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Everything posted by Axek/Axyl

  1. Hey Everyone, I made a config file that changes the scope of the Guerilla East and Resistance units and groups (well created new groups based on BIS West Group definitions) so that they're visible in the Mission Editor. i.e. You can add them easily to the map from the GUI. These aren't new units, I'm just exposing the hidden units that BIS already implemented. (They by default are only visible for West.) The Offroad and Offroad Armed are also included. Players of your mission won't need the addon to run the mission (because there's no new units). The same addon also works if you are running VTS - just have the addon on the server, no need to be on each client. For MCC you would need this on both the server and Game Master's client. Download here. Source code is here. Axyl.
  2. Axek/Axyl


    Great Idea. Anyone have this automatically loading on their Dedicated Server? Can't get it loading for us.
  3. Hey Guys, I can't remember off hand what I did there, but I know it was accurate. :) I think the raster did have a buffer or something at one end. I'll try and have a think about it.
  4. Hey Everyone, Edit: First Release post. Edit: Example of full unit tracking replay. I've been working for a little while on an automated AAR generator tool. Through a combination of an extension and addon, it tracks your player's group recording members, position and any contacts. At the end of each contact, it records friendly and enemy wia and kia (along with total rounds fired). The intention is to create a partial AAR that players can then flesh out later with text or refer to in a forum thread after an op...or perhaps to create a set of Contact Reports that players can create a report around. There's a bunch of possibilities here, such as just running server side and posting results automatically to a WordPress page or Forum Post or having an ingame replay system. The first version's goal is to just have it generating the content on your local machine, so no other player also requires it, with a reporting tool that can generate BB Code suitable for pasting. Note that I'm setting this up for coop groups, such as our own CTB. Currently the BB Code is generating things like this... +0:41:41: In Contact, initiated by B Alpha 1-1:2 (Base). 1,092 metres SW of Poliakko. +0:47:03: Section members changed to B Alpha 1-1:2 (Base), B Alpha 1-1:3 (Oly), B Alpha 1-1:4 (Kushluk), B Alpha 1-1:5 (Hangfire), B Alpha 1-1:6 (marty), B Alpha 1-1:7 (Axyl), B Alpha 1-1:8 (EvilRooter) Section Leader: B Alpha 1-1:6 (marty) REMOTE +0:49:34: Contact ended. Duration: +0:06:31, Rounds: 392, Participants: B Alpha 1-1:2 (Base), B Alpha 1-1:6 (marty), KTP_BLUFOR1, B Alpha 1-1:7 (Axyl), B Alpha 1-1:5 (Hangfire), B Alpha 1-1:8 (EvilRooter), B Alpha 1-1:4 (Kushluk) with Friendly KIA: 4, Friendly WIA: 3, Other KIA: 15, Other WIA: 4 I've also been playing with a separate review mission that can read the reports and show a track on the ingame map... That's a real game example of a disastrous mission the guys played last week. :) Note that the extension is saving the data to a text file, one per mission, not straight to a database. If a decent Google Maps API compatible map of Altis is released, then this could easily put the reports up on that, showing track and contact reports. If you're interested in this for your squad, then let me know. I will be releasing this to all, including source code for the extension, but it's not quite ready for that yet.
  5. Since Blake's Player Radar doesn't work in A3, I made a very simple substitute... While holding down your Commanding key (Normally the ~), any friendly unit within 75m of you, and visible to you, will have their player name shown at their character. No more asking which one's Barry any more...now you can determine it yourself! Download my Recognition "Where's Barry?" addon from here. (Updated to 0.2 - 7 Nov 13) Axyl. ---------- Post added at 00:52 ---------- Previous post was at 00:50 ---------- For reference, the actual code for this is really short, in case anyone wants to play with it. // only works if you have a GUI silly...maybe HC check too? if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; waituntil {!isnull player}; sleep 0.01; addMissionEventHandler["Draw3D", { // Key Press check... if (inputAction "forceCommandingMode"== 1) then { private ["_friendlyUnits"]; _friendlyUnits= allUnits; //_friendlyUnits= playableUnits; Commented out as playableUnits doesn't include those "dead". { // Are they less than 75m away from us...and on our side...and not us? if ((player distance _x)< 75 && {(side _x== side player)} && {!(player== _x)}) then { // Can we see them? if (!(lineIntersects[eyepos player, visiblePositionASL _x, player, vehicle _x]) && {!(terrainIntersectASL[eyePos player, eyePos _x])}) then { //if !(terrainIntersectASL[eyePos player, eyePos _x]) then { // Are they in a vehicle? if ((vehicle _x)== _x) then { // No... drawIcon3D ["", [1,0,0,1], visiblePosition _x, 0, 0, 0, name _x, 1, 0.04, "PuristaMedium"]; } else { // yes... drawIcon3D ["", [1,1,0,1], visiblePosition _x, 0, 0, 0, name _x, 1, 0.04, "PuristaMedium"]; }; }; // end of intersect check }; // end of distance/side check } forEach _friendlyUnits; }; }];
  6. Great to see this being put out in public Kush!
  7. Looks good Inexus. Did you update the tool to create those mission links on the fly? Might be better to call them in from a separate javascript file? That way you don't have to keep re-writing every file each time there's a new mission? I've got some fixes coming for my version too, that covers better unit symbols and support for the various sides.
  8. Here's my backblast code if you want to use it/chop it up/use it for inspiration... private ["_unitFiring", "_weapon", "_deathRange", "_deathAngle", "_countKilled", "_countHurt", "_launchers", "_islauncher"]; _unitFiring= _this select 0; _weapon= _this select 1; _deathRange= 8; // 8 meters. _hurtRange= 25; _deathAngle= 30; _countKilled= 0; _countHurt= 0; // Extra Launchers... _launchers= ["av_at4"]; // and those BIS ones that start with launch_.... _isLauncher= ["launch_", _weapon] call bis_fnc_inString; // Should it have backblast? if ((_weapon in _launchers) or (_isLauncher)) then { // What units are near the firer... private ["_units"]; _units= _unitFiring nearEntities ["Man", _hurtRange]; { // Not ourselves... if !(_x== _unitFiring) then { // are they not blocked by wall? private ["_notBlocked"]; _notBlocked= lineIntersects[aimPos _unitFiring, eyePos _x, _unitFiring]; if !(_notBlocked) then { private ["_inAngle"]; _inAngle= [getPosATL _unitFiring, (getDir _unitFiring)- 180, _deathAngle, getPosATL _x] call BIS_fnc_inAngleSector; if (_inAngle) then { // within 8m Dead... if ((_x distance _unitFiring) <= _deathRange) then { _countKilled= _countKilled+ 1; _x setDamage 1; } else { // Hurt them...with just the tip. _x setDamage ((getDammage _x)+ 0.25); _countHurt= _countHurt+ 1; }; }; // end of inAngle check... }; // end of check for unit not being blocked from weapon. (i.e. wall.) }; // end of check that it's not the firer... } forEach _units; }; Not sure why you'd put backblast in a medical addon though?
  9. Axek/Axyl

