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Posts posted by Airwolf

  1. Cinematic I made for my gaming unit.


    Some Mods Shown - ACE3, VSM Gear Pack, EricJ UH60, Firewill F16, RHS, Konyo MH47, CUP Terrains, GOS Gunkizli, SMA Weapons, Spec 4 vests.


    Hope you enjoy!


    • Like 2

  2. I would like to change the dispersion of the helicopter miniguns. I'm sure there is a variable in the config but I can't find it. I've searched and found various posts on this  topic but no definitive answer. I just want to remove the laser like qualities of most of these weapons. I'm happy doing it as a mod where I reference the base class with adjusted weapon values, I just need to know which value controls it.


    Thank you.

  3. I'm trying to fix a Helicopter so that it rolls on the ground, it's an arma 2 blackhawk port much like the others out there but it stops dead when it hits the ground and won't roll.


    The wheels are defined in the config with


    Is there anything else that needs to be defined to make the wheels roll, or atleast act like a low friction component?


  4. Request: Can you nake a variant of your uniform with the collar up like you have shown, with nomex flight gloves instead of the blackhawk style gloves?

    Id like to get a good pilot uniform going but we lack a good flight suit model with the right gloves. The army air crew uniform is basically what you have made just with different gloves.


  5. It happened before the magazine script, it also happens when i make a "filtered arsenal" using the ACE/Ares presets in 3d editor and zeus.


    When the players go to load a kit, it freezes the game for about 20-30 seconds.

    I also tried removing the magazine script and doing it manually, it still freezes the game, so it's not the custom lookup, it's the act of whitelisting that is causing the freeze. 


    I have been on other servers before though with white listed arsenals and not ran into this. Any idea what the issue could be?



  6. Thanks Kylania,


    Only issue I am having now is that when you click the "load" button, it takes a bit to bring up the arsenal, usually kicking people from the task force radio channel on our teamspeak server and then bringing them back in due to the game freezing.


    Any idea why this is? I'm guessing it's because they have to load the script each time they access the arsenal, is there a better solution?


    Thank you.

  7. I'm trying to open some p3ds in object builder, not for the purpose of modifying, but I need to find the names of certain components.


    The wiki (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Object_Builder) says that you can open binarized p3ds to view these things, but it just crashes when i try to open them.


    Is there another way I can view the named properties and LODs? I don't need to modify the model.


    Thank you.

  8. I'm working on a helicopter config to enable advanced flight model, i've defined the class, and i've got the code as follows:

    		class RotorLibHelicopterProperties: RotorLibHelicopterProperties

    Advanced flight model is working, but on standard flight model the helicopter acts as if the wheel brake is on (which it can't be because that option doesn't exist in standard)

    So what happens when you land is that the helicopter lurches forward and stops.


    I really don't care about AFM, what i'm trying to make work is the rolling landing part in standard flight model, which I thought was part of AFM.


    Hope someone can help.


    Thank you,

  9. I've seen this done in other uniform packs, where they have re skinned the TFAR radio packs or made new radio packs that act as long range radios. I have been unable to find the appropriate config to make this happen, I've tried pulling apart said mods to find the code, and found nothing other than a reference to the TFAR model. I cannot find any information on the TFAR webpage either.


    Please help!


    Thank you.

  10. This is the full script.

    //Init stuff
    _crate = _this select 0;
    ["AmmoboxInit",[_crate,false,{true}]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;
    //Lists of items to include
    _availableHeadgear = [
    _availableGoggles = [
    _availableUniforms = [
    _availableVests = [
    _availableBackpacks = [
    _availableWeapons = [
    _availableMagzines = [
    //Populate with predefined items and whatever is already in the crate
    [_crate,((backpackCargo _crate) + _availableBackpacks)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo;
    [_crate,((itemCargo _crate) + _availableHeadgear + _availableGoggles + _availableUniforms + _availableVests)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
    [_crate,(magazineCargo _crate)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo;
    [_crate,(weaponCargo _crate)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo;