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Albert Schweitzer

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Everything posted by Albert Schweitzer

  1. Albert Schweitzer

    Trigger activation by "camera"

    I am not sure whether this has already been mentioned or whether the suggestion itself is nonesense. In the editor triggers can mainly be activated by objects/vehicules/persons, why isnt there "camera" also to be found in the dropdown list? I am aware that currently it works the other way around: we manually script the camera to go where the trigger is activated. But in the end this makes the process too complicated. In order to do it properly you have to work inside the sqf's and cant do it in the Editor. Example scenario: In a cutscene someone would like to show various explosions on a map and he wants the camera to move there when it happens. Wouldnt it be so much easier to just say: when the camera is touching the trigger the explosion should take place?
  2. Albert Schweitzer

    man sitting at the edge of a rooftop

    Disabling the Anim certainly works! Unfortunately I need them to keep moving a little so they dont look too rigid. Nevertheless I found the solution. Both, the target object of the "attachto" command as well as the person to sit on top have to face the exact same direction when the mission starts. Dont ask me why.
  3. Hello, I am facing problems to making a man sit at the edge of a rooftop. Whereever I put him he always drops down to the lower level. I tried lots of different combinations but none seems to work. The best positioning results I achieved with setPosASL but still he apparently seems to glitch down. Any way to realy hardcode him at a certain altitude? Any clue of what else I could try? Any way to try attachto here?
  4. Albert Schweitzer

    man sitting at the edge of a rooftop

    trying out both right now. The H strangely lets itself position quite well, I get the person to the right altitude, but the animation is screwed. The person constantly turns to the left and back like an endless loop. I checked out other animations but it doesnt help.
  5. Albert Schweitzer

    CiA co-op night

    I will definetly join after my small video project is finished.
  6. Albert Schweitzer

    So which video game actually had the best AI?

    The example of PacMan wasnt so stupid after all. In the end the quality of the AI is about making the gameplay harmonise with the player's experience. A good AI is making you forget that it actually is AI. It doesnt necessarily have to be smart at all. The only game where I didnt notice that everyone had left the server was Counterstrike Source.
  7. I guess this sounds more complicated than it is. During a cutscene I wish to blow several large multi-floor building. The idea is to make it appear like a time triggered chain of explosions, (5 explosions per floor). e2vMIqXkV-k Guess what happens: at night two commandos sit on the roof of a large building and enjoy their (fire)work So the requirements are the following. -script I can use over and over again (approx 30 bombs) - able to individually define altitude of bomb plus location (marker?) - defining exact timing so I can orchestrate it accordingly. Not required: - building to actually collapse. - since I can set up everything manually I dont require a large clean script to manage everything. I have time and can put (e.g.) tons of markers for each explosion on the map if required. - CPU performance is also non relevant. Would you please be so kind and suggest a tiny script I could put into an sqf? - bomb type (large) - location (marker?) - altitude - time any piece Advise is realy much appreciated.
  8. Albert Schweitzer

    scripting controlled building demolition

    The script works smooth as melted butter.
  9. Albert Schweitzer

    scripting controlled building demolition

    Thanks AZcoder, I very much appreciate that you are taking the time. I will try it out later this evening. I guess if it works in the mission I will sort it out. I will give feedback tomorrow of course. :)
  10. Albert Schweitzer

    ArmA II focusing too much on realism?