    Mobile Phone based DAGR

    For the map tiles, I exported the map via the Topography cheat and then cut it up with Map Tiler. Two of the tile sets are in the download area for my mass AAR, if you want them. But some of the CTB guys have also taken higher res images and created better detail tiles. Yet to finish up integrating those. I also wrote a map scrolling script that moves through the map at different zoom levels, taking screenshots and saving them preset as tiles. (The extension takes a screenshot and cuts up only the relevant pixel area desired.) But it needed a bit of polish and in retrospect, the detail we have works well already.
  10. Hey Everyone, Rosuto's ACE DAGR in A2 used to annoy me in that you had to use the mouse to interact with the keys. (So I wrote an A2 Addon that used a map mouse click to add a waypoint to the DAGR.) For A3, I thought it might be interesting to try and make a similar DAGR that runs on your mobile phone instead. While you're in game, with a GPS, the addon would send your position and other navigation details to your mobile phone, which is running a DAGR interface to display the data. The app would be able to work with waypoints etc and be (arguably) easier to interact with than an on screen version. So far I have... Developed an addon that grabs your positional details and sends it to an extension. Developed an extension that sends that data over UDP to a configured destination IP/Port. (This extension could be used by any A3 code to send UDP based data to any destination) Created an Android prototype app that displays that data, updating every ten seconds. Screenshot of my Android app showing the positional data. For simplicity (and laziness) the datagram packet is in JSON format, currently looking like this... {"x":1795.38,"y":5844.65,"alt":5.50144,"dir":139.823,"spd":13.2} If anyone's interested in creating an iPhone version, then let me know.
  11. Axek/Axyl

