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Everything posted by Airwolf

  1. Airwolf

    Helicopter landing gear?

    so, how would i make the gear emulate the door, is there a special command?
  2. i remember being told that in resistance we would be able to have helicopters with retractable landing gear, i need this to get my airwolf addon working, can anyone offer some insight on this issue or some facts? BI? thanks.
  3. Airwolf


    Hey, that oil rig will be cool, will you be able to land on it? i noticed that in resistance you can land on top of the flat buildings now, maybee the same can be done for the rig and future ships.
  4. i dont think they are reading much of the forums at all lately...
  5. Airwolf

    So whats your favorite part of nogova?

    I really expected more when they announced a new castle, i hoped for something you could go inside of sort of like the everon castle, but bigger and better, maybee not ruined. I think i like the towns the best, also which goverment compound do you speak of? you dont mean the small area with the old factory and hangers do you?
  6. Airwolf

    Voice chat?

    when multiplayer and i press the caps lock key it would appear to change into a talking icon? is this some kind of a voice communication in the game?
  7. Airwolf

    Operation flashpoint for me?

    if your willing to keep your graphics turned down, i would say the lowest computer that can handle ofp is a 350mhz with a modest video card, something 32mb or above, radeon or geforce. i used to have a 350 and i played the entire ofp campaign on that.
  8. Airwolf

    Operation flashpoint for me?

    if your willing to keep your graphics turned down, i would say the lowest computer that can handle ofp is a 350mhz with a modest video card, something 32mb or above, radeon or geforce. i used to have a 350 and i played the entire ofp campaign on that.
  9. Airwolf

    New fire?

    In the mission where you are supposed to rescue liz and the other prisoners at the cutscene there are some incredably fire effects on the vehicals, how do i access these fire effects? anyone know? thanks.
  10. ok, i just beat resistance, weak ending... and i watched the credits, is there supposed to be a special end mission or cutscene? maybee victor comes crawling out of the desert or something, did anyone get a special mission like the status quo in the orginal?
  11. Airwolf

    No special end mission like in orginal?

    could you send me your resistance.sqc file? i would like to see that movie.
  12. Airwolf

    Who's your favorite 1985 character?

    wasnt koslowski the medic?
  13. Airwolf

    What ever happed to this skin?

    http://www.codemasters.com/ofp-resistance/images/screen4.jpg That was one of first new skins seen i think, but yet hes not in resistance? How come?
  14. Airwolf

    Model samples

    When we first got oxygen we where told that samples of vehicals would be released for us, am i stupid and have they been released? Or not?
  15. Airwolf

    Resistance buglist

    -if you set raise or lower altitude, up, down, and set the commands to buttons on a joystick the buttons do not respond. When on ground you can start the chopper using the up button but after that it will not go up or down.
  16. Airwolf

    A big problem with resistance ˇˇˇ

    I would recomend doing a complete reinstall, unstall everything, save what you want, user files are such, addons, then uninstall ofp and delete the entire codemasters folder, install ofp, and resistance if you have it, make sure everything works then add your addons and user files.
  17. Airwolf

    Resistance flickering textures?

    i think i might as well buy a geforce 4. if that would fix the problem?
  18. In resistance now triangles on the road textures seem to dissapear sometimes, its most anoying! can anyone help me with this problem? I have an ATI Radeon 8500LE 128mb video card. With the latest drivers, i just downloaded them.
  19. Airwolf

    Resistance flickering textures?

    Suma, what else can i do to fix this?
  20. Airwolf

    Resistance flickering textures?

    ok, i got directx 8.1b and installed like the site told me to, i also checked the apature size, it was already set to 256, i put it back to 64, after doing both of these the problem is still not fixed.
  21. Airwolf

    Resistance flickering textures?

    If i run it in t&l the ground flickers white. I will try directx 8.1b, and the apature size.
  22. Airwolf

    Resistance sight seeing?

    What are the best placing on nagova to go an visit, the really good places, such as the caslte on everon, or gubas mansion on kolguljev, easter eggs, or just places you know BI spend some time on.
  23. Airwolf

    Resistance flickering textures?

    how would i get directx 8.1b, i am running XP
  24. Airwolf

    Resistance flickering textures?

    Suma, here is a screenshot i just took of the problem. http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users....06dMwjJ if that link doesnt work let me know, my server is down and im forced to use yahoo briefcase.. i dont know where else to upload a image to.