    Since OFP Resistance we had definetly been missing an "underdog" story. Back in 2001 we were thrown into battle as a a total unexperienced grunt. It was fantastic to feel, that the M16 in our hands was a yoke and often totally irrelevant to the outcome of a mission. It was about staying behind, keeping the head low and spraying & praying. It felt good not being in charge and just following the experienced team leader Those missions picked you up as a beginner and pushed step by step ahead into taking more curageous actions. But often I asked myself "for what are we fighting for"? This is when Resistance came along with Victor Troska. He had something to fight for and a real life-story. The concept of OFP just harmonised brilliantly with this campaign. Victor had gained some experience, just like us, but he had no military means and so had to learn dealing with what was available. Each mission felt like an achievement. You were happy for Victor and those in his team who survived. But ArmA1+expansion? Even after years of playing I still feel kind of silly to act as leader, it just feels unreal (especially with the complex team-commands, stealing time and athomsphere). It was more about bug-managment than about swimming along with the plot. Operation Arrowhead? I cant identify with a bunch of Söldners, especially not when they are cliché americans. Overarmed, overpowered, killing squads like flies. Rushing from the left of the map to the right of the map, "all, get back", "7, gunner, board jeep... 7 get out... 7 board jeep". I hope BIS soon gives us a simple protagonist again, with simple means and simple people to follow him, but fighting for a noble cause. I want the old resistance-camp-fire feeling back.
  11. Albert Schweitzer

    scripting controlled building demolition

    Strangely there is no explosion. But I guess I did something wrong 1.) Created bomb.sqf with your code and put it into the mission folder 2.) created marker called "bombs" 3.) set a trigger to exec "bomb.sqf" Anything missing here?
  12. Albert Schweitzer

    scripting controlled building demolition

    Cant wait to get home from work to try this out. Many thanks!
  13. Albert Schweitzer

    scripting controlled building demolition

    Jep, I actually tried this. But it appears the bomb doesnt keep the altitude but drops down to the ground. bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle [(getPos gamelogic1 select 0),(getPos gamelogic1 select 1), 10] the second problem is of course that the building collapses right away! But that is step 2 then! :rolleyes: BTW: for setHit I would have to know the name of the part being hit. E.g. "motor" or "hand"
  14. Albert Schweitzer

    scripting controlled building demolition

    A tiny hint would already help. I have no problem doing the research from the scratch if I only know where to start.
  15. Albert Schweitzer

    ARMA 2: Merchandise. For Sale?

    The initial list presents ordinary merchandising for an ordinary game played by ordinary people. I guess you see whats wrong here. This function is wrong. ArmA is not a normal game and not played by "normal" people. There is a certain will to differentiate ourselves from the rest. So I would go for more adventurous items. E.g. printed Altama Boots Bottle of Nogova wine ArmA Telemark Ski :D ....
  16. Albert Schweitzer

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    reaching 25% of my video. Damn, too much work goes into it. But this time I realy want to finish it. :)
  17. Albert Schweitzer

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    The scene transition at 1:48 was fantastic! :eek:
  18. Albert Schweitzer

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Very nice Spirit. What software were you using for video editing? :bounce3:
  19. Albert Schweitzer

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Hey Litos, welcome back! Just to let you know, I havent dropped my website project yet. But the movie virus caught me again so I am starting a new short film. BTW: how is the hand held camera shaking effect used in ArmA2. Is that scripted or done later on via editing software.
  20. Albert Schweitzer

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    thats a pretty nice vid. Why dont you use acctime to be able to overcome the FPS problem?
  21. I Thank you a lot for your help. I will try it and confirm afterwards :).
  22. Hello, I got a little rosty with scripting so please assist. Simple question for a video scene: I want to create several objects (vehicules) in a row, one after the other at specific locations. So I must somehow set the location (I guess the easiest it with marker) and the time when each should appear. All I want is objects to pop up in my scene and I will harmonise it with music. I need to put quite a lot of objects. So my main concern is having to define the exact locations and time without too much intensive scripting, best by using only the editor.
  23. Okay, the script works perfectly fine. I just need one excemption to this rule. -> I want to place object A -> the a second passes -> place object B on top (with setpos) unfortunately with the script above this is not possible. It somehow erases the setpos information I entered into the objects "init" field. Consequence: Object B is below of object A. Do you know any line I could add to the script and then save it as "posMe2.sqf"?
  24. Albert Schweitzer

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    I am working on project too right now ... got some good ideas but I guess too little time (as always) I take a month and see how I progress. Nothing fany. Just a little out of ordinary, no story, no combat footage. BTW: I remember that with previous games it was possible to place trees and plants on the map with the Editor Addon that unlocks all objects. Is that still possible? Or alternatively anyone knows an addon with lots of vegetation for the editor?