    Mobile Phone based DAGR

    That's not difficult at all. My AAR (link in Sig) essentially does that now, just not in real time...and making it real time isn't a big deal. (My code is there for anyone to modify.)
  12. Played our first mission on a map besides Altis last night. (Sangin, using Kushluk's DICE mission.) Click on the image below to go to the live AAR. The AAR recording was also done from the server, rather than from any connected client. No server frame rate drop was noticeable, but we didn't have a big load running either. (It's a Friday night, most of us have better things to do.) All the downloads on the website will let you run the same as this. From the web site point of view, I'm trying to avoid requiring PHP, .Net or Java, so there's no dynamic server code. So currently there's one HTML file per map, but I'll fix that up once I rearrange my javascript logic.
  13. That's a shame. It's something that I love having in ACRE. (The external speaker operation for most vehicles)
  14. Hey All, I've put up the prototype of my next AAR based system - the one that produces web based reports and tracks all movement/firing on the map. Instructions and download links are here. Source code is also on that site if you're interested in the various parts. Would appreciate your feedback. Cheers.
  15. Hey Mate, Thanks for the post. It's coming along. Haven't had any hiccups with any player numbers, though now we're playing on different maps - I've yet to grab tiles for each of those. The web interface code is really a prototype and needs to be written well...plus made map agnostic...to get it out there. (It's also centric to West human players) If you'd really like to run the prototype code, then get in touch through a PM?
  16. Version 0.3... * Checks eye position against eye position, rather than your eye position to other player's feet. * Fixed issue with height position of text when units are inside buildings. * Font size changes depending on the distance the unit is away from you. Download here.
  17. This is an addon, so install it like any other addon you might be running....and it will mean that you can use the FIA units (or faction if you will) on the three main sides...West, East and Independent...rather than just West. (It doesn't add extra sides to the game.)
  18. Thanks for the response. From a batch file/command prompt.
  19. Hey Major, Is there a way to run the build command direct from the batch file, rather than needing user input? Such as public methods we can call directly inside your jar?
  20. Axek/Axyl

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Hmm, you've got something wrong there, because I made a cfgGroup to override your "Middle Eastern" to "Middle East" (and fixed the spelling of Sergeant - in cfgGroups) and whola. Works fine in MCC. ie class CfgGroups { class EAST { side= 0; name= "OPFOR"; class caf_ag_me { name= "Middle East"; class Infantry { name= "Infantry"; class 10_men_ME
  21. Axek/Axyl

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    That's because the faction name is different in the groups to the individual units. I'm guessing that Ohally slipped up there. If you make your own cfgGroups that uses Ohally's units, where the Faction name matches (or Ohally makes a change for that) then you'll be golden in MCC. (Both your server and whomever's running the MCC console will need that new config.)
  22. You can try the existing release to see how that impacts performance, but either way, it has does have an impact because it's script that's running when any unit hits or fires along with overall position data taken every n seconds. (Currently on ten seconds in my tests.) The script (and external dll) are both pretty brief...current source code is on my website (for the released version). Note that this can run on any client or server, it doesn't have to be the game server...so it could run on a HC. For the tracking of projectiles, I'm only grabbing the direction of the bullet as you fire and storing that last angle for every data update. Not doing any average calculations, arcs etc. Though I'd like to try that out later. In the end though, you'll only know if you try it out. We're running a slightly large coop mission tomorrow night, with arguably 80 units to be tracked at any one time, so it'll be interesting to see, because this will be the first time with the projectile angles being stored. In the meantime, here's a recorded AAR from just throwing a few AI squads together...though I played too. http://combatteambravo.com/aar/massaar/sample/#zoom=5&lat=-163.4375&lng=70.484375&position=0
  23. The web interface isn't out yet, but it's coming. Here's an example of what's working now... Units that are firing are drawn solid, others are transparent. The little red lines are units that fired in the last ten seconds and an example direction of their fire. Black dots are dead units.
  24. The Empty type seems to be missing for the first factions for West, East and Resistance, since update 23? I tested this with no addons, running on the production version of A3.