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Everything posted by Acecool

  1. Acecool

    Disable motion blur?

    This motion blur only happens when I am walking on the ground and turning, when I am flying I have flawless fps.. I have quad core, 4gb, 8800gt oc, xp Playing the Demo, I was about to pre-order, but Securom and a few things broke the deal for me... Deal breakers for me! 1) Motion blur, only happens on the ground 2) I cant walk normally while holding the gun, there is only fast forward and really fast forward, or EXTREMELY SLOW forward...... I like OFP where you can walk slow, walk faster while holding gun, and sprint with gun down 3) Steering in vehicles sucks with the mouse - make it like ofp where you look where you are going instead of having to hold alt! 4) Moving the mouse has minor delay in land vehicles, and while walking - this is the only game that has this delay and I run crysis, farcry2 and others at 1920x1080 full settings with no frame drop, no lag - smooth is key guys!!! 5) Air vehicle controls are extremely poor, you can no longer rotate the helicopter left/right with the pedal keys! 6) No way to rebind the ALT key to something else? 7) No way to invert the mouse ONLY on aircraft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I was going to buy this game, but as said the above broke the deal for me... I think I will stick with Operation Flashpoint and Operation Flashpoint 2 when it comes out - they have controls etc down to an art while Armed Assault 2 just.... has something, and its not good..
  2. Acecool

    What weapons do you own ?

    Generally not. I dont take the Browning anywhere  The Glock 25 is used for inner european travels and security jobs we sometimes have to do. I chose it cause of it´s good balance, grip and the magazine capacity. I certainly would not take it into an abroad mission cause ammo support is not always granted for non-staff weapons. Anyway we have a rather open "custom" rule. Weapons we use are sometimes modified to fit the special wishes of the owners. Some of us have laser pointers at the G36 for CC. Some also prefer the K version of the G36 to the regular version, so they take it when they are sent abroad. It pays to be no regular grunt. The K version is designed for Mountain units and paratroopers. It is basically the same as the G36 but the shoulder piece is foldable. http://www.hkpro.com/image/g36kfold.jpg It´s good for housefighting and CC to have the possibility to fold the shoulderpiece. Wrong.. The G36 shoulder piece is foldable, the K version is slightly shorter.. Edit: When I was forced into the German army, I used the P8, G36, and the Mg3 (If you play day of defeat, the MG42 is the MG3, just a different name - and the nazi signs taken out)
  3. The Eventhandler is not removed when you die.. It sticks with the corpse and does not get added to the new body.. You have to add the eventhandler again when the unit spawns..
  4. Acecool

    Why does mpmissions goto tmp folder?

    Ok i found the way. Make your TMP folder READ ONLY It prevents ofp from deleting it and its contents. Just tried it and it works :-) Enjoy
  5. It gets annoying to ALT - TAB or CTRL-ESC etc each map just to move it to your mpmissions dir Why did ofp put it into the tmp dir, and have it deleted, Some missions are 2 mb large, takes me about 10 seconds to download on most servers, BUT downloading them every single restart, or reassign is just mad.
  6. Acecool

    Why does mpmissions goto tmp folder?

    I hope no one cares bout the double post Sorry, the search button wasnt working, I found a few posts BUT NO ANSWER I think I may have a sollution In your ofp dir, Make the TMP folder READ-Only when leaving ofp it DELETES THAT DIR not the contents, so ill try that, maybe triple post :-/
  7. Acecool

    C h e a t e r!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bn880 @ Aug. 07 2002,14:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yes thanks for reporting this InqWiper, Acecool was doing the exact same thing on www.MTCO.com, I was staring at him and shooting him in the head for 10 minutes as he was firing off 20 laws at a time at nobody. Â People just complained of lag. He is such an asshole, I was looking right at him and he was telling me he doesn't cheat... eventually the admin saw it and booted his ass. EDIT: I realized you got his ID... GOOD JOB<span id='postcolor'> Ok AS I SAID, I am NOT A CHEATER. #1 You were not shooting me #2 I was not shooting 20 laws as that is NOT POSSIBLE
  8. Acecool

    C h e a t e r!

    Hi all, Ok first of all, I wasnt cheating, I shot the scorpion 20 times, reloaded, shot 20 times, reloaded, etc until I was out and then stole ammo from the people I killed. Those explosions in town, I made a joke about somones eating chilli or something, NO I wasnt placing satchels or shooting rpg law aa at whatever, I have no clue how those explosions were accuring Next up The counter strike list Acecool 489429 30.1.2002 OSH #1 I do not play counter strike, I played half life when it came out, then i quit, it just got too boring, i sometimes play mods such as vampire slayer, dragonmodz, or science and industry, no counter strike. That is my player ID, but no, I was not cheating, I was actuatly on a network today and my ping was higher than normal, maybe it was lag, I dont know. Please do not accuse people. That is all I have to say, I have been kicked out, hopefully not banned, from 3 servers, they say check this post on this site, All I have to say is WTF, I am not a CHEATER. Good day. EDIT. Just read fathur, Ok, the grenade thing? I had a m16 or whatever, so no that was not me, there is a guy I have seen that ADMITTED to using a cheat who was on the server, name was Batatis or something along those lines.
  9. hey, im a n00b to mission editing but try to hilight all your group members then place the waypoint maybe then it will work?
  10. Acecool

    Respawning..need help?

    nice, but how in the blazes do u get them to respawn ontop of where they died?