock.sqf", [], 6, false, true, "", "not locked _target AND alive _target"]; Both of these actions call the same script, 6 is the priority (shows up at the top of the action menu), and the conditions are if its locked, or unlocked display the appropriate text. With yours, if the target is moving, show stay, otherwise show follow. The pilot should be spawned via editor, or via a server script. addActions should also be placed by the editor or by a server script. This way, if the target is moving, some other player cant come up and say follow, because the server is controlling the actions! Next up, the script you execute which handles the moving should be done clientside via the action - everyone should see the same thing because the pilot is under the control of the server, but being ordered to move by the player! The case you really need to handle is moving. The action for stop, should force the pilot to stop, and the loop which is causing the movement needs to see if the pilot stopped at all, you if you want to be safe! Another way, could be for the STOP should only execute this: gameLogicName setVariable ["pilotFollowing", false, true]; publicVariable gameLogicName; And the Follow should getVariable ... to make sure the player in control OR ANOTHER PLAYER hasnt ordered the stop. and then execute gameLogicName setVariable ["pilotFollowing", true, true]; publicVariable gameLogicName; when follow action is pressed OUTSIDE of the loop. Also execute doMove in the loop to the players position if the player has moved at least 1 or so meters